Ch. 30-Making Deals

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Ch. 30- Making Deals

Danielle's POV

I looked solemnly out the window as the cab driver drove off. I waved goodbye to my son, and blew a kiss. I smiled at Eleanor and Louis, glad that I have them as friends. My eyes scanned the carnival, as I remembered Liam and I coming here two years ago.

I was about to turn and check my missed calls, when I saw Liam ducking behind a trashcan. I gasped, and craned my neck to look back. When I looked again, Liam was gone. Now I'm hallucinating about Liam. Great.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and saw that I had 20 missed calls.

Hazza x6

Mum x4

Dad x2

Sarah x1

Perrie x2

Zayn x1

Sydney x3

Eleanor x1

Seems I'm popular. I wonder why Harry kept calling me. Then again, these calls have been adding up for two days. I still haven't talked to my parents after telling the world about Max. They're probably hurt.

I don't feel like calling anyone back right now. I tossed my phone on the seat beside me, and peeked out the window. I saw the fireworks just starting. I turned away. I don't want to see the fireworks. They'll only remind me of Liam.


"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed, taking my boyfriend's hand. I dragged him to a bench, and made him sit down beside me. "Aren't the fireworks beautiful?" I asked Liam. He nodded, and looked at me. "Not as beautiful as you, Dani." I blushed, and looked down at my fingers.

I took a puff of cotton candy from the fluff Liam held. I popped it into my mouth, and giggled when it dissolved. Liam took a piece, and did the same. I laughed, and did it again. Liam put his arm around me, and passed me the cotton candy. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, and held it out in front of us.

"Say cotton candy!" Liam exclaimed, sticking out his tongue. "Cotton candy!" I laughed, sticking out my own tongue. Liam took the photo, and uploaded it to twitter. "It's so cute." I smiled, getting the notification on my phone that Liam had tagged me in a photo.

Liam had made the description of the photo 'Perfect night with the perfect girl !'

I blushed, and turned off my phone. "Look at that firework!" I exclaimed, pointing into the sky. Someone had ordered a custom firework. It read 'Marry me Marie'

After it appeared in pink fireworks, I heard a squeal. Liam and I craned our necks, and saw a girl looking down at her boyfriend who was on one knee. He held out a ring, and was grinning from ear to ear. Her hands were clasped over her mouth, as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Marry me Marie?" The young man asked. The young woman nodded quickly, her curled brunette ponytail bouncing as she did. The man slid Marie's glove off, and slid the ring on. He stood up as she admired the ring. The man then picked up his fiancé, and spun her around.

I turned back around, and looked at my bare fingers. I can't wait to get engaged and get married someday. I looked up at Liam. "You should get me some custom fireworks someday." I told him, winking, "I'd love you forever."

"Oh yeah?" Liam asked hopefully, "I will do just that. Especially if we get into a fight, and I have to win you back. " I grinned, and pecked his lips. "Why would you do it if we were fighting?" I asked, cocking my head. "Because then you'd have to love me forever." Liam said in an obvious tone.

I laughed, and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Don't worry Lili, I'll love you forever anyway."

~End Flashback~

I feel so bad. I told that boy I'd love him forever. I mean, I'll always love him. Just not in that way. Well, I don't know how to feel. I put my head in my hands, and took a deep breath. I can't wait to get home and get some rest.

*Liam's POV

I watched my custom firework disappear into the night sky. Sighing, I turned on my heels. Better go home. As I walked to the parking lot, I recalled the memory of Danielle and I coming to this carnival. She told me if I ever got her custom fireworks, she'd love me forever.

I tried. I really did try. I guess it wasn't meant to be. I walked past Eleanor, Perrie, Louis, Zayn and my son. Then an idea struck me. I turned around, and tapped Zayn's shoulder. He turned around, and his eyes met mine. "Oh, hey Li." He said awkwardly.

Everyone else turned around, and said their hellos. "So, you ordered that firework for Danielle?" Perrie asked. I nodded quietly, looking at my feet. "It sucks that she left." Said Eleanor, giving me a sorry look. "Whatever I'm fine... But can I ask a favor?" I aimed my question at Louis and Eleanor.

"What is it?" Asked Eleanor, helping Louis get Max off his shoulders.

"Can I come over tonight?" I asked hopefully, biting my lip. "What?" Asked Eleanor, taking Max in her arms. "Danielle never lets me see Max, and I want to have a relationship with him. I know he's staying at your place tonight. Please guys, I want to spent time with Max."

Louis looked at Eleanor, and shrugged her shoulders. "Danielle can't know," Louis stated, still looking at Eleanor, "She'd kill us." I nodded, "Please guys. He's my kid too. My own DNA." Perrie snickered, and started humming DNA.

I glared at her. She looked up and saw us all looking at her, and she stopped. "Sorry." She said quickly, and stepped closer to Zayn. "It's okay babe," Zayn told Perrie, "I love your humming." Perrie smiled, and tilted her head, "Thanks Mr. Malik." Zayn winked, and kissed her forehead.

I shook my head at them, and turned back to Louis and Eleanor. "So?" I asked. "Okay," Louis agreed, "Deal."


"Hi Max." I said, making funny faces at him. He giggled, and poked my cheek. I grinned, my heart almost bursting in content. My boy likes me! He likes me! I grabbed a toy bunny from Eleanor and Louis' pile of children's toys. They're going to need them, now that Eleanor's pregnant.

At first they had them only for if babies or toddlers came over. These toys are coming in handy now. Max giggled, and grabbed the bunny from me. I couldn't keep the smile off my face as Max hugged the bunny close. I'm actually bonding with my son!

I resisted the happy tears that were bound to come, and picked up Max. "Airplane?" I asked Max. "Sure." Said Max in his little 1-year-old voice. I doubt he knows what an airplane is, but he'll know soon enough.

I lay down on my back, and lifted my feet. I put both feet on Max's tummy, and took his hands. I lifted him into the air using my feet. He began to giggle, and look down at me. Max is so adorable, with his five baby teeth. I wish I could've been there when they came in.

I put Max down again, and he sighed. "What's the matter, bud?" I asked, looking at him. "You my dad?" Max asked, looking up at me. That kind-of took me aback. What do I say? What if Max tells Danielle he spent the night with his dad?

I took a deep breath, "Yes Max, I'm your daddy."

Max grinned, and through his arms around me. I felt my heart warm as I hugged him back. "Wuv you Dadda." He whispered in my ear. "Love you baby." I repeated back. Max let me go, and looked up at the roof. "Fanks Santa." Max whispered, smiling.


I just felt so bad for him when I was writing about the flashback.

QOTD: Should Danielle have another child?

Love you! -A

Liam James Payne


Danielle Claire Peazer


Max Ethan Payne

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