OMP 39

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This chapter is dedicated to songkitchenhub & cathmomile thanks for the upvotes and comment~


"If I see a scrape on her—"

"Just go already! We can take care of her. Shoo." Jisoo muttered, waving her hands to yoda, shooing him away. He was hesitant to leave me with them since he's going somewhere else. He asked me to come with him but the girls told me they'll teach me how to skate so I chose to stay behind.

"And don't teach her unnecessary things!" He turned and pointed at each of the girls except jeongyeon.

"Yeah yeah. We'll leave it to your lessons." He turned bright red and rolled his eyes walking away. Muttering things he like asking his brothers why they were with lisa and yeri.

"Ok! Are you ready to skate princess?" I nodded with a grin and they cheered. They let me put on the quad skate first the one where there's two wheels on your sole and two on you heel. It was kind of scary first like I'm gonna slip out a couple of times but it was easy to slide through. When I was able to go by myself they let me change it to the inline skates like what they're wearing. The inline skates also has four wheels but unlike the quad skate, it is formed in a single line.

"Omma!" I squealed when I landed on my butt

"Are you ok?" Jeongyeon asked, helping me up.

"This is harder and really slippery." No wonder they put on the safety gears.

"Alright, steady.. steady.." she held me on both hands and we moved slowly. She's moving backwards so she can assist me. I was able to get a hang of it and she started to just hold me in one hand and stayed by my side.

"You can do it princess!" Jennie cheered as she whizzed pass me.

"Fighting!" Jisoo grinned, skating backwards.

"Want me to let go?" I pursed my lips to Jeongyeon and nodded. She slowly let go and I began skating myself. I laughed at the free feeling of the wind. It felt like I was floating. I was grinning from ear to ear as I went down the slope and I hear the other girls screaming and skating after me. I did not notice the slope so I'm going faster and I begin to panic.

"I don't know how to stoooop!" I yelled.

"Put your hands on your knees!"

"Balance your weight and bend down! Lean forward!" I can't hear them properly as they are shouting at the same time with different instructions.

"Aaaaaaah" I screamed and closed my eyes for impact when I headed straight to the gutter.

"Princess!" They called out in unison as I tumbled over and rolled to the grass. Atleast now I know the use of the safety gears.

"Oh my gosh chanyeol's gonna kill us!" Yeri said, kneeling down on my side, hovering me and checking my head for injuries.

"How many fingers do you see?" My brows furrowed when lisa showed me three fingers up

"Three." I answered.

"Does your head hurt? Do you feel like vomiting? Are you feeling a little disoriented?" Yeri asked me in succession.

"No. I'm ok." I groaned sitting up and they helped me.

"Omo! You have a wound." Jisoo held my hand that has grazes on it. They helped me take off my helmet and the thing that covers my knees and elbows.

"I knew there was lacking. Hand gear." Jennie muttered.

"It's ok, it's not that big." I smiled and stood up, dusting off my clothes.

"Let's get that disinfected." I just washed my hands since we didn't have anything to disinfect it with. We strolled the park and there were miniatures of the popular buildings around the world. I can't wait to see it in person! We took pictures and strolled some more.

"Where's the boys?" I asked since I didn't see any of them after lunch.

"Jungkook has a shoot with bangtan." Yeri answered with a pout

"Sehun went with yeol and the rest? I have no idea. Probably wrecking havoc somewhere." I shook my head at the thought of the 5js. No wonder they said those kids were a handful. They have lots of pranks as they call it.

Yoda arrived just in time for us to go back to the hotel. He bought alot of stuff and I wonder what's in the bags.

"Did you have fun?" He asked as we got in our room.

"Yes! Very much!" I grinned, and opened my arms widely to show him how much but her caught my hand.

"What's this?" He pulled it and I stumbled closer to him

"Oh that.. I didn't know how to stop the skate earlier so tumbled down." I chuckled at my own clumsiness.

"Oh, where are we going?" He dragged me out of our room and we went out of the hotel and kept walking 'til we reached a pharmacy.

"An ointment and a plaster please." He let go of my hand to get the payment and my eyes darted to the colorful pack of candies displayed in front. It has different flavors.

"Yod—hubby. Buy me this." I pointed at the banana flavored one. The cashier giggled and yoda's eyes widened.

"We don't need that." He said after clearing his throat, putting my hand down from pointing.

"But I wanna eat candy." The cashier tilted her head at me like giving me a questioning look.

"That's not candy..." he whispered. It's not?

"It's not? Is it a gum? Still. I want to try it. It looks delicious." The cashier stifled he laugh yoda's ears turned red.

"It's condom chipmunk, Let's go put medicine on your wound first and I'll explain to you what it is." He didn't let me ask more as he pulled me out to a bench outside and started cleaning my wound.

"Ah!" I flinched when it stung a little

"Does it hurt?" He was sitting close

"It stings a bit." He held on to my hand and put it near his lips and blew into it. I bit my lips as I watched him tend my wound.

✔ Oh My, Princess?!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora