Ch. 47-Miss. Palvin

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Ch. 47- Miss. Palvin

*Violet's POV

"Niall..." I whispered, as I scrolled through twitter. I crossed one of my arms across my chest, and shifted uncomfortably. "What do you need, babe?" Niall called from the kitchen. He's making me some spaghetti. I don't know why, but I've wanted spaghetti for a while now.

"Um..." I whispered, not sure of how to ask this. Niall came inside the living room. He had a chef hat and my pink apron on. I forced myself not to laugh. I have to be serious right now.

"What's wrong?" Asked Niall, seeing my expression. He stepped closer to me, and put his hands on my shoulders. A tear rolled down my cheek, as I looked down at the carpet. "Hey, hey," Niall whispered, lifting my chin. Slowly, he leaned in and kissed my lips.

I quickly pulled away from my boyfriend, and turned back to the ground.

"Violet," Said Niall, ducking down so he could see my face. "What's wrong?" He asked once again. "What were you doing on New Years Eve?" I asked him, finally looking up. Once I said that, Niall turned and began itching his neck. "Uh, recording the music video with the boys."

I looked back down at the screen of my phone. I looked back up into Niall's bright eyes. "Do you know Barbara Palvin?" I asked him, as I began to chew on my bottom lip. "Uh..." Niall whispered. I saw the top of his shirt begin to soak with sweat.

"I've uh... seen her around." Niall admitted. "Is that the whole truth?" I asked, sniffling. "I... um..."

"Because I happened to find a picture of you and her on New Years Eve. And you just happened to be kissing her on the cheek." Niall gulped, and stepped towards me.

"I'm so, so sorry Vi. I honestly thought we were going to be recording that night, but at the last minute management gave us the time off. Zayn went to Perrie's hotel to see her, and took her to midnight ice-skating. Liam went to grab something from Sophia's house that Liam had left there on Christmas. Harry went to go visit Kendall at a ball drop, and Louis just went back to the hotel for sleep. I would've come see you, but we weren't in London for the video, and it'd take too long to get home. I've hung out with Barbara before, and I thought I'd meet up with her." Niall rambled.

I remained silent. "Please, please forgive me." Niall begged. "I-I need some time..." I whispered. "Violet, please," Niall pleaded, "I'm so, sorry. Barbara is just a friend." I looked up at my boyfriend. "A friend you hugged, and kissed on the cheek at midnight? Niall, that's a couples tradition?"

"I don't know, but I'm really sorry." Said Niall, his eyes filling with tears. His lip quavered as I stared him down. It took everything in my not to throw my arms around Niall, and hug him close. It's hard to resist a boy in an apron and chef hat. It may sound easy, but it's not. Honest.

"Can you please drive me home?" I asked him politely, while looking at my slippers. "B-but..." Niall stuttered. "Please, don't make this any harder then it already is." I asked, as my eyes watered over. "Just let me turn off the stove." Said Niall, standing up. His voice was no longer pleading.

His voice had turned to defeat.


Today everyone is gathered at Danielle's house to paint Madison's bedroom. Dani just broke the news to everyone. Eleanor and Louis can't come because they are getting the baby checked on. Eleanor's been having stomachaches, and we don't know if stomachaches are normal during pregnancies.

Danielle said she didn't really have any when stomachaches when she was pregnant, so Eleanor wanted to get it checked out. Of course, Louis was concerned about Eleanor and wanted to go to the hospital with her.

Harry couldn't make it today, either. I guess the only people here are Danielle, Liam, Max, Zayn, Perrie, Me, and... Niall. I haven't said a word to him since he brought me home last night. I just feel hurt. I want to forgive him, I really do. And I really don't want to lose Niall.

"Big brother." Said Max, pointing at himself and grinning at Liam. Liam smile, "Yes you are, bud."

"I love Maddie." Said Max, grinning cheekily. "Awww." Everyone cooed.

"Attention please!" Danielle said, clapping her hands together. Everyone looked up from his or her seats on the couches. "I'm going to hand out aprons for everyone to wear while we paint, because I don't want our clothes to get painty!" Said Danielle, holding up a basket of white aprons.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Danielle climbed off the chair she'd been standing on, and passed everyone an apron. "Help?" Max asked me, holding out the packaged apron to me. "Sure Max." I said, taking the package from him. I put my own apron on the coffee table for the moment. Using my teeth, I ripped the aprons plastic open and helped Max tie the adult apron around his little body.

"Look Daddy!" Max exclaimed, striking a pose. One hand on hip, one hand behind his head. Everyone began to laugh. Perrie snapped a few pictures. "I love you, baby." Said Danielle, scooping Max into her arms and kissing his cheek. He giggled, and poked Danielle's cheek.

Maybe I need a child to fill my sadness lately. Danielle and Liam have two. Eleanor and Louis have a child on the way. Zayn and Perrie are going to be getting married, and kids will be coming soon after. I promised my family I'd wait until I was married to have kids and things like that, though. I want to stay loyal to my mum and dad. I miss them.

I tried to ignore the sad feelings as everyone stood up to go to Madison's bedroom. "Right this way," Said Danielle, still laughing about Max's silly pose. Everyone piled into Maddie's bedroom, and looked around. "We have light blue and light pink paint over here." Said Danielle, using her index finger to point out the cans.

"Brushes are over here in this basket. Try not to get paint on the floor, if you can. We have lay sheets on the ground just in case." Danielle's eyes mine for a moment. For some reason, I think she knows I'm upset. "Where's your apron?" Dani asked me. I looked down, and saw my purple sweater.

"I left it downstairs." I whispered. "Want me to go grab it for you?" Danielle asked. "It's fine," I assured her, "I'll go alone." Danielle offered a small smile, nodding. "I'll go with her." Said Niall, raising his hand. "Great." Said Danielle, grinning at me. I sighed, and left Madison's bedroom.

"Wait up!" Niall called after me. "No." I said sourly. "Please Violet, Barbara is just a friend." I turned on my heel so I was facing him. "You said you'd never date a model. You said models are perfect and perfect is boring." Niall put his hands on my shoulders, "That's why I'm not dating her. I'm dating you." He told me.

"So you're saying I'm imperfect?" I asked, jaw dropping in hurt. "No, Vi, that's not what I'm saying!" Said Niall in frustration. I grumbled, and turned back around, running down the staircase. "Violet! Please!" Niall called to me from the top of the stairs. I ignored him, and jogged into the living room.

Niall has always told me I was perfect. I never really took it to heart, but I loved hearing him say it. I remember, barely a month ago we were sitting on his sofa.

I sat on Niall's sofa with my boyfriend. He's really the best boyfriend ever. Sweet, cute, shy, funny, amazing and perfect. He's pretty much the guy version of me. He's the guy I've been looking for my entire life.

We're watching Ellen. I love Ellen. Everyone says Niall and Ellen look alike, but I beg to differ. "Niall?" I whispered. "Yes princess?" Niall asked, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. "Why do you even love me?" I asked. Niall's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Princess," He whispered, sitting up. He muted the TV, and turned to face me. "Because, you're perfect. You're the girl version of me, but better." I blushed, "I love you Niall."

I guess he never meant any of it.

Picture is Barbara & Nialler

QOTD- Do you ship Niall and Barbara?


Liam James Payne


Danielle Claire Peazer


Max Ethan Payne

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