Ch. 81-FaceTime

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Ch. 81-FaceTime

*Samantha's POV

"Harry, I couldn't wait to tell you. It's really stressing me out and I can't sleep." I said over the phone, crossing my arm over my stomach. It's been about 10 minutes since we said goodnight, but I can't keep this to myself anymore. I'm probably being over-dramatic, but I still think Harry deserves to know.

"What is it?" Harry asked, yawning. "I got a job. I'm handing the stable over to one of my cousins. I don't really know my cousin, but she contacted me and told me she wants to work with horses in the future, and would love to take over the stable. So, I got a new job. I'm going to be a manager for a big five-star hotel." I explained, gulping.

"That's amazing!" Harry exclaimed, surprising me with his enthusiastic response. "But-" I started explaining the downside, until Harry cut me off. "Congratulations! My beautiful girlfriend is gonna be a hotel manager. That's really great, Sam. I'm sure you'll do amazing at the new job." He congratulated. "Harry, after I got the job... I realized the hotel is in Los Angeles. I'm moving to America."

Harry's happy, congratulatory, and chipper voice disappeared and was replaced with an awkward silence. "You're moving?" Harry finally asked. "Yeah," I responded, pursing my lips together. "Please don't move." Harry begged a moment later. "What?" I questioned, not expecting this reaction. I don't know what exactly I was expecting...

"Please don't move. I love you." Harry told me. Harry's deep breathing echoed through the phone when neither Harry or I were talking. "I have to move. I'm sorry, but it's a really well paying job. And from what I've heard, One Direction occasionally stay in that hotel." I tried to make this job seem like a good idea.

"But, I love you." Harry attempted to use the same argument. "Harry, I love you too but I can't pass up this job opportunity." Harry sighed. I could practically see Harry shaking his head, struggling to think of what to say next. "What if I offer you a job?" Harry questioned, voice rising. "What?" I asked, "What do you mean?"

"Do you want to work for One Direction, or Modest! Or SYCO or something?" Harry asked, his voice getting more excited as he spoke. "Wait no! You can be my assistant!" Harry's raspy voice exclaimed as the idea entered his mind. "You can bring me a water, or a snack or a kiss- just in case I'm sad," Harry said cheekily, "I'll pay you a thousand pounds an hour if that's your price. Name your pice, and this is a done deal."

"I don't know Harry... It does sound amazing..." I trailed off, pursing my lips together while I created a pro's and con's list in my head. "It would be amazing." Harry agreed, trying to persuade me.

Pro- Staying in the UK, but also getting to travel the world with Harry, for work. Pro- Getting to see my beautiful boyfriend Harry every day. Pro- Giving Harry kisses when he's sad. Pro- Harry giving me kisses when I'm sad. Pro- Well paying... But the 1000 pounds an hour sounds a little excessive.

Plus, fans would think I'm just using Harry for fame, which I'm absolutely not. I love Harry for Harry. I'd love him if he was poor + working at McDonalds. But in all seriousness, I really do need the money right now. That's why I was willing to move to America for the hotel managing job.

Con- I don't think there are actually any cons! "Okay, sure." I agreed, grinning a giant Demi Lovato grin. "Really?" Harry asked, sounding surprised that I agreed. "What? Are you changing your mind, now?" I asked, giggling. "Of course not! I'm so happy, Sam. I can't wait to see you. You can come on tour with us, and we can talk all night." Harry chucked.

"Thanks Harry. I love you." I blushed. "I love you more."

*Liam's POV

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