Reunited, - thor ragnarok

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Tw/ throwing up .

"Hey big guy" Thor approached the hulk, his voice soft.
"The suns getting real low" Thor told Bruce, who repositioned his helmet with a grunt.

Y/n became cautious, scared for Thor, believing he was an idiot.. all while dealing with another wave of nausea that they used their powers to overcome. Now wasn't the time.

Yet despite y/n quietly shouting at Thor, he leant his hand out placing it in the Hulks palm.. "that's it. The suns going down.." he smiled.. before the inevitable happened, the hulk grabbing Thor by the legs and swinging him to the ground repeatedly.

Y/n had no way of preventing it, but they could prevent Thors final landing as he was swung across the arena. They simply gave him a softer landing.  Y/n being unaware that they were next on the big guys hit list.

Immediately beginning to charge at them. And all they could do was run. Y/n was running for their life, had never pushed themselves this far. Panicking as the hulk etched closer and closer,

They closed their eyes, reopening them to see they were on the hulks back. "TELEPORTING?"
They shouted at their mind in shock, ignoring the literal physical shock on their neck from doing that. With no thought, no remorse, they choked him with their powers.

Only leading to the hulk Tumbling to his knees, his face colliding with his own hammer from Thor. And somehow that wasn't enough to keep him down, y/n even shot fire at the hulk but he was a force that also wouldn't give up.

It got to the point that y/n even managed to lift the hammer, Of course by using their powers to do so.. managing to hit him on the back while he was beating the actual shit out of Thor.

There was no power left in y/n, well no strength at least. So much that they disappointedly fainted, just as Thor managed to electrocute the hulk..

They immediately sat up, coughing and choking on their own spit. Confused to where they were as their eyes adjusted to the lights... this wasn't home.. Asgard. this wasn't the arena.. Y/n was pushed back down by a hand, given a glass of water to stop them from getting anymore dehydrated. Everything came to focus.

Lokis face in front of theirs.

"Thor. Where is he." Y/n panicked, which was not what Loki believed y/n would say once they had awoken..

that wave of nausea returned.. so bad that without intending to Y/n broke free from Lokis grasp, running cluelessly to the toilet where it all emptied out. His hand rubbed circles on their back, with his free hand pinching his nose at the foul stench y/n left.

They jumped back up, limping, but acting like they weren't bothered by the sick. Loki grew confused, watching them just climb back into bed. "He's in the other room."

"Can I see him?" They asked. Disappointed when the god shook his head. They didn't argue, too tired to fight back, however he questioned them.

"Why do you wish to see him so much?" There was jealously on his tongue, heavy dislike that
y/n had grown an attachment to him over recent time. Y/n rested their head on their pillow, avoiding eye contact. "Because I trust him right now.."

"And not me?" Loki quickly replied.

They let out a sigh, feeling the bed sink as he sat on it. "I have literally just been in a fight, I think I should be allowed to see if he's okay."

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