OMP 59

982 60 9

Dedicated to: uhhOHmeh


"Chanyeol seja-joeha? I'm sorry we weren't able to welcome you properly, you came earlier than expected." The new crowned prince pursed his lips and shook his head lightly.

"The wedding... might need to wait another lifetime." He sadly says with a far look on his eyes

"I came to give the message, the crowned prince had passed away." The queen's right-hand maid frowned and realized she must be speaking with the younger brother of the deceased prince.

"i'm very sorry to hear that." They knew about the crowned prince. He sent the King and Queen a letter to personally thank them for agreeing with the marriage proposal his parents granted him and told them the truth about his health and how deeply he cherishes the princess. He told them how they met and how he came to love her and the Queen was moved by his sincerity. It i sad to say the princess won't be able to meet him properly.

June was on his way back home when he heard a commotion and ordered his men to come back where they came and found tht the palace is being attacked. With the promise to his brother to look out for the princess, June ordered his me to fight for the palace as he do so. He was able to comethe right time and saved the princess from being slain.

"Go!" he tells her as he fought with his life.

"Will she be safe?" The Queen was hopeful and will do anything to save her daughter, even if it meant to cast her off to the unknown.

"Safer than here your majesty." The priestess assures her highness.

"How can you be so sure?"

"I'm not sure where she'll end up but the he crowned prince..." The Queen looked up to her at the mention of the late prince. She knew of the Prince's passing a week ago which what brought the priestess to the palace, however, rumors are circulating around the palace that the priestess is a witch that was caught doing forbidden magic which isn't true.

The Queen was startled to hear a commotion outside and the priestess held her hand urgently. "We don't have much time your highness, you need to decide." With tears brimming her eyes, the Queen nodded in agreement.

They hurried out of the room and went to one of the secluded rooms in the palace. "I'll prepare everything, just take her here and we can save her." The Queen nodded and went out in search for her daughter and clasped her hands that she may be happy wherever she may end up.


"Princess!" I looked up and ran towards lisa, crying on her shoulder

"We came back as soon as we heard." she said in a hushed tone and rubbed my back.

"He's going to be fine." She tried to assure me but I shook my head, I saw how he's fighting for his life and it hurts

"I'm sorry, I think it's my fault." June says, scratching the back of his head and sehun pulled on his collar, seething. "What did you do?!" he asked through gritted teeth, his jaw clenching.

"I saw him coming our way and decided to tease him by leaning in to chaeyoung like I was going to kiss her. I didn't think it could cause a heart attack, literally." My eyes widened when I heard that

"It's my fault?" I say in a small voice and they turned to me. The pain I felt doubled with the thought.

"It's because of me he's like that?" I choked back a sob as fat tears stream down my face. Sehun let go of june and they frowned at me as I start to back away. There was a sudden noise and nurses came rushing inside the room. I covered my ears as it rang.

"Princess.." I shook my head and gave the door to where chanyeol was brought a longing glance before walking away.

"Princess!" They called out but I ran. I am nothing but a burden both from the past and even here. People I love always try to protect me when I'm not worthy.

I found myself heading towards the museum once again with my heavy heart. I looked up to the painting of my family and wailed out "Why me? Why save me? I bring nothing but pain to the people I love." Now chanyeol is suffering too.

"Save him please!" I begged, my voice echoing to the empty place. They are still open at night but no one's here.

Memories with Chanyeol came rushing back and I cried even harder. I remember how he took care of me since the beginning even if I was a stranger. He always laughed with the things I say and did not hesitate to put his face near mine but he turns red if I did it. There were a lot of things I didn't know and he was patient in teaching me and skinship came naturally as I became comfortable around him. He made my heart race.

I remember how he holds me and I felt safe. I remember how he looked at me and I wished he really were my husband. I love him. I really do and seeing him fight for his life because of my doing pains me. If I hadn't appeared in his life, maybe he'd be happier. When I think I'm getting used to this world, It just have to slap me with the fact that I don't belong here. That I'm just an intruder that wasn't meant to be here. It was a mistake.

"I Love Him! And if with me being here causes him pain, even if I have to go back to where I came from just please! Please!!" I kneeled down and prayed wholeheartedly. "Save him." i whispered.

"You did." I gasped and stood up. My heart started beating so fast and I turned to see him. There he was. I was having doubts, thinking I'm just seeing things but he walked towards me and cupped my face. Tears fell from my eyes and hugged me tight.

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