Ch. 71-Abortion

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Ch. 71-Abortion

*Eleanor's POV

Louis and I have another ultrasound today. We get to check on our boys. Jay and Cameron. I'm about five months along, due in July. I can't wait to see my two baby boys' faces. Speaking of babies... Danielle told me she's pregnant. I'm going to visit her after my ultrasound. She's debating whether to tell Liam about the baby. I don't know what I'd do. Danielle is so strong. She's a true inspiration.

I held Louis' hand as the nurse rubbed some gel onto my bulging stomach. I'm showing now. A lot. I'm not fitting into my pants, I'm having massive cravings, and I'm still throwing up all the time. Unfortunately, the nurse informed me that I'm probably going to throw up for the entire pregnancy. Yuck.

"Here they are," Said the nurse, rubbing the small metal device onto my stomach. I grinned. There are my boys. They're so perfect. I can't wait to see them live and in person. "That's Jay, and that's Cameron." Said Louis, pointing to the screen. "We should call Jay, J.T. You know, since his name is Jay Tomlinson."

"Sure," I agreed, biting my bottom lip. I can't believe I'm going to be a Mom. A mom to two beautiful baby boys. They'll probably have Louis' beautiful blue-eyes, and my darker brown hair. Maybe one will look like me, and one will look like Louis. I also decided that if Danielle's baby is a girl, she will be named Megan Camille, and she will someday date & marry either Jay or Cameron. That way Danielle and I will be in-laws.

"You see those?" Asked the nurse, pointing to a small part of the screen. I squinted my eyes, nodding. "Those are according to Louis, Cameron's little fingers." Said the nurse, grinning. I let out a small gasp, my grin growing 10 sizes. "Wow." Louis breathed, shaking his head. "I'm going to be a Daddy."

"Everything looks great," Said the nurse, removing the device from my stomach. I frowned, the video feed of my sons disappearing from the screen. I love looking at my boys. "Would you like a copy of your ultrasound tape?" Asked the nurse, smiling warmly. I grinned, nodding, "Yes please!"

"Okay," The nurse smiled, standing up. She began getting the tape ready for Louis and I. "Should we get the bedrooms ready for the boys before they're born?" Asked Louis, helping me sit up. I nodded, pulling my shirt down over my stomach. "Of course. We can't bring them home to an empty room."

Louis nodded in agreement. "We'll have to go shopping. We can buy them little matching outfits. Maybe when they're older, they will try and trick us by pretending to be the other. Like, Jay would pretend to be Cameron. They could fool their friends." I giggled, "Yeah. But since we're their parents they couldn't fool us. We'd know them too well." Louis chuckled, nodding, "I guess so. I always wanted a twin when I was little."

I nodded, "It'd be so cool. Matching outfits, switching identities, a best friend the same age that you get to live with!" Louis grinned, nodding, "Our kids are gonna be so lucky to have each other." I smiled, "They're gonna be lucky because they're gonna have you as a Dad." I winked, kissing Louis' lips lightly.

"They'll be lucky to have you as a Mum." Louis countered, kissing my nose. I blushed, "We're going to be the most lucky, because we get to have them. We're going to be parents, Lou. Parents. This is no little game we played with dolls in kindergarten." Louis nodded seriously, taking a deep breath.

"Here's the DVD." Said the nurse, returning with our ultrasound. "Thanks." Said Louis, taking the disk from the woman's hand. "Yes, thank-you." I added. The nurse smiled, "No problem. You may go now. Just go to the receptionist and book your next appointment." I frowned, nodding, "Okay... thanks."

I slid off the hospital bed. "Wait," Said the nurse, stopping me. "You seem sad. Is everything alright?" I shrugged, "I already miss seeing our sons. I know it's silly. It's probably pregnancy hormones." The nurse smiled reassuringly, "If you'd like, you can lay down and I'll show you the babies again."

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