Ch. 79-Beginnings ♡

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Ch. 79-Beginnings ♡

Danielle's POV
(Two and a Half years earlier)

I stared at the positive pregnancy test in my hand. I ran my fingers through my crazy curly hair, pulling the loose strands behind my ear. I don't exactly know what to think. What am I supposed to think at a time like this? I am pregnant. Pregnant. That doesn't even sound right. Danielle Peazer? Pregnant? No. I'm not the motherly type of person. At all. I can't even make pizza-pockets without burning my tongue.

It's been three minutes since I took the test, yet I can't manage to pull my eyes from the pregnancy test. The two red bars were captivating. This little, plastic white stick only cost five pounds- yet it determines my entire future.

Being pregnant puts my dancing career in jeopardy. I can't dance with a child inside me. What if I fell and hurt the baby? Being pregnant is probably going to mess up my relationship with my boyfriend as well. Well, I don't think this baby will mess up Liam and my relationship, but it'll test it.

I've been dating Liam Payne for about a year and a half. He's so good to me. He takes me to the carnival, and he takes me ice-skating. He holds my hand, and hugs me from behind. He's the best boyfriend I've ever had. He makes me feel complete. He'd do anything to make me feel safe, and to protect me.

I know I'm twenty-two and he's eighteen, but that doesn't matter. Age doesn't matter in this relationship. Well- if Liam was forty years old I might have a problem. But he's not, and now I'm just rambling.

I put the pregnancy test down on the granite counter-top, and took a deep, shaky breath. I have to tell Liam soon. I don't want to hide this from him. He deserves to know. I'm not going to be that crazy person who doesn't tell the father about the baby, and runs away to raise the baby by themselves. I wouldn't manage to raise a child by myself. I'm going to need Liam.

I stood up, and looked at myself in the elegant full-length mirror. I turned to the side, and ran my hand down my stomach. Not even a bump. There shouldn't be a bump yet. It was four weeks ago when Liam and I did the thing that caused me this pregnancy. I'd be scared if there was a bump already. What if I had triplets?

I snatched the pregnancy test from the counter, and put it into the back pocket of my favorite grey skinny jeans. I'm not going to fit these jeans in a couple months. I'm going to lose my beautiful, skinny body. I'm going to have to trade my beautiful & fit body for a fat & flabby pregnant body. This sucks.

I unlocked the bathroom door, and turned off the light. Liam and I don't live together. We have separate homes. We've been talking about moving in together sometime soon. I walked through my flat, until I reached the kitchen. I pulled open the fridge, and grabbed a Pepsi. I opened it, and took a large sip.

I closed the fridge, and walked into the living room. I put the Pepsi down on the glass end table, and sat down in my recliner. I turned on the TV. I began watching Pretty Little Liars. I love this show. It's my life. I wrapped my furry blue blanket around my body, and reclined the chair.

I've had a long day. I was dancing for a music video this morning. But I couldn't stop throwing up. I didn't know why. The Director of the music video sent me home early. He didn't want me to get the other dancers sick. But that's not possible. Pregnancy isn't contagious. At least I don't think it is...

I'd walked to the pharmacy and picked up a pregnancy test. I came back my flat, and took the test. The test showed that I was pregnant- as you know. Now here I am. Sick on the sofa watching Pretty Little Liars. I won't be able to have my 'lazy nights' once I have the baby.

One night a week I buy a ton of junk food, watch a huge pile of movies, and lay in bed all night. Now I'm gonna have to take care of a baby. Instead of junk food, I'll be buying diapers, bottles, animal crackers, baby formula, baby food, rattles, cribs, and baby sleepers... Now I'm scaring myself. I'm legit having a baby. Do Mum's even say legit, or is it not 'cool' for Mum's to speak like teenagers? I'm going to be a Mum. A Mum.


I tapped my foot as I waited for Liam to text me back. Today I'm wearing grey knit leggings, a red long sleeve crop top and a high-waited black skirt. I'm wearing all my nice, form fitting clothes while I can. I don't want to wear baggy maternity clothes. I asked Liam if he wanted to meet up and talk over lunch.

I had a horrible sleep last night. I fell asleep during Pretty Little Liars. I had a dream that the baby hated me. I dreamt that Liam hated me because I was pregnant. He didn't want to be with me anymore, and he didn't want to be in the baby's life. Then I dreamt that I died during childbirth. It was a horrible night.

Finally, my phone dinged and a new message appeared on my screen.

