Ch. 80-Which One?

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Ch. 80-Which One?

*Perrie's POV

I lay in bed, just about the fall asleep. When the loud sound of my iPhone ringing interrupted my oasis, and startled me into sitting up. I lifted my hand to my heart in surprise, and reached over to grab the phone. I pressed talk, and lifted it to my ear. "Hello?" I asked breathlessly, still recovering from my scare.

"Perrie- this is Niall." Said Niall. "Hi Niall." I yawned, placing a hand over my mouth. "You have to go to Danielle's," Said Niall in a rushed voice. I furrowed my eyebrows, dropping my hand to my lap. "Why?" I questioned. "Danielle is dying. An ambulance is going to get her now, but there's nobody to take care of Max and Madison while the paramedics take Dani to the hospital." Niall replied.

"What- what?" I asked, suddenly feeling awake. "Max just called me, and told me his Mummy is dying. I called an ambulance to go get her, but the paramedics can't take Max and Madison in the ambulance with Danielle. It'd be traumatic for the kids. I'd take care of them, but I'm on tour with the boys." Niall explained.

I slid out of my king-sized bed, rushing to my walk-in closet. "Yeah, totally. I'll go grab the kids, now. Do you know what's wrong with Danielle?" I asked, turning on the closet-light and pulling a pair of sweatpants over my naked legs while balancing my iPhone between my shoulder and my ear. I sometimes sleep naked. Get over it. I put my phone on speaker, and placed it on a shelf while I pulled a t-shirt over my head.

"We don't know what wrong with her... Max told me the baby inside her tummy is hurt. So I hope she's not having a miscarriage." My heart rate quickened when I heard those words. My niece of nephew is not going to die. "O-Okay, thanks Niall... I have to go. Bye." I said, tapping the 'end call' button on my phone.

I pulled a tiffany-blue hoodie over my head, and slid my iPhone into the front pocket. I flicked off the closets light, and dashed through my flat to the front door. I slid some black sneakers onto my feet, and grabbed my keys. I pulled the front door open, and stepped outside. I locked the door behind me, and walked down the stairs to my car. I climbed inside, and backed out of the driveway.

The radio was already playing a song when I climbed into the car. I smiled when I heard the song. Wings by Little Mix. AKA, me and three of my best friends. I began driving down the road. I sure hope Danielle doesn't die. I really don't want Danielle to die. I need Danielle.

She's always been there for me, and I don't know what I'd do if I lost her. Zayn and I might have to adopt Max and Madison. Or Liam. But from what I've heard, recently, Liam hasn't been very interested in Danielle or the kids. I just hope Liam comes to his senses, and get's his priorities straight. I sure hope so.

Awhile later, I reached Danielle's house. I parked in the driveway, and climbed out of the car. I ran towards the front door, hearing sirens getting close. I didn't bother knocking on the door, before opening it and walking inside. "Hello?" I yelled, dropping my car keys on a glass side-table that sits by the front door.

"Auntie Perrie?" Max's voice yelled from the living room. I ran inside, finding Danielle sprawled across the ground. Max and Madison sat on the sofa, hugging each other while crying. My eyebrows furrowed together in sadness, and I felt my heart break. "Are you two okay?" I asked, running towards them.

Madison shook her head no, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Don't cry, Hunny. Don't cry," I said, using my sweater sleeve to wipe Madison's non-stop tears. "Mummy's dead." Madison began explaining to me, pointing to Danielle. "She's not dead. S-She's sleeping, and people are coming to help wake her up."

"Are you sure?" Madison hiccupped, burying her face into Max's shirt. "I'm sure," I said, picking up the two children and hugging them close. "It's okay, she's not going to die." I whispered, kissing the top of Max's head. "Maddie heard me crying and came down the stairs. I didn't mean to wake her up." Max apologized.

"It's fine, Max. It's completely fine. You didn't mean to wake her up. You're a very good big brother." I assured him, holding my niece and nephew closer. Moments later, the door knocked and opened quickly. "Paramedics!" They shouted, piling their way into the living room. I quickly moved Max and Madison away from Danielle. I carried them to the kitchen, setting them down on the ground.

"Wait right here. I'll be right back." I said, nodding. They agreed, taking each other's hands. I stood up, giving the children a sympathetic smile before turning and jogging into the living room.

The paramedics already had Danielle on a gurney, hooking her up to IV's. One man was holding her eyelid open, and shining a bright light into her eye. A lady was sticking a needle into her arm, injecting a clear liquid. Another man was putting a needle in her arm, taking blood. I felt my stomach churn.

"Who are you?" Another paramedic asked, who was filling out a clipboard. "I'm Perrie Edwards. This is Danielle Peazer... I'm taking her kids." I explained, crossing one arm over my stomach and biting my nails. "Can you provide us information with what might be going on?" The paramedic asked.

"Um... I don't know... She's pregnant, if that helps. That's all I really know." I told the paramedic, realizing how I don't know much about this situation. "That's never good," The paramedic mumbled, scratching his head. I felt my body begin to shake, watching Danielle get picked and pried at by the paramedics.

"Do you know what's wrong?" I questioned. "She's going into pre-mature labor. How far along is she?" Asked the paramedic, furiously writing things down. "Um... 20 weeks I think?" I half-asked, half-replied. The paramedic shook his head, as if he knew what was going to happen. "Will she be okay?" I asked, eyes widening.

"All I can say is either the baby won't make it, or your friend." He explained, looking up into my eyes. I looked into the paramedics' brown eyes, looking deep. Is he joking with me? Is this some sort of sick joke? Please tell me it is. If it's a joke, I am going to sue, because this is so not funny.

"We're going to take her into the hospital, check on the baby. You say she has other children?" He asked. I nodded, pulling my hand away from my mouth. I hate when I bite my nails. It ruins perfect manicures. "Yeah, I'm taking care of them while Danielle is in the hospital."

He nodded, turning to the other paramedics. I was able to see his nametag from this angle. Joseph. "Let's get her to the hospital. She's pregnant and I believe she's going into pre-mature labor." Joseph said, raising his voice towards the other paramedics. They all began quick chatter, lifting the gurney.

They wheeled her out the front door, covering her body with a thick blanket. I lifted a hand over my heart, feeling scared for her life. Please don't let Danielle or the baby die.

I walked back into the kitchen. I found Max and Madison holding hands, waiting for me where I'd left them. "C'mon. We're going to the hospital." I told the toddlers, leaning down next to them. Madison hiccupped, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand. "Is Mummy dead?" Madison questioned.

"No, no, no, honey," I said, shaking my head, "But the doctors and me think that Mummy is having her baby. You're going to have your little brother or sister." I smiled, ruffling her hair. "But Mummy told me that she has a long time before she has the baby." Max half questioned, half stated.

"The baby is coming early. That's why Mummy fell down and didn't wake up." I explained. That brightened up Max and Maddie's faces. "We get to have our brother or sister?" Max asked, eyes flickering with excitement. I smiled, nodding. "Well that's good." Madison grinned, turning to Max.

"I'm so happy we get to have our new brother or sister." Max told me, grinning widely and bouncing on his toes. If only Max and Madison knew, that if they get their new brother or sister- they'll lose their mother.

QOTD- Who will live? Danielle or the baby?
Hey everyone! I love you(:
-A xo
P.S. Photo is cute little Madison!

Liam James Payne
Danielle Claire Peazer
Max Ethan Payne

Max & MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon