Ch. 10-Ambulance

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Ch. 10-Ambulance

**Danielle's POV

"Max!" I screamed, as I watched the rest of his body smack onto the ground. His body wobbled back a little, then was still. My mouth gaped, and I finally reached Max. "Oh my god." I said out loud, looking at my son. His eyes were half-open, and backwards in his head.

I found myself scream. "Maxy." I whispered, "Wake up Max." I tried to egg him on. He was most definitely knocked out though. I picked up my son. "Max." I whispered. His eyes opened slowly. "Momma." He whispered, before his eyes closed again.

"Baby, it's gonna be okay." I tried to assure the baby, though he couldn't understand me, nor hear me. I reached for the phone, and dialed 999. I began to cry, tears sliding off my cheeks onto Max's shirt. As the dial tone rang, I felt something warm on my hand.

I moved my hand away from Max's head, and saw that it had blood on it. My eyes widened, and I began to take quick, fast breaths. "Please." I whispered, as I listened to the phone ring. "Please."


I tried to take deep, slow breaths, just like the paramedic told me to. About fifteen minutes ago the ambulance arrived. They're just packing Max onto the stretcher now. I was told to go collect some of Max's things, for our stay at the hospital. They won't tell me anything about Max yet.

I walked up the stairs, and into Max's room. I picked up a random sleeper, and a receiving blanket. I picked up a few toys too. I put them in the bottom of my backpack. "Meow." I heard a quiet sound behind me. I turned around, and saw Berry sitting at the door. Her eyes actually looked watery.

I think I can sneak her to the hospital... right? I leaned down to the kitten, and picked her up. She purred, as I set her down in the bottom of my bag, on top of one of Max's t-shirts. I zipped up the backpack, just enough so Berry could breath.

I slung the backpack carefully over my shoulder, and turned off the light. I closed the door quietly. I went into my bedroom, and grabbed a random sweater. I won't need much. Just my phone, to make a few calls. I'm only going to be able to tell the people who know about Max. IE; Eleanor, Louis, and Perrie.

Notice how I purposely left Liam out? Yeah. I didn't mention Niall either, because he doesn't know Max is my son.

I turned off my light, and went back downstairs. "Ready, ma'am?" asked one of the paramedics. "Yes." I whispered, "Just one moment."

The man nodded, and I walked into the kitchen. I passed the living room, where Max fell. A small bloodstain was on the carpet under the table. I winced, and hurried to get the things I need.

I took the photo of Liam and I off the fridge. Then I took the sweater from Liam that I was going to give to Max. I added the things to my bag, careful not to bury Berry.

Next, I picked up a canister of Berry's food. I added that into the bag. Now I'm ready. I went back to the door, where the paramedic ushered me out. I locked the door, and climbed into the back of the ambulance.

I saw Max lying on a stretcher. His shirt was off, and cords were hooked up to his little chest. His body was slightly moving, and I could tell he was alive, thank God. I put the backpack on my lap, and took Max's hand in mine.

The paramedics began doing things to him, and shining lights in his eyes. I squeezed my eyes shut, looking away. "You okay miss?" asked the same paramedic as before. I struggled to nod. "It'll be okay." He assured me, his bright blue eyes mesmerizing me.

He's so different compared to Liam... His blonde hair, and bright blue eyes compared to Liam's brown hair and chocolate eyes. He took my hand between his, and squeezed it reassuringly. I forced a smile.

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