Ch. 17-Don't Need Kids

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Ch. 17-Don't Need Kids

*Danielle's POV

I rushed back and forth from the table to the oven, to the microwave, to the sink, trying to prepare dinner. My parents tend to be picky with what they eat, so this meal needs to be perfect. I'm making corn on the cob, beets, chicken legs, and buttered carrots.

I'm making a simple bowl of punch to drink. Max chewed on his fist as I repeatedly walked past him. He started hitting his high-chair tray, and yelling out words. "Muuuuuuuuum!" He shouted. "Shh, baby." I said, not wanting the neighbors to hear.

"Treeeeeeee," Max yelled, as he played 'drums' with the tray. "Shhh," I said, feeling frazzled by all the work I have to do before my parents get here. "Yes tree," Max giggled, pushing his own cheeks together so he has duck lips. I allowed myself to smile at my boy.

I dropped a cracker on his tray for him to nibble on while I work. Max grinned cheekily, and began sucking on the cracker. "Ew." I whispered to myself, turning around to finish my work.

My sister is also coming, and she's not as picky as my parents. Actually, she's one of my best friends. She'd be happy with anything I made for dinner. She doesn't like to make a fuss, and will try to please everyone. She's pretty shy too.

"Tree," Max mumbled as he slobbered on his snack, "Mum." He added. I guess those are his two favorite words to say right now. I looked at my phone, which was playing quiet music. The clock read 5pm. My parents are due at 6. I better get going.


"This is very good, Dani." Said my father, wiping the corners of his mouth with his napkin. "Thank-you Daddy." I said, as I took a bite of beets. "Good work." My mother added. "Yes, it's very good." My sister Sarah added. "Thanks." I said, putting down my fork.

"Did you prepare us dessert?" Asked my father. "Yes, I did." I said, standing up. I walked out of the formal dining room, and into the kitchen. I heard my parents formally talk as I left. I turned the corner into the kitchen, and paused at the refrigerator. I'm still debating in my head whether to tell them about Max.

I know, I should have decided earlier. Max is in his crib, watching cartoons on my phone.

I finally pulled the fridge open, and scanned the shelves. My eyes met the small cake. I grabbed the plate, and nudged the fridge door closed. I peeled the plastic wrap off from the cake, and stuffed it into the trash. I collected four more plates, and four more forks.

I collected everything into my hands, and brought them into the dining room. "That looks lovely." Said my mother. I mentally groaned. My parents are much too formal and strict. "Thanks." I forced a smile. I put the cake on the table, as my parents collected their dishes.

"Sarah, would you help your sister take the dirty dishes into the kitchen?" Asked my mother. "Of course." Said Sarah, pulling her chair out. She took the plates from my parents, while I look the remaining dishes. I rushed them to the sink, than rushed back to cut the cake.

"Just give me a sliver." Said my mum, moving her fingers so her thumb and index finger were only millimeters apart. "Okay." I said, cutting a piece that could barely be called a slice. "Perfect." Said mum, clapping formally.

I passed her the plate, and she accepted. I cut pieces for the rest of my family, and moved the cake back to the kitchen. "So Dani," said Sarah, "How have you been?" My parents listened contently for my answer.

"Well, fine." I said, "Nothing new." Sarah took a bite of cake, "Really? We barely see you anymore. What's been going on in life?" I mentally burned holes in her head. Maybe those holes will eliminate the super goody-two shoes inside her.

"Well actually," I said, putting down my fork. I folded my hands on my lap. "I've been pretty busy." I closed my eyes for a moment, preparing to tell them about Max, their grandson. "What is it dear?" asked Dad, putting a 'supportive' hand on my upper arm.

"Well," I said, "I have a..."

"We understand if you have nothing going on." Said my mum, "You don't need to make anything up." I furrowed my eyebrows, "I didn't make anything up."

"You closed your eyes," Said mum, "When you were a little tot, that was a dead giveaway that you were making up stories." She reached over and patted my other arm, "It's okay Dani, your father and I are glad you're focusing on your career."

"But mum," I said, "I have something to tell yo-..." She gave me a sympathetic smile, and turned to my father, "Jon."

Dad help up a hand, motioning for her to quiet down. "Daddy," I said, shaking my parents' hands off me. "I have something to say."

"It's okay dear," Said Dad, "We are overjoyed that you aren't in a relationship."

"What, wait?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"We want what's best for you," said Dad, "And relationships seem to hurt you, and your career." He turned to my mum and sister for backup. "Yes," Said mum, "Like, when you broke up with that Liam boy. For the next almost 9 months you barely danced. He really hurt you."

"Liam wasn't the reason I wasn't dancing, it was something else mum..." I tried to tell them. "Honey," said Dad, "It's okay. Don't worry. Our life will be complete once Sarah settles down and has children. We know she's older then you, and is more mature."

"Excuse me?" I asked, beginning to feel gained up on. "She'll give us all the grandchildren we need," said Mum, "Don't worry Danielle. Just focus on getting your career going again. We want to see you on the X-Factor again!"

Sarah quietly looked down at her lap, fiddling with her napkin. "Idon'treallywantafamilyorkidswellidon't knowbutit'snotreallywhatIhaveplannedformyfuturesopleasedon'tputthatweightonmychestandbehappyifDaniellewantskids." Sarah said quickly. "What?" asked Father, shaking his head.

Sarah sighed, "Nothing." Dad shook his head at her, "Then don't interrupt." He turned back to me. He opened his mouth to say something, but mum interrupted. She tapped his shoulder, and pointed to her watch. "We have to go Jon." Said Mum.

"You guys have to hear my out first," I claimed, standing up. "We have to go, darling." Said Dad, standing up and kissing my forehead. "Just clean up dinner, climb into some pajamas and go to bed. You seem frazzled."

"You're not listening," I whined. "We're hearing that you have attitude, young lady." Said Mom, as she picked up her coat. "Don't call me young lady," I said, "I'm 24."

"Bye dear, I'll call you soon." Said dad, sliding on his own jacket, and rushing to the door. "Wait!" I said, chasing after him. "Love you." He said, smiling, and sliding out the door. "Daddy," I whined. "Bye." Said mom, picking up her purse and chasing after Dad.

"Come!" My dad yelled from outside. Quickly, Sarah stood up and picked up her coat. She gave me a sympathetic look, "I'm sorry I asked how your life was. I didn't mean for that argument to happen."

"It's fine Sarah," I said, "I'll talk to you later." She offered another smile, as she slid on her boots. "Bye, thanks for dinner and dessert." She said, following our parents outside and closing the door behind her.

Just as I heard their car drive away, Max's cries filled the room. He couldn't have cried earlier? That would have been a way to tell my parents. I slowly dragged myself up the stairs to Max's room. When I went inside, Max was standing up in his crib screaming.

"What's wrong?" I asked. His expression was like no other. He looked like he'd just seen someone die. His mouth hung open, as tears fell from his cheeks. I looked around the room for what might be setting him off. "OH MY GOD!" I screamed, my eyes filling with salty, pained tears.

Liam James Payne


Danielle Claire Peazer


Max Ethan Payne

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