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"Mama, what's going on? Why are they attacking the palace?" I asked as we ran.

"There's not much time Gongju-mama, we need to hurry." I helplessly looked back and gasped.

"Daebi-mama, I can't leave my brother!" There in the ground, my brother is fighting with his life.

"He will be fine. He is the crown prince. It is his duty to protect the palace." My heart clenched as I struggled to get free from my mother's grasp.

"Chaeyoung-ah!" I froze. This was the first time my mother has called me with just my name.

"Listen very carefully." She cupped my face and tears streamed down her pretty face.

"You need to escape. You need to leave us. Do you understand?" Tears flowed my eyes and I shook my head no.

"Gongju, no matter what happens. Know that we love you and we're not abandoning you." I don't understand what she's saying.

"Jeonha." My mother bowed and I turned around to see my father holding a sword with blood dripping from it.

We were about to go when enemies tried to strike the the Queen but the King was able to prevent it.

"Go." I sobbed as my father kissed my forehead and my mother pulled me.

"Abeoji!!" I wailed as I see him getting hit but he still continued to fight. We ran and turned 'til we reached a room. Someone was already there.

"Daebi-mama are you sure about this? This will only work once and there's no guarantee where she'll be." The Queen gulped but nodded

"We'll take the chance. I'd rather have her disappear than be enslaved and abused." The Queen held my hand tightly and faced me.

"My daughter, my precious daughter." I cried held my mother's warm hands as she cupped my face.

"Please forgive us. Live your life brightly and forget about us, ok?" This is just a dream. I'm in a nightmare.

"We have to hurry your highness." She pushed me gently and told me to get in to the thing that looks like a coffin.

"I don't want to. I don't care what will happen to me as long as we're together Mama." We heard footsteps and the Queen looked at the door in panic

"Hurry." She hugged me tightly and sobbed as she pushed me in the coffin, making me stumble.

"Lie down princess. This will be quick." They closed the lid and I felt suffocated. It is so dark, I could not see a thing.

I hear the guards fight outside the room and the Queen and that person started chanting something. It sounds like a ritual.

"Let me out!!" I screamed and thrashed but the lid didn't budge.

"Daebi-mama! I promise to be good! I will not do anymore tricks to sneak out of the palace! Mama!" I begged.

The ritual suddenly stopped but I didn't feel anything. With all my strength, I pushed the lid and I'm happy it budged a bit, letting me see what's happening outside through a small opening.

The queen is kneeling down in front of me and still doing the rituals while the other person who I recognized now as the prisoner taken a week before, she was rumored to be a witch.

She fought of the enemies and I saw them flying off but she's growing weaker.

"Daebi-Mama, I don't have much power left, we need to finish it now." She held on to my mother's hand as they chanted. I see light starting to glow on my feet and it's growing and growing.

My breathing hitched as I marveled the bright light gradually increasing to my body like little fireflies.

It was a mistake to look back out as I see a sword pierced through my mother's body.

"Mama!!" I screamed from the top of my lungs but that didn't stop them from the ritual. They continued to hold on to each other despite their injuries that could kill them.

She coughed up blood and I thrashed but I can't feel my legs. My mother crawled up me and held the lid. She gave me small smile as a tear rolled down her cheek as if knowing I can see her. Then it was dark again.

"Eommaaaa!" Was the last thing I cried out when the brightness engulfed my body and then nothing. I felt my body getting zapped and I lost consciousness.

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A loud booming sound can be heard from my room and then followed by high-pitched screams.

I sighed and rubbed my temples before folding the newspaper and tossed is to the table. I uncrossed my legs and stood up to go where the rascals are.

"Junkyu and jihoon! What did you boys do again?!" I yelled.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to touch anything from the preserved section!" I opened the door to the room where the antiques were preserved with a bang.
My two idiotic twin younger brothers were holding on to each other, eyes wide and on the floor.

"We didn't do anything! I swear!" Junkyu shook his head vigorously.

"Well, we were about to, but then we heard a BOOM! in that thing that looks like from the mummy!" Jihoon said pointing at the coffin in front of them and junkyu nodded for confirmation.
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. Not believing a word they say.

"What did they do this time?" Sehun and yoshinori popped up and the twins repeated their tale.
I smirked and looked at sehun. He got what's on my mind and we grinned at the two.

"W-what's with your sinister looks?" The twins paled and yoshinori laughed, preparing his phone.

"Come here." Junkyu and jihoon tried to run but we caught them

"Let's see if you like the coffin." They struggled to get away but then we pushed the lid off rather too easily when it used to not budge at all.

"Holy shhdhgefaybwgdgy!!" I cussed as well fell down.

"Mummmmyyy!!" Jihoon and junkyu ran away.

"Y-ya yeol. You check it." Sehun nudged me.

"Yah why me, you check it."

"You're the eldest!" I shakily stood up but then the girl groaned and sat up.

"Waaaaaaah!!" Yoshinori was running ahead of us as sehun and I scrambled off the ground, and sprinted off.

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