The downfall of Y/N ~ part 2

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Edited: 16.5.2020

EDITED 3.4.2022 WOOO
Y/N pov ~ 


Under the pale moonlight,
they sat at the edge, looking out beyond.  Just silence among the two, just the sounds of nature and the hustling of the trees filling it in. They turned their head, glancing at the god. who appeared to be focused on himself, who was offering up freedom, something that Y/n craved - Although they panicked on what they should do, go with the god? and lose their friendships..? But freedom. They wouldn't give them that.

Y/n exhaled, cursing  that this was for the best. "I want freedom.." His eyes peered at them, grinning his teeth. 

   This was the downfall of Y/n.

It wasn't long before you and Loki were taken back to base. For Loki, he was locked in a cell. Whilst for you, you locked yourself up in the comfort of that bathroom. Hiding your panicked state from the eyes of everyone watching through those horrid cameras.

You prayed that Loki had a plan, as Steve's words were haunting you. A reset. You were aware that you were mostly human, you bled like a human, you had thoughts like a human. In conclusion you weren't a robot.

So what was a reset?

Gazing back into the mirror, your heartbeat spiked. Normally, it was yourself staring back, talking to you; the voice. But today, it was Loki.
Your breathing grew more rapid, more intense, your chest heaving up and down as the God had a Cheshire Cat smirk painted on his face.

He bursted into laughter.

"Why are doing this to me." You replied.

Suddenly, Realising the consequence of your own actions.  You needed to see him, you needed to speak to him.

Noises rang in your ears, one after another. And with sudden blink Loki had vanished, whilst millions of glass shards were littered across the floor. Of course followed by the thunderous bang at the door. You gawked down at the ground in terror, treading carefully as you made it to the other room. Hoping that it wasn't Nick fury.

Before you could even open the door, it bolted open itself. A tall unfamiliar and bulky man, smiling at.. you. "Y/n! It's so good to see you!" He cried joyfully, wrapping his muscular arms around. squeezing you tight in a suffocating hug.

You pulled away, blanked face. "I'm truly sorry, but I don't know who you are.." you said in the nicest way possible, fearing for the worst.

His aura grew cold, his brows immediately furrowing.. eerie silence followed. As the strange man took in the non existent decor of your room, he was in shock, there was no personality whatsoever.. only a bed and a heap of clothes stuffed into a corner. Those clothes being all the same thing.

He felt sorry for you.

Now fixated on the camera, he pointed, "why?"

You couldn't help but laugh painfully, "I'm monitored. I'm considered dangerous." it was like a threat that didn't scare the strange man.

It was followed with more silence.

"The y/n I knew you as happy.." he paused for a moment, sighing sadly. "Where did you go? Why did you leave! We were so worried!"

  You grew more uncertain of who you were. This person.. knew a lot that you didn't. "What is your name?" Is all you replied with, ignoring every question from before.

"Thor odinson. Lokis brother."

You still had no idea who he was, you shook your head in a sense of sorrow. "I wish I knew you. I wish I knew the answers to those questions, but I do not. I'm y/n L/n, but I don't know who y/n was before. ." You shrugged.

Stepping forward, you hugged him this time, just enjoying it while it lasted.. aware that the cameras were watching.

You never had visitors, especially visitors who knew you. It was at the moment, you truly figured out that Nick fury took your memories, and they were going to do it again.

"I wish to chat longer. but I'm needed right now."
You sighed.

Thor pulled away, with just a sad nod, hope then glimmering in his eyes. "I shall talk to Stark!" He happily declared, finally smiling at you again. The god continued, "you take care in the meantime L/n." He spun around, and walked out of the door. Leaving you to your thoughts once more.

You waited a moment, 2 minutes to be exact, all to scuttle away.. determined to find Loki.

You had no problem with tracking him down, and even as your heart thumped rapidly, you knew somewhere that you needed to do this.

He stood in his lonely isolating cell, pacing around, taking an abrupt stop once you came into his view and a wide smile sweeping on his face. "Y/n." His voice hissed.

You weren't scared, just scared of the people watching. With a simple glimpse, all cameras were immediately busted, giving you complete privacy with him.
"I knew you'd come and see me" Loki spoke as you etched forward to the glass.

You let out a small smirk, "what was so predictable?". Folding your arms across your chest.

The god chuckled, "The greed you have for freedom.".

You nodded lightly, humming and agreeing. You were fine until a sharp pain corrupted your mind, the prick was invading your thoughts. So you did the exact same to him, "your brother shines in the spotlight and will be king.. you're jealous! you're treated like an outcast because you're not actually related to odin and Thor." You spat, aggression in your tone.

Jumped by the sudden bang on the glass.

"How dare you." Loki darkened.

  "Don't intrude my thoughts then, I would gladly tell you anything you needed to know."

You had now calmed, regaining yourself, however your legs and hands shook violently.. you couldn't help but place your hands on the glass even though Loki actually kind of scared you. (In the moment).

if it wasn't for his fascination with you, you would probably be dead.

You sighed shakily, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, it just happened.". At this point, Loki had came close to the cell walls himself, leaning forward, staring closely at you.

  "You are truly interesting." He himself, had calmed now.

"Keep whatever memory or thoughts you saw of mine safe." You warned like a threat.

Lokis brows furrowed, ultimately confused by what you meant. Your anxiety was rising, and these moments could be your last now.

"What do you mean? You amuse me."

You shook your head repeatedly, "no." Pausing for a second to just catch a breath, tears were almost forming in your eyes yet you thought it back. you weren't showing any weakness to this creature in front of you.. "I don't have much time left. I've learnt that all my memories will be gone soon. It's not a joke.."

nearly finished editing this chapter woooo, 4/3/2021

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