ch. 82-Hospital

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Ch. 82-Hospital

*Niall's POV

We cancelled tomorrow's concert, and we're back in a London hospital with the amazing Danielle Peazer.

It took a few hours to get here by airplane, but we're here supporting her. We love her, and want her to know that. But, sadly Liam isn't included in this little get-together. Liam came on the plane back to London with us, but Liam decided to hang out with Olivia, while the rest of the boys took a taxi the hospital.

I actually do have some pity for Liam. He thought Danielle aborted their baby. He has the right to be angry, and not believe me. This would be a very sick joke don't get me wrong. But it's not a joke, and it's defiantly not funny.

Everyone is here in the hospital. We take up the entire waiting room. Max, Madison, Louis, Zayn, Harry, Danielle's Mum, Dad and Sister, Eleanor, Emily, Cameron, Danielle's friend Sydney, Violet, Samantha, and Perrie. We take up the entire waiting room. Danielle's not responsive right now, but she's breathing.

We're not aloud to see her right now. Doctors are about to begin an emergency C-Section to save the baby. We've been told it's a 20 percent chance the baby will live. If the baby does live, there's a 89 percent chance the baby will either be blind, deaf, deformed, disabled, autistic, or dyslexic.

Perrie fell asleep in a chair, Max and Madison cuddled together on her lap. Zayn sat in the chair beside Perrie, his head leaning on her shoulder as he snored. Harry and Samantha are having a flappy-bird contest in the corner, and talking about how Samantha is going to become Harry's paid assistant.

Louis and Eleanor are very tired, but they're not asleep. Cameron and Emily keep crying, preventing them from sleeping. Eleanor's kind-of angry with Louis right now, because Eleanor's having a hard time taking care of the twins on her own. Someone's going to have to take care of Madison and Max if Danielle dies.

I tapped at my chair while Violet laid her head on my shoulder. She shuffled, sitting up and stretching her arms. "How are you doing?" I asked, yawning. "I'm fine." She replied, taking out her phone to check the time. After she checked the time, she slid her phone under her thigh and leaned her head back onto my shoulder.

"Niall," She whispered about 10 minutes later. "Yeah?" I questioned, tilting my neck to see her expression. Can I talk to you?" She asked, biting her bottom lip nervously. I nodded reassuringly, "Of course. I love you."

She smiled, standing up. "I want to talk somewhere more private." She whispered, looking down at her converse. I nodded, standing up. I put my hands in my pockets, still nodding. "Um... I need to see a doctor..." Violet trailed off, peeking over to look around the waiting, room to see if anyone had heard her.

"Are you okay?" I questioned, worry washing over me. She shrugged, avoiding eye contact. "O-Okay, we'll get you a doctor. Whatever you need." I agreed, sliding her hand into mine. She forced a small smile, as I lead her down to the elevator. I pressed the button, and waited for the elevator to reach our floor.

When it got to us, it dinged, and the door opened. A nurse with an old man in a wheelchair wheeled out. We stepped in. Violet pressed the button for the 6th floor. "Why do you need the 6th floor?" I asked, itching the side of my jaw. "Cos... That's the floor with the doctors I need." She subtly explained, releasing my hand.

I just nodded, as the elevator doors closed and began carrying us 3 floors up. I squeezed my eyes shut, as the elevator slightly dropped us at the end of the ride. The doors opened, and the sound of crying babies immediately filled my ears. Three distraught ladies and one man climbed into the elevator. Violet and I patiently stood in the back corner of the elevator, waiting for the other people to get in the elevator, first.

One young woman was very pregnant. She looked as if she was going to give birth any day now. She was accompanied by a tall, mean looking man. "Wasn't Bill due two weeks ago?" Asked the man, taking a cigarette out of his pocket. "Yes... I'm very sorry Bill, but I can't control when he's born. And I thought we agreed that we were naming him Christopher Allen?" The woman quietly responded.

"You're such an idiot, Mary-Anne. I get to choose the name because I am the father. I have the name Bill, my father has the name Bill, and so does my Grandfather. Our son is going to be named Bill." He responded, taking his sunglasses off his head and setting them on the bridge of his nose. "I'm sorry." Brunette Mary-Anne responded, slightly rubbing her giant stomach. Bill just scoffed, lighting the cigarette.

Bill turned to her, squinting his eyes and lifting a hand. If this Bill guy hits her, I'm hitting him. "Please don't hit me." She whispered, tilting her head away from him. "I'm sorry, Bill. I'll try and get the induced as soon as possible." She pleaded. He inhaled the smoke from the cigarette, and blew it towards Mary-Anne.

