Ch. 60-Cupcakes

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Ch. 60-Cupcakes

*Violet's POV

"Want a cupcake now?" I asked Madison and Max once their colors and cards were cleaned up. "Yes." They sang. "Okay, just don't make a mess," I warned them, wagging my finger. "Otay Auntie Violet." Max agreed. Madison just nodded. I passed them each a beautifully iced pink cupcake. Immediately, the toddlers dug their faces into the icing.

"M and M, I said not to make a mess," I whined, using the nickname Perrie and I just gave the kids. Now I'm going to have to bathe them both. I don't want to bathe two messy toddlers. Danielle told me that Madison hates baths. Max just giggled at my frustration, and Madison continued licking the icing off the top of the cupcake. I took a deep breath. Toddlers are hard, and not very good listeners. That makes me nervous.

"I have to go," Perrie's voice rang from the living room. I turned around, hands on hips, to see Perrie sliding her jacket on. "Why?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "Zayn and I have a date tonight. I'm trying to use my time wisely while I'm not on tour. I'm really sorry, will you be okay on your own?"

I shrugged, "Do I have a choice?" Perrie shook her head no. "Well, have fun with Zayn." I smiled, walking forward to give her a quick hug. "Thanks Violet," Said Perrie, accepting the hug. "Happy Valentines Day," I said, as Perrie pulled her boots on. "You too." Perrie countered. "Bye," I said, as she opened the front door.

"Bye." She said, walking outside and slamming the door shut behind her. I sighed, walking back into the kitchen. "Max!" I cried, jaw dropping as my face came into contact with something pink, red, and sugary. The cupcake slid off my cheek, and onto the ground. Max giggled, pointing at me, "Cupcake Auntie!"

"Max!" I shrieked, lifting my fingers to my cheek and feeling the hot pink icing from my eye down to my chin. He giggled, "Oops. Sowwy Auntie Violet." I shook my head, walking to the sink. I picked up a face- cloth, and began wiping the cupcake off my cheek.

"If you do that again, you're going to get a time-out." I said to Max, turning around. I turned around just in time to see Max snatch Madison's cupcake from her hands, and toss it towards me. "Max!" I shrieked, trying to duck. But it was too late, the cupcake slammed onto my neck, then sliding down into my t-shirt.

Madison began to cry, reaching forward to try and get her food back. Madison wailed, grieving for her cupcake. "What did I just tell you?" I asked Max in frustration, taking a deep breath and walking towards the living room. Tears began to well up in my eyes. I need to take a breather.

"Agh!" I shrieked, feeling my foot come into contact with something sticky, cakey, and iced. I looked down, seeing that I stepped in the cupcake Max had originally thrown at me.

Max giggled again, and Madison cried louder. I slowly let out the breath I was holding in. I stormed out of the living room, into the front entrance. I threw open the door and walked outside in my bare feet, skinny jeans and cropped t-shirt. I slammed the door behind me, instantly feeling the cold prick at my bare skin.

I sat down on the recently shoveled step, and crossed my arms. Tears welled up in my eyes. Kids are so hard. But Niall really wants kids, and I really love Niall. I don't think I'd be able to handle children. I'm young. I don't think I want children... But what if Niall leaves me because of that?

*Danielle's POV

I wiped the stray tears from my eyes as the driver pulled into the hairdresser's studio. He opened the door for me, and I climbed out. "Thank-you," I managed, trying to pull myself together. That video got me really emotional. Max and Madison are adorable. I hope Perrie and Violet are doing good with them. "You're welcome." He replied, going back to his seat in the front of the limo.

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