Ch. 78-Rescue

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Ch. 78-Rescue

*Max's POV

I held my little sister close. She get's scared at bedtime because she misses Daddy. I kinda miss Daddy. But the TV said that he kissed another girl... I don't really know what that means, but I know what a kiss is, and I know that another girl wouldn't be Mummy. The TV girl said Daddy cheated. I don't know what that is...

I think it's bad... Sometimes I'm confused, cause' I'm just a little kid. Maybe I'll understand when I'm big.

Madison is already sleeping. I can't fall asleep. My tummy hurts. I want to hug my Mummy. I pulled the soft blanket off my body, and put it over Maddie. I hope I don't wake her up. Then she won't be able to fall back asleep. She might be having a good dream. I tippy-toed out of my bedroom, and over to the door.

I pulled it open, and walked to the stairs. Then I heard some loud screaming. As fast as I could, I walked down the stairs. My feet went thump-thump-thump, until I reached the last step. I think Mummy got hurt. I jumped off the stair, and ran into the bathroom first.

Mum wasn't in there. I ran into the living room, because I heard another scream. I found Mummy on the floor. She was hugging herself and her eyes were closed. I don't know what to do... I'm scared. I began to cry, and bent down next to Mum. I began shaking her arm. "Muuuuum," I said, "Are you okay, Mum?"

She didn't say any words.

"Mumma?" I asked, shaking her arm again. She didn't move. I don't know what to do! One of my tears fell off my cheek onto Mum's shirt. I don't even know how to call help! Is my Mum dead?

"Mumma," I said again, climbing onto her legs. I began slapping both of her cheeks with both my hands. I saw someone do this on a movie. It made the Mummy wake up. Maybe it'll work on my Mummy. I stopped slapping Mum's cheeks so I could wipe away my tears.

"Pwease wake up, Mumma," I said, crying some more. Maybe I can try and call someone to help Mum. I have to figure out how. I climbed off Mum's legs and walked into the kitchen. I stepped on my tippy-toes so I could reach onto the counter. I grabbed Mum's cell phone, and ran back into the living room.

I typed in her password. Her password is 1234. She says it's easy to remember. I went to the little 'phone' button. I pressed the number 6. I don't know what this does. Do I press more then one number? I don't know how to do phone numbers. I pressed the 'talk' button, and put the phone on my ear.

"Hello?" Asked a boy voice. "Hi." I said back. I don't know who I am talking to. Maybe my nice Grandpa Peazer or my funny Uncle Harry. "Max?" Asked the voice. "Yes," I said. "I need some help."

"Do you know who you're talking to?" The boy asked me. "No." I replied. "This is Uncle Niall, buddy." He told me. "Oh. I need help." I said again. "What's wrong?" Uncle Niall asked. "Mummy is dead I think." I told Uncle Niall. I peeked over at Mum. She still wasn't moving.

"What!?" Uncle Niall yelled at me, "What do you mean she's dead? What happened? Is she bleeding? Is she breathing?"

I began to cry again. Uncle Niall is scaring me with his loud yelling. "I-I don't know..." I said, looking over at Mum again. "I think the baby is hurting her. I don't want my little brother or sister to get hurt..." I whispered. "What do you mean- the baby?" Uncle Niall asked, sounding confused but scared. "The baby that lives inside her tummy." I replied.

"She's pregnant?" Uncle Niall asked in a surprised voice. "I'm pretty sure." I answered. "Are you going to come help her?" I asked again.

"I can't come help your Mum. I'm far away with your Daddy and your other Uncles. But I'll call your Mummy an ambulance, okay? Just stay with her and try to wake her up, okay?" Uncle Niall asked. "Okay. Bye." I said. I hung up the phone and put it back on the counter.

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