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The crown princess sighed heavily as she stare up at the sky. Frowning at the sight of the dark clouds looming over the palace.
It's quiet. Everything's been quiet. The palace had been busy these past few years with the discussion among the Japanese. But for the past week, it has been awfully silent.

"Gongju-mama, you are not allowed to leave the quarters. Please go back in." was always what the appointed court maid for princess chaeyoung have said but she had enough.

"I'm going to see his majesty." She announced, opening her door and rushing out

"Gongju, It is the king's order. You must obey." The head of the guards blocked her path. Clenching her jaw and curling her fist, princess chaeyoung could only turn back to her chambers.

Her heartbeat accelerated, she doesn't like the feeling of it. She has become weary.

"No one shall enter my chambers. I will be going into slumber." She closed her door shut.

"Gongju-mama! The King, His Majesty requests you audience." They announced the arrival of her father.

The princess kept her mouth shut. Insisting that she has fallen asleep. She heard her door open so she closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

"Gongju, the King requests your audience." The princess hear a familiar voice say.

Princess chaeyoung didn't move and calmed her breathing as if really sleeping. With a sigh, the court maid stood and left.

"The princess had gone to slumber, joenha"

"Very well." Princess Chaeyoung snapped her eyes open.

"Jeonha, Do you wish to revoke your orders?"

"Not yet. Let her stay on her chambers for now."

"Ye joenha." The princess wasn't pleased. She'd been imprisoned on her room for almost a week now as if being inside palace grounds isn't prison enough.

"Aish! Why won't they tell me anything?!" The princess grumbled causing her loyal servant to chuckle.

"Agasshi, you know how the females have been restricted to a lot of things since Joseon began." The princess's face contorted to disgust

"And I don't know how my father could let that happen!" I grumbled but then an announcement came.

"But agasshi, you have much knowledge in things, you have been taught a lot."

"And I don't like it one bit! It felt like I'm cheating on my fellow women. While they are out there, ignorant of things, I am in here bathe with all there is to know. But then again how different am I when I can't even speak of what I know?" The princess's brows furrowed. She had to feign ignorance.

"Daebi-mama!" They looked at the door when the guards announced the Queen's arrival.

"Mama." The princess sat properly and bowed. She looked up to see the Queen nod once and the servants left the room.

"Gongju-mama, I heard you refused to see his majesty?" The Queen sounded stern but the slight quirk on her lips says otherwise.

"Psh. I can't see him but he can go see me??" The princess crossed her arms over her chest, a pout on her lips.

"Gongju-mama, you should understand it's hard to be out there right now." The princess met her mother's gaze

"When does is it ever not? I can't even go out in this room without having to ride on a palanquin." The Queen chuckled at her daughter's rants.

"Please know that the King treasures you so much." Her eyes softened. She knows that.

"I shall take my leave. Rest now as you will rise early tomorrow to meet your Groom-to-be." The princess groaned much to the Queen's amusement.

"What's the point of marriage? It will be the same routine except it will be in a different place." The princess rolled her eyes and the Queen can just shake her head.

"Goodnight, my daughter." She smiled at her mother.

"Goodnight, Eommeoni." The Queen took her leave and the princess glanced at her window once again and sighed.

Morning came and the princess has still not come up from bed.

"Gongju-mama, you should prepare now as your betrothed will arrive soon." There was no answer. With no time left to spare, the court lady forcefully peeled off the blanket from her royal highness, only to be greeted with a sight of pillows.

"Guards!! Find the princess!" The court lady yelled and rushed outside.

The princess smirked and peeked to see the court lady has left her room. She peered outside her windows to see the guards standing by their move from their posts from her disappearance.

A grin made a way into her lips as she leapt out of her window. She looked around and carefully made her way to the King's chambers when she spotted someone unfamiliar. All she can see was his back.

"Did you just sneak out to stare at your husband to be?" The princess jump and turned in surprise.

"Orabeoni! You scared me." She put a hand to her heart. Making the crown prince chuckle

"There you are princess!" The princess's brows rose up as she watched her older brother's cheeks color at the arrival of her most trusted royal guard.

Despite the status quo among women, the General's daughter was allowed to serve her family.

"Seja-joeha." She greeted the crown prince with a curt bow.

Then everything happened so fast. In a blink of an eye, the princess was dragged away to safety when Japanese men attacked the palace.

Her eyes widened as she saw a sword swinging her way. She closed her eyes but felt nothing and heard grunts. She looked up to see her groom-to-be blocking the sword for her. Still unable to his face.

"Go!" His deep voice rung her ears as she nodded and ran way.

The princess helplessly stared at the sight in front of her. Who dares to attack the palace in broad daylight?!

The princess stifled a scream when cold hands enclosed hers and looked up to see the Queen.

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