Liam: Sure. I can be at your place in 10 minutes tops. Love you <3

I smiled, turning off my phone. Liam is not going to hate me. He's going to support me. We've talked about someday getting married and having children. Maybe we're a few years early, but who cares? We're in love, and I'm having a baby whether we like it or not. This is both of our fault.

"Hey Loki," I said, as Liam and my dog climbed onto the sofa next to me. Normally I don't let Loki climb on the sofa, but I'm making an exception. I'm feeling really vulnerable and shaky right now. I need the comfort Loki offers. I pet the fur on the top of Loki's head then kissed it. He barked, settling into my lap. I love this dog.

I'm thinking I might want a cat or a kitten someday. I'd name my kitten Max. I love the name Max. But Loki doesn't like cats, so I can't get one. If I did end up getting a kitten, another option for a name might be Berry. I just think it's an adorable name. It's sweet, and fun, and cute.

I pondered random thoughts, until my front door knocked. Loki barked, jumping off the sofa. I giggled, despite the fear and nerves filling every inch of my body. I peeled myself from the sofa, and followed Loki to the door. I pulled it open, plastering a giant smile on my face. Act natural.

"Hi Liam." I said, feeling my heart warm. I love Liam so much. Just seeing him makes me feel bashful and flustered. "Hi beautiful." Liam grinned, leaning forward and kissing my lips. I love Liam so much.

He pulled away from the kiss, walking inside my flat. I slowly closed the front door behind him. Loki followed Liam into the living room. "Hey boy," Said Liam, petting our dog's soft fur. I bit my bottom lip, joining my boyfriend on the sofa. I forced a smile while Liam played with Loki.

I took multiple deep breaths, preparing for the life-changing news I was about to break to Liam. "So, I wanted to talk to you," I said to Liam, placing a hand on his knee. He stopped petting Loki, and turned to me with a concerned look on his face. "Go away Loki!" I said, waving my hands towards my bedroom.

Loki ran down the hall, into my bedroom.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked, eyebrows knitting together. I turned back to Liam, looking into his caramel eyes. I wonder if our baby will have his eyes, or mine. I wonder if the baby will have my crazy hair. Will it be a boy or a girl? I just don't know. I hate not knowing things.

"I... I..." I started. The words refused to leave my lips. How do I tell him I'm pregnant?

"You what?" Liam asked, turning his knees towards me. I slowly took my hand off his knee, crossing my arms.

"I..." I tried to tell him, again. "You what?" Liam questioned, tone sounding as if he was growing impatient.

"Um, I have something big to tell you-" I started to explain.

I was interrupted my Liam's iPhone beeping. "Gimme a second, love." Said Liam, standing up and taking his phone out of his back pocket. I looked down at my lap as Liam answered the call. "Hello? Yeah. I'm with Danielle. Right now? Can't it wait? Fine. Okay. Bye." Said Liam, hanging up the phone. He put it back in his back pocket.

"Sorry Danielle, I have to go to the studio. How about we meet up tomorrow?" He asked, nodding his head as he walked towards the door. "I-" I began to talk, but was cut off by Liam yet again. "Okay, let's meet at Starbucks at two. Love you." He said, giving an apologetic smile before opening the front door and leaving.


The next day, I took my time walking down to Starbucks. It's beautiful late-December day. New Years is coming up. I can't wait to have Liam as my New-Years kiss. I smiled as light powdery snow began to fall from the clouds. The snow doesn't really stay on the ground around here, but it looks beautiful as it falls.

I put my hands in my leather jacket's pockets. Today I'm wearing red skinny jeans, black leather jacket, and white button-up, three-quarter sleeve blouse. Brown ankle boots finish the look. The boots are really hurting my feet though. I think it's because your feet get swollen when you're pregnant.

I arrived at the Starbucks, pulling the door open. There's not many people here. Maybe because it's 2pm on a Wednesday. I walked inside, and went to the seats where Liam and I always sit. We always sit by the round little table at the window with two chairs on each side of the rustic wooden table.

Liam wasn't there yet. I sat down in one of the chairs, pulling my jacket off, and hanging it over the back of the chair. I ran my hand down my stomach again, still not feeling a bump. I frowned. I really want to feel a bump. Or the baby kick. But I'm barely a month pregnant. Way too early for a bump, let alone a kick.

It's only been a couple days since I found out that I was pregnant, but for some reason I keep checking for a baby bump.

I pulled my phone out, and began playing Angry Birds. It's an okay pass-time. I'm not really feeling like ordering a Starbucks drink. My tummy hurts. I hope I don't throw up on Liam. That would be horrible. But Liam would understand. The baby is the one making me throw-up.

