Ch. 72-Confident

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Ch. 72-Confident

*Danielle's POV (Four Weeks Later)

So... Life sucks. So damn much. Life more then sucks. It blows? It's absolutely terrible. I feel like I'm going to kill myself. I can't even express it. Really. Just wait until you hear what's been going on.

Okay, ever since I told Liam about the abortion, my life just hasn't been the same. Liam walked up the steps, and slapped me in the face when I told him I was for sure getting the abortion. I was left with a bright red handprint on my cheek. I cried for hours. I never in a million years suspected Liam would hit me. But he did. Then he climbed into his car, and left. I haven't seen the jerk since.

Then the gossip channels, tabloids, celebrity juice websites etc. just announced 'The Beautiful Sophia Smith is Pregnant!'

I can't believe Liam. Just because I'm aborting his baby, doesn't mean he can go make a new one with someone like Sophia. He's disgusting. I bet Sophia didn't even want this baby. From what Liam was telling me, Liam and Sophia didn't want to be together. But Liam's a liar. So whatever. He can have his new baby.

One of the top things making me feel sick, is that I aborted my baby. It was very painful. There was a lot of blood involved. I felt horrible. Absolutely sick. I regretted it once the procedure was over, and I saw the blood on the doctors' hands. No child deserves to be killed. But it's too late now. My baby is already gone. I really can't stop sobbing.

Why would I do that? I KILLED my baby.

Want to know what makes everything even worse? I'm feeling my heart constrict just thinking about this... I brought Max into the hospital the other day for an annual checkup. He has a horrible heart condition. I've noticed he's been having shortness's of breath lately, and has been very pale.

Stuttering, mixed emotions, and blue lips are also symptoms. It equals out to a very rare children's disease. Max has had the illness for too long, and it's too late for any treatment. He has four months TOPS to live. I've been crying ever since. I can't believe my baby is going to die. My baby.

My Max is going to be dead in 4 months.

Oh! I almost forgot the best part. Please excuse my excessive sarcasm, I'm going to kill myself soon because of the pain I'm in. My pregnancy hormones are gone now, so this is all me talking.

Okay... They found an aunt that Madison has. Even though I'm Madison's biological mother, Child Services don't care. They're sending Maddie to live with her Aunt Becky in America. I can't believe my life. She's my Madison.

Um... My parents are moving to fricking ALASKA next month. I have NO idea why. But it's just making everything worse. I love my parents to death. I really need them right now, and they're leaving me alone.

Just to re-cap, Madison is going to be in America in t-minus five months. Max is going to be dead in four. I'm gonna try and help him live all his dreams before then. It's going to be hard. I aborted my baby. Oh, and Sophiam is pregnant. Oh, and my parents are leaving. I think that is everything. I can't believe all this. I'm going to kill myself.

I've been cutting since I aborted the baby. My thighs are covered in thin, but deep red lines. I don't cut much, but when the pain is at it's worse I go to my razor. I just... My life is horrible. I hate my damn life.

Scroll down for another note.

Hey beautiful readers. This is the end of Max and Me! I hope you all enjoyed reading it!

I'm sorry for the lame ending. I wanted Max to die, and Madison to go back to family.

And yeah! Thanks for everyone who read Max and Me! I love you!

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