Ch. 16-El's Issues

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Ch. 16-El's Issues

*Danielle's POV

I bolted from the building. I snatched my purse from the make-up table, and left. I ran out to my car, climbed in, and drove away.

*Next Day

And that was the end of that. Robbie's never gunna to hire me again. I got a call from a very angry assistant of Robbie's today. I guess the performance was a flop. I was the main dancer, and I wasn't there. I feel so bad about that happening to him. He didn't do anything to deserve being ditched.

I can't keep letting Liam run my life like this. I was so excited for that dance. I spent all afternoon learning it, and didn't get to perform. I wish Liam would just disappear.

I'm really glad Sydney bailed me out of that one. You have no idea how embarrassed I would have been. It would have been bad. Humiliating.

Tonight my mum, sister and dad are coming for dinner, and I just don't know what to do. Do I want to tell them about Max, or keep hiding him? They're going to feel really hurt when they find out I have a one year old son. Of course, grandparents want to spoil their grandchildren. Same with Aunts.

But that's not the only thing. I didn't trust them enough to tell them. That's saying something about our relationship. Well, I love my parents to death, but they might think I don't care. It's a complicated triangle. I wish I'd never hid Max.

It would have been easier to give Max a good life. I could have brought him out in public, and embraced him. I could have brought him to his daddy's concerts. Max's Uncle Niall, Zayn, Harry, and Louis would just melt at Max's adorableness.

Once again, it's not an option anymore. I've ruined everything. It's only 10am, and Max is still asleep. Which is really different. He was so tired when I got home yesterday night though.

Once I'd left night, Perrie went upstairs and woke Max up so she could play with him. She loves that child so much. I'm still wondering what was up with Eleanor. Even once I was home yesterday she was really moody.


"I'm home." I said quietly, walking inside. I closed the door behind me, and aimlessly kicked off my shoes. "Hey," Perrie's voice rang. I did my best to wipe the tears from my eyes.

I turned around, and came face to face with my Max.

"Hi baby." I said, taking him from Perrie's arms. "Was he good?" I asked, forcing a happy face. "He was awesome," said Perrie, "I went to wake him up after you left because I thought he'd want to see me." I rolled my eyes.

"I told her not to," Eleanor intervened, crossing her arms. "I told her it's not okay to wake a sleeping child, because toddlers need all the sleep they can get." I furrowed my eyebrows, and lifting Max a little higher on my hip. "You'd know that, right Dani?" asked Eleanor, trying to get assurance.

I shrugged, "I suppose." Eleanor smirked at Perrie, "Told you." Perrie furrowed her eyebrows along with me. "Okay, I guess we can go." Said Perrie, poking Max's cheek. "Yeah, Max and I should both get some rest." I agreed. I smiled at my son who sat in my arms.

"C'mon Perrie," said Eleanor, "I'm your ride."

"Actually," said Perrie, "You're not..."

Eleanor shook her head, "Just be quiet and get your stuff on. I have a massive headache." Eleanor rubbed her temples as she went to the living room to fetch her jacket. Eleanor nudged me with her elbow, "Do you know what's wrong with her?" Perrie whispered.

"No idea..."

*End Flashback

I literally have no idea what her issue's been. No idea. I really want to figure it out though, because she's annoying the crap out of me.

I pulled out my phone, and scrolled through twitter once again. Nothing different... Oh my god. Something is different. Some girl named @SophiaSmithxx. Is this really she, or a parody? I scrolled through her two tweets.

@SophiaSmithxx- Sooo the announcement is.... Liam and I are getting a flat together ! Another announcement coming soon !

Angrily, I whipping my phone into the kitchen. Not one week ago Liam was serenading me, and trying to get me to get back with him. He said he'd leave that girl. Now he's getting a flat with her? That's just wrong. It's wrong to Sophia. She think's Liam loves her. But Liam doesn't love her at all. He loves me.

Now maybe that sounds self-centered, but it's not. Liam told me himself that he loves me. So, what can that mean about his relationship with Sophia? Maybe it is just a parody account. Hopefully. I heard my phone smash onto the kitchen floor.

Okay, I have to set some boundaries with myself to move on from Liam. No going on Twitter. No going in public. No reading magazines, or watching the news. And, that bag of crap isn't aloud near our home ever again. This way, Liam won't be able to weasel his way into my life.

Wait a second. I'm basically letting Liam run my life. He's taken over every single aspect of my life. I just listed them without thinking. He's literally taken everything over. I can't do anything without Liam around.

I shook my head, and lay back on the couch. I hate everything. There's nothing I love about life. I have nothing. Max's cries interrupted my thoughts.

Oh my god. I'm forgetting the reason for all this drama. The reason I am still living. The reason I'm sane. My son. Oh my god. I hope in the future, scientists can't go back to your old thoughts. I don't want Max to know I thought like that.

I do love him. He's a reason for living. I love him. I climbed off the couch, and made my way to Max's room. You know what I have to do? I have to tell the world about Max. That's what I'm going to do. I want to give Max a real bedroom. Some real friends.

A real life. Not a stupid, hidden, sneaky life. A full & fun life with his mummy. Maybe someday a daddy.

*Niall's POV

I sat on my sofa with Violet. She's really the perfect girlfriend. Sweet, cute, shy, giggly, smiley, and perfect. She's pretty much the girl version of me. She's the girl I've been looking for my entire life.

We're watching Ellen. I love Ellen. Everyone says we look alike, but I beg to differ. "Niall?" Violet whispered. "Yes princess?" I asked, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Why do you even love me?" She asked. That took me aback.

"Princess," I whispered, sitting up. I muted the TV, and turned to face my girlfriend. "Because, you're perfect. You're the girl version of me, but better." Violet blushed. "I love you Niall."

Picture is Violet

Liam James Payne


Danielle Claire Peazer


Max Ethan Payne

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