Moments later, I felt a tap on my left shoulder. I peered up, coming face-to-face with Liam's beautiful caramel eyes. I hope the baby has Liam's eyes. Liam's eyes are absolutely stunning. But Liam wasn't smiling at all. If anything, he was grimacing at me. Did I do something wrong?

"Hey," I said quietly as Liam sat down in the chair in front of mine. "Hi." He mumbled, twiddling with his fingers. "You okay?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

Maybe telling him I'm pregnant will cheer him up?

"I have some news," I grinning, hoping he would crack a smile as well. He didn't. I waited a couple moments to see if he would smile or respond. "Are you going to tell me your news or what?" Liam snapped when I didn't say anything. "And be quiet when you talk. I don't want to get attacked by fans." He added.

I was taken aback by his harsh tone. "Oh, yeah. Sorry." I apologized. "Um. Well Liam, I'm pre-" I prepared to tell him I'm pregnant, but Liam cut me off. "Listen Danielle," He said quietly, turning to look into my eyes. Liam brought his face up close to my face, to be able to talk quieter, and not cause a scene.

"What?" I asked calmly, smiling warmly. I read that staying calm when your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend is stressed calms you both, and gives you a feeling of safety. Liam took my little hands into his, and let out a deep, shaky breath. I continued giving him the warm smile.

"I don't think this relationship is working out anymore. Do you?" Liam asked, releasing my hands and pulling his face away from mine. I felt like I'd been stabbed in the heart.

"But... What about my news..." I whispered, eyes widening at Liam. "Danielle, I don't care about your news. Go tell Perrie or Eleanor or one of your girlfriends. I'm trying to discuss our relationship right now, and you keep bringing up your stupid news." Liam snapped. "I-I'm sorry." I whispered, obeying Liam's 'quiet' rule.

"So what do you think?" Liam asked, looking outside the window. "Do you think we should split?" He asked. "I-I..." I started stating my opinion, "I personally think we should stay together... I thought we wanted to get married someday? Kids?" I questioned.

Liam slowly shook his head no, "I just don't feel the same about you anymore. I've noticed that you haven't been acting the same around me anymore, too. I know you want this relationship to end, but you're too scared to tell me. Am I right?" Liam questioned.

"I love you..." I said, shaking my head. I can't believe Liam is talking like this. Just yesterday he was the sweetest man I've ever met. Today he's just... bitter. "No you don't Danielle," Said Liam, "You're just too scared to admit the truth. Let's make this easier for the both of us, and agree to break-up. Okay?"

I felt tears welling up in the corners of my eyes. It became harder for me to breath as my stomach constricted. Liam nodded his head, sliding off his chair. "Bye Danielle. We can still be friends." He told me, kissing my forehead. "Wait," I said, grabbing his shoulder as he began walking away.

I still should tell him about the baby... But why tell him about a baby he doesn't want? Why tie him down to me and a child he doesn't care about?

I cautiously pulled my hand off his shoulder, and dropped it on my lap. "What?" Liam asked, shoving his hands in his coat pockets. "Never-mind, it's nothing." I whispered, looking down at my fingers. "Okay... Bye Danielle." He said, giving a sympathetic smile and leaving the Starbucks.

The moment the door closed behind him, tears began rolling down my cheeks. What happened to the Liam I knew and loved? Who was that idiot who just dumped me? He wouldn't even let me tell him about the baby. Liam doesn't want kids with me. Does he think I'd make ugly kids?

If Liam doesn't know about the baby, I'm not telling anyone else. That'd be unfair. I can't tell my Mum and Dad. I can't tell my best friends. I can't tell Niall, Louis, Zayn or Harry. I have to keep this to myself. Forever.

I'll stay home, and wear baggy clothes until I give birth to the baby. Then I'll quit dancing for a few years to care for the child. When he/she is older, I'll hire a nanny for him/her. I'll tell the nanny that the child is my nephew or niece. I'm going to non-stop lie.

I looked down at my stomach, running my hand over it again. Using my other hand, I wiped away the stray tears running down my cheeks. "We don't need your father," I whispered to my flat stomach, "He's a huge idiot for passing up the opportunity to be your father. I'll love you unconditionally, baby. I love you so much already. I love you."

I love this chapter so much for some reason ♡
QOTD- Your opinion on how the story is going!
P.S. Only about two more chapters until the story is over, and the sequel is released!
-A xo

Liam James Payne
Danielle Claire Peazer
Max Ethan Payne

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