Ch. 62-Ring On It

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Ch. 62-Ring On It

*Danielle's POV

My heart began to race, and my palms began to sweat. I parted my lips, trying to speak. I couldn't manage to peel my eyes from the beautiful diamond ring in Liam's hand. Without another thought, I began nodding my head yes. "Yes Liam," I said, voice cracking, "I'll marry you."

A grin pulled at the corners of Liam's mouth. I held my hand out so Liam could put a ring on it. Liam slid the jewel onto my finger, and stood up, grinning like an idiot. I don't blame him. I couldn't get this grin off my face if I tried. "I love you so much," Liam whispered breathlessly. I nodded, "I love you too. So much."

We stood there for about another fifteen seconds, unsure of what to do. "What happens now?" I blushed, the goofy smile still plastered on my face. "Do I kiss you?" Liam asked unsurely, "Maybe spin you around in my arms? Like in the romance movies?" I giggled. "Sounds good." Liam grinned, pressing his lips to mine.

A few moments later, I was scooped into Liam's strong arms and twirled around in a circle. I couldn't hold it in, and burst out laughing, which caused Liam to burst out laughing. Liam tripped over his feet, almost falling over. "Don't drop me!" I exclaimed, still laughing. "I won't!" Liam promised, re-gaining his balance.

Liam struggled to walk to the sofa, putting me down in a pile of cushions. I held my stomach as I laughed, "We're so dysfunctional," I laughed, shaking my head. Liam nodded in agreement, "That's what makes us special." Said Liam, "Dysfunctional plus dysfunctional equals functional."

"That's a lot of confusing words," I said, my laughter slowly dying down. I pulled one of the cushions onto my lap, resting my arms on it. I held my hand up, admiring the sparkling engagement ring in the light. This is so amazing. I should have seen this coming, with the super romantic dinner & surprise date. I was too blind to see it. I was too distracted by Liam's love for me. That's crazy.

"What do you want to watch, first?" Asked Liam, as he rifled through a stack of DVD's. "What do you have?" I asked, leaning forward. I can't believe we're acting so casual after getting engaged. "I have Titanic, This Means War, This Is Us, New Years Eve, Valen-"

"You brought This Is Us?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. Liam nodded seriously, "I thought you'd enjoy staring at my lovely face for two and a half hours. I'm pretty handsome." I giggled, "Okay, let's watch your handsome face for two and a half hours."

"Really?" Liam asked, surprised. "Yeah, why not?" I asked, moving over to make room for my boyfriend- fiancé on the sofa. I can't believe I can say Liam James Payne is my fiancé. This is all so crazy. He's still young, only twenty years old. I'm twenty-four. Whatever, love is love. And we love each other.

Liam put the disc into the DVD player, pressing play. He hopped onto the sofa next to me, grabbing a blanket from the top of the sofa and laying it across our legs. I leaned my head on Liam's shoulder, taking a deep breath. "I can't wait to be married..." Liam whispered as the commercials played. "Me too." I agreed, shaking with nerves and happiness. You have NO idea how much I'm in love with this man.


Last night... Was... Whoa. It was amazing. At some point during the movie, we ended up kissing. Then making out. Then he carried me to our bedroom... Okay, I think you know what I'm getting at. It was amazing. I was on cloud 9. I was on something better than cloud nine. Whatever it was, it was perfect.

Liam's in the kitchen, preparing me a big and wonderful breakfast right now. I'm still in bed, watching TV. This is the life. No diapers, no crying, no cheerios. It's silence. "Morning beautiful," Said a shirtless Liam, walking back into the bedroom with a tray of breakfast. I got chills seeing Liam's muscles. My fiancé is fit.

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