Ch. 39-Sophia Smith

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Ch. 39-Sophia Smith

*Liam's POV

I hung up the phone on Danielle. "You okay?" Asked Sophia, offering me a sympathetic smile. "Soph," I whispered, "I can't do this to her. I love her."

Sophia pursed her lips, pulling herself into the chair next to me. "Listen," Said Sophia, taking my hands in hers, "I needed to spend Christmas with someone other than my relatives. I need you today, Li." I shook her hands off mine. "You have lots of family here. I didn't need to involve myself."

"You had fun, don't lie." Said Sophia, winking. "What are you talking about?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. Sophia sighed, "You were your normal, goofy self while we had dinner. I haven't seen any new pictures of you, or any new news articles since we broke up. I'm the only person keeping you happy."

"That's a lie," I muttered, "My son, and Danielle make me the happiest person in the world." Sophia bit her lower lip, shaking her head and snickering quietly. "What?" I asked, feeling hurt. "All Danielle does it cause drama in your life. You were all smiles tonight." Sophia pulled her phone out of her pocket, and showed me a photo.

I pushed the photo away from me. "It was a fake smile." I claimed, crossing my arms. "Listen," Said Sophia once again, "If you cared about Danielle, you would have been there for her this Christmas. You would have flown the one-hour flight to her house for Christmas dinner, but you didn't. You flew two hours to come and see me instead. That's saying something."

I looked at my hands in shame. "I didn't lie to Danielle," I muttered, "I said I was working on the new music video, which I was today. It was only this evening that I came to see you," I said, "Plus, you told me your were all alone for Christmas, and I felt bad."

"So, you wanted to come see me because I was all alone?" Asked Sophia, raising her eyebrows suggestively. "Okay, I don't know why I'm still here." I muttered, pushing my chair out. I stormed towards the door. "Liam!" She called after me, "I'm sorry!" She claimed. I heard her chair scrape across the ground.

She leaned against the front door as I tied my shoes. "Liam, I'm sorry. I know you love her," Said Sophia, "You were just trying to be a good guy by coming over here." I glared at Sophia. "I am sorry. I just didn't want to spend Christmas with a ton of old people and cousins I never see."

"What about that guy you told me you liked?" I asked, "The 'ex' you're started contacting again. Where was he today?" I asked, as I stood up and crossed my arms. "He had plans." Said Sophia quickly. "I know you're lying," I said, "I can tell when you lie."

"Oh yeah?" Asked Sophia, taking her weight off the door and standing up. "Yeah." I said. "Well, I'm going to tell you something. Tell me if I'm lying." She challenged. "Fine." I muttered, taking a deep breath. "You're angry," Said Sophia, "You're angry because Danielle won't get back together with you until next year."

My jaw dropped. "How did you know that?" I asked in anger. "That's not the point." Snapped Sophia, "The point is that it's true." I shook my head, "I'm not going to stand here and listen to this." I pushed Sophia out of the way of the door. "See you later babe." Sophia called sweetly as I stormed out of the house.

I slammed the front door behind me as I walked to my car. Truth is, I did have fun tonight with Sophia and her family. I had a good laugh. That doesn't mean I love Sophia. It doesn't mean I love Danielle any less. I wish Danielle would just get back together with me.

I unlocked my car, and climbed inside. I buckled up, put the keys in, and backed out of the driveway. I saw Sophia standing in the front window as I left. She had her two fingers up to her ears saying 'call me'. I muttered curse words, and put the car into drive. I began to drive back to the airport.

I do feel bad that I didn't spend Christmas with Danielle. I could have flown out to see her, but I didn't. I bet Danielle needed me this Christmas too, and I wasn't there. I'm a horrible man.

*Eleanor's POV

I heard my ringtone coming from my dresser just as I lay down in bed. Moaning, I stood back up. "I'll get it, Eleanor." Said my mum, barging into my bestroom. "Thank-you." I said, taking a deep breath and getting back into bed. I pulled the covers up over my chest.

My ringtone stopped, and my mum's voice replaced it. "Hi dear." Said my mum, putting the phone up to her ear. Mum lightly laughed at something, "This is Eleanor's mother, dear."

"Sorry, she just went down to bed. She hasn't been feeling well, with the baby and all." My mum explained. "Who is it?" I asked Mum, "Is it Danielle?" I questioned, "If it is I want to talk to her!" My mum sighed at me, and shook her head no, "I'm sorry, she had a real long day. I'm not waking her up."

"Mum!" I cried, "I'm not asleep!" Mum pulled the phone off her ear and looked at it. "She hung up anyway," She mum, ending her side of the call and putting the phone back on my dresser. I watched her turn the power completely off first so no calls could come in.

"Get some rest for that baby." She Mum, "You got yourself pregnant from a guy who's not even here for you. It's your responsibility to take care of that baby now." I rolled my eyes at her, "I'm 21. It's not like this is some immature teenage pregnancy. Louis just has some things to do with the band."

"And he always will," Said mum, "That's the thing." I rolled my eyes again, and pulled the quilt up to my chin. "Leave, mum. As you said, this baby needs some beauty sleep." My mum sighed, and left the room. The door clicked behind her.

Sighing, I rolled over. I feel really bad for leaving Danielle on the day before Christmas Eve. I was angry with Louis when he told me how long he'd be gone next year. I'm having a baby! Louis is going to be touring Europe on my due date. He's going to miss our baby's birth. I was really upset, and mad, so I came to my parents for help.

I was supposed to be spending Christmas with Max, Danielle, Violet and Perrie, but I guess that won't be happening. Violet went to see her mum, and Perrie is doing some things with Little Mix. I'm a horrible friend.

*Perrie's POV

I hung up on Danielle's call. "Can you turn that down!" I screamed to the DJ, "Some people need to take important calls!" The DJ shrugged at me, and turned the music up higher. I shook my head in disgust, and left the dance floor. "Hey!" called Leigh-Anne, "Where are you going? The music is just getting good!"

"I'm tired," I claimed, "I want to get back to the hotel for sleep." Leigh-Anne frowned, "It's Christmas, babe! Let loose and have a good time! I remember that bar-tender checking you out earlier." She winked at me, and went back to dance. "I have a fiancé!" I cried, crossing my arms.

I turned on my heel to leave. It's been a really long day with recording, and I just want some sleep. I'll call Danielle back in the morning. At least Dani got to spend Christmas with Violet and Eleanor. I know, I was supposed to be at Danielle's for Christmas too, but I have things to do. I can't always be there for her.

I pushed the door open, and went outside. The freezing air surprised me, and I shivered. I took out my phone and called for a cab to come get me. I know, I'm a disgusting friend for leaving Danielle in the dust.

QOTD: Idk, comment whatever you want.

Another update coming after this!

Just remember since I'm posting these their won't be updates for awhile!

Liam James Payne


Danielle Claire Peazer


Max Ethan Payne

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