Ch. 53-Pregnant

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Ch. 53-Pregnant

*Eleanor's POV

The audience clapped for Danielle, Madison, Max and Liam. I smiled, clapping along with the others. "I love you." I heard Liam whisper to Danielle. "I love you too." Danielle whispered back, looking into Liam's eyes. It's actually crazy how perfect those two are together.

Even with my pregnancy emotions, I know their love is real. I slightly rubbed my bulging stomach. I had to wear a baggy sweater today so that nobody would see my tummy. It's getting big.

"Okay, okay," Said Tom, signally the audience to stop clapping. "Let's talk to Eleanor and Louis next," Said Tom, turning towards Louis and I. The crowd gave polite applause for Louis and I. At least I'm not being called a beard. Yet. I put my hands on my stomach, and gulped. I don't feel so good.

I felt my stomach lurch, and I pursed my lips tightly together.

"Babe?" Louis whispered, noticing my sickened expression. "I'm fine," I quickly whispered back, gulping the sickness back down my throat. "Let me know if you need to go," Louis whispered. "Thanks, Lou." I said quietly. The sickness will be well worth it when I get to hold my brand new baby in my arms.

Tom calmed the clapping down once again. "So Louis, seems like things are going great with you and Eleanor, here." Said Tom, flashing a grin. I looked at Louis to answer, afraid that I might vomit if I opened my mouth. Louis seemed to understand, "Yeah Tom, it's been amazing. Eleanor is amazing. I love her."

The audience quickly clapped for Louis' statement. "You're going to be fine," Louis whispered to me while the audience clapped, But I'll try and do most of the talking, okay?" Louis assured me, "So that you don't accidently throw up or something bad like that." I nodded, trying to force myself to believe that I'd be fine. "So Eleanor, how have you been doing, lately?"

My eyes widened. Tom shouldn't be talking to me. I'm just the girlfriend. "Uh, Eleanor's been great. Lots of modeling opportunities lately, and she's been enjoying her time at Uni." Louis answered for me. I thanked my boyfriend with my eyes. Louis smiled, and put his arm around me protectively.

"Thanks Lou, but I was asking Eleanor." Said Tom, turning back to me. "Actually, Eleanor has a sore throat this morning, and can't do much talking." Louis lied. "Come on, I'm sure she can manage a few sentences. Come on, El. Say something to your fans." The burning vomit began creeping back up my throat.

I opened my mouth. The moment my lips were parted, I regretted it. I clasped my hand over my mouth, and stood up "I don't feel well," I said quickly, moving my hands from my mouth to my stomach. The crowd gasped as I fell to my knees. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I looked towards Louis.

Louis quickly stood, "Someone get her a trash can!"

But it was too late. I began vomiting all over my heels. "Eleanor!" Louis exclaimed, bending down next to me. Tom began using his hand to slice across his neck, signaling the cameraman to change the camera angle away from me. "Let's go to commercial." Said Tom with a large, fake grin. "When we get back we'll talk with Niall, Harry and Zayn and their beautiful ladies!"

The cameras red live light turned off. "That's break!" One of the cameramen yelled, putting on a baseball cap. "Are you okay Miss. Calder?" Tom asked me, bending down beside Louis and I. "I'm fine," I managed, wiping the excess vomit off my cheek. "Someone get Miss Calder cleaned up!" Tom yelled to his staff, loudly clapping his hands to get their attention.

A worker nodded, and dashed backstage. He came back with a mop, water-bucket, and some tissue. "Thanks," I said, wiping the vomit off my face. While the staff cleaned up the vomit, Louis helped me up and sat me down on the sofa. "Feeling better?" Louis asked. I nodded, wiping a stray tear out of my eye.

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