Ch. 27-Screams

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Ch. 27-Screams

*Danielle's POV

"Danielle... What the hell did Max just say?"

When I heard those words, I felt a giant weight lifted onto my shoulders. I can recognize that voice anywhere. I don't want this drama back in my life. I felt myself getting lightheaded. I put a hand up to my temple, and took a deep breath. "I miss Li-li." Max repeated. I looked at my son, "Shh Max."

Slowly, I turned around, still sitting in my chair. I saw Liam standing over me, his arms crossed. His body language looked confused and half-mad. His face on the other hand, looking compassionate, and understanding. Something in his eyes had hope. Hope for what, though?

"What did Max just say, Danielle?" Asked Liam. "I know you know what he said." I snapped. Whenever I'm cornered, I feel the need to be aggressive. I need to stand my ground. I will not be knocked down. I can't let people intimidate me. Okay, that sounded like I was trying to be inspirational, but it's not. It's just true.

"Why would a one year old child say something like that?" Asked Liam, raising an eyebrow. He stepped closer to me. "Why would a 20 year old man, be standing behind his ex-girlfriend, waiting?" Liam had no answer for that one. Max sat on his chair, watching the whole thing unravel and sucking on his peach.

"Because," Said Liam, un-crossing his arms. He let them fall at his sides. "I miss you Danielle. I love you. I want a life with you and our son. I'm sorry for my mistakes, Danielle. Forgive me."

That came as a shock to me. The weight buried itself further into my shoulders. I felt tears making their way up to my eyes, and my head began to pound. I looked around the room. Everything was getting blurry. All I could see was Liam's lips moving. I couldn't hear any noise. All I could see were blurry party guests.

Why would Liam say something like that to me? I'm just a re-bound. He doesn't love me. He doesn't want me. He doesn't love Max. No.

"Let's go." I managed to say to Max. I stood up, and walked a few steps. It probably wasn't the best idea. Once I'd stood, I couldn't see anything. I couldn't hear anything. The blurry figures were replaced with blackness. I found myself falling. I fell into the drink table, and passed out.

**Liam's POV

I watched my love fall.

She landed on the drink table. I ran towards her. "Danielle!" I called. It was like slow motion. The table broke, and Danielle fell right into it. Her eyes closed, as her dress began to soak with punch and soda. People began to run over, obviously worried.

Finally, her body settled on a punch bowl. Once her body had stopped falling, all the weight was on the glass. The glass punch bowl shattered, and Danielle fell into a pile of glass shards. Red blood began coming from Danielle's arms and legs. "Help!" I cried. Immediately, guests took action.

I ran to her side, and struggled to pick her up without hurting her more. "Careful!" Eleanor snapped, "You don't want to hurt her anymore!"

Together, Niall, Violet and Zayn carried a couch over from the living room. "Here, here." Said Niall. They put it down beside me. Carefully, I maneuvered my hands to pick her up without hurting her. Actually, I wouldn't know if I was hurting her because she's passed out, but that's not the point.

I lay Danielle down on the white sofa, and looked at her bleeding body. Her face was covered in bloody scratches, along with her legs and arms. I'm sure she has cuts on her thighs, and stomach too because the glass cut through her gown. The couch slowly got soaked with blood.

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