"Fine. Let's go." Bill said in annoyance. He dropped the barely-used cigarette on the ground and took Mary-Anne by the wrist. "You made me waste a cigarette." Bill muttered. He dragged her back out of the elevator and down the hall. I took a deep breath. I can't believe how hard some peoples' lives are. I should have stepped in to help that poor woman. If that man abuses Mary-Anne and their son, I'll find out. I swear. I have my ways.

One of the other women had a three-year-old girl on her shoulders, a very old Nokia cell phone tucked between her shoulder and her ear, and a stack of papers in her hand. She looked to be about 20 years old, and had bright blue eyes. She had a glassy layer of tears covering her eyes.

"I'm sorry John... I'm pregnant again... No, please. I didn't mean to get pregnant the first time and you know that. You're the one that pressured me into doing it with you when I was only 16. I know you've been paying child-support... Jo-John please... I love you... John? Hello?" The woman hung up, tears in her eyes.

"Was that Daddy?" The young girl asked her mother, craning her neck to look at her mothers' expression. The mother gulped, nodding. "Um... Daddy won't be able to come to your birthday tomorrow..." The woman told her daughter. "Why not?" Asked the young girl, sticking her bottom lip out.

"Um... Daddy's not very happy with Mommy right now. Okay?" The woman asked her daughter, shoving the stack of papers into her messenger bag. "Does Daddy not love me and you anymore?" Asked the daughter, eyes drooping in sadness as if she already knew the answer. "I love you very much." The mother smiled, eyes warming at her daughter. She young girl forced a smile, but eyes were glassy anyhow.

The last woman was very young. Probably 16 at the oldest. She was about 5'4 with big and shiny brown eyes, long blonde and curly hair cascaded down her back. She was wearing very stylish clothes. White skinny jeans, sheer pink tank top with a white crop-top underneath.

You could see a 3 or 4-month pregnant belly peaking out from under the crop-top. She was pregnant. She held a black and white ultrasound photo in her hand, a nervous look on her face.

"C'mon Niall, before the doors close again." Violet interrupted my thoughts, as she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the elevator. Why are we on this floor? Is Violet... Pregnant? Am I acting stupid and blind? Should I have noticed, earlier?

"This way to reception..." Violet whispered, holding my hand tighter as we passed a large window. Inside the window were about 40 beds, with small babies inside each one. Each baby was wearing either a blue or a pink little hat. Violet avoided eye contact with the clean and clear window.

"Hello... I need to see a nurse." Violet said, smacking her hand down on the reception-counter. The dark-skinned lady was startled, but nodded. "How far along are you, and do you have an appointment-" The receptionist began to ask. "Um, I just need to see a doctor." Violet interrupted. The woman looked from Violet, to me, to Violet, to me.

"Oh, I understand. Yes, Dr. Anthony Poach can see you now." The receptionist said, typing some things into the iMac computer. "A male doctor? For my female girlfriend?" I asked in a very protective voice. I slid my hand out of Violet's hand, and wrapped my arm around Violet's shoulder.

"Don't worry. He's very professional. He's married and has four children." The receptionist smiled, passing Violet a number. "When your number is called, go to room 907." The receptionist smiled, as Violet slid the number into her pocket. "Thanks." Violet thanked the woman, as she slid her hand back into mine.

We walked down the hall towards the waiting room. Violet stayed completely silent. "Violet," I started so say. "Are you sure everything's okay?" I questioned, knowing that she's hiding something from me. She stopped walking abruptly, and turned towards me.

"If you insist on knowing right this moment... I think I'm pregnant." She whispered quickly, eyes darting around me to see if anyone had heard. Why is she nervous about this?

"That's amazing," I whispered, shaking my head. Wait. Now I'm the one whispering. She flicked a strand of hair out of her eyes, and bit her lip. "I'm young. You're young. You're always working. I'm a nobody." Violet listed our relationship problems. "I don't care. If you're pregnant, I'll quit being in One Direction I swear. All I want if for you to be happy, and for our baby to have an amazing set of parents."

Wanted to do two parts(:
QOTD- If Violet's pregnant, boy or girl?
QOTD- Do you feel worse for the lady with the three-year-old girl, the pregnant teenager or the 2-week-late woman with the abusive husband?
Love you! xo, A
Liam James Payne
Danielle Claire Peazer
Max Ethan Payne

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