OMP 52

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Yeri and I squealed when the yacht came to a rough stop. We hear a commotion outside. What's going on?

"Why are these ropes so thick damn it!" I hear yeri grunt.

"They tied it so tightly too. It's digging on my skin." And out of all times! When I'm wearing with nothing but a two piece. The door suddenly busted open revealing two goons and princess, whoever she is. "Take them!" She ordered.

I thought we'll finally be free from the binds when they cut off the ropes on our feet but how wrong I was. They dragged us to the top deck when yeri screamed jungkook's name.

"Yerii! Hold on!" I snapped my head up to see him fighting off the bad guys. The others were there too but they're outnumbered.

"Yoda!" Chanyeol's eye met mine and he glared at my body. What? It's not the time to be angry for I'm wearing.

"Don't you dare touch her!" That was the last thing I saw when we were carried further. We can't see them anymore.

"Hurry up!" Princess shrieked.

"Nooo! Aandwaee! Let me gooo!" I turned to see yeri struggling as she was pushed down harshly to a chair and tied to it.

"Yeri!" I stood up only to be pushed back down and a slap sting my face. It was so hard I felt blood on my mouth.

"Chaeyoung!" I hear yeri yell worriedly at me.

"Shut up you two! I'm tired of hearing your high-pitched voices!" Princess screeched as the guy tied me to the chair.

"Push them!" Before I can even react, I was already tilting backwards. My eyes widened and I let go of a gasp. It felt like slow motion as I feel my body fall. I couldn't move my upper body.

Yeri let out a desperate call for her boyfriend then I hear a splash followed by mine. We're gonna drown!

I thrashed but careful not to let go of the breath I'm holding. It's no use. I held my breath for as long as I could but I'm losing my strength. Suffocating hurts.

I closed my eyes shut tightly as I struggled. Not only can't I breathe, but I'm sinking deep. So if I die, they won't be able to find our bodies cause it won't float up.

I was already losing consciousness when I hear a muffled splash. Just as I let go of the breath I've been holding, I felt a hand cupping my face and lips pressed against mine. Air passed through my mouth. I felt a tug and I can now move my hands but I'm still feeling weak.

"Gongju, there's a letter for you." Pranpriya grinned at me.

"For me? Are you sure?" I can't think of anyone who'd send me a letter.

"Oh just read it and tell me." She giggled and showed the paper in my hands. I opened the letter and here's what is says:

Gongju-mama, I apologize if you thought I have stood you up. Something came up so I wasn't able to meet with you. Yes, I am aware of your real identity, I apologize once more if you thought I deceived you. It is not my intention. Like you, I am also not who you think I am. I'll do my best to meet you again, but know the only thing I hid from you is my real name and status, just like you. The difference was, I knew who you were or at least had a hunch and confirmed it. I hope you won't be disheartened with what you've learned for it is still I, the boy who swore to be with you no matter what.


Hearing yeri's desperate call of my brother's name followed by splash and another made me freeze. The princess!

"Yeri! I swear if anything happens to her imm going to bury you alive!" Jungkook was livid.

"Yoongi look out!" Yoongi was almost hit with a table if jennie hadn't thrown a knife at the guy's hand. She hit spot on causing the table to be dropped on the guy's foot as he shrieked in pain on his wounded hand.

My heartbeat accelerated as the time ticks. Has it been a minute since I heard the splash? Jisoo and jeongyeon arrived and took care of our opponents and jungkook did not need to be told twice and rushed off to where we heard yeri scream from but we were too late.

Yeri was carried by some guy we didn't know and chaeyoung.. chaeyoung was carried by the guy at the club. They rushed to us calling out for an ambulance. Jungkook and I snapped out from our trance and hurried over to asssist them.

"The coast guard is on their way with lisa." Namjoon panted, a bruise forming on his cheek. Jisoo and jeongyeon held the screeching psycho. She's caught and this time we'll make sure she can't go out. Jungkook and I went with the coastguard and hurried to take them to the ambulance where they were immediately checked by the paramedics.

"Thanks for saving her. How did you get there by the way?" I asked junhoe?

"I was there first. I was held captive by that girl who was batshit crazy. She was saying stuff ablut me being the crowned prince or something like that." My breathing hitched and I looked at chaeyoung.

"My friends were able to sneak in and helped me escape but we weren't able to get out cause you guys came and fought with those guys. It was chaotic so we stayed hidden that's when jinhwan hyung pointed out your wife and that other girl hanbin saved." I nodded.

"Thanks. Do you... recognize her anywhere? Aside from the club I mean." I motioned to chaeyoung and he paused to think about it. "I don't think so.. but, she does seem familiar to me. Like there's like a pull? No offense. It's not my thing to go for married women." He raised his hands up.

My heart dropped and I gulped.

It's him. The crowned prince.

✔ Oh My, Princess?!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora