OMP 11

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"Sorry about earlier noona..." I looked up to yoshinori who scratched the back of his head. Before I could realize what's happening, yoshinori and I have been left alone at the dining area which is now why we're walking side by side as he leads the way to where the cars are parked.

"It's ok." I'm still not comfortable of talking with him."I'm sorry for this too. I know it's kind of still... fresh for you." I frowned cause he seemed to be sweet guy.

"I'm sorry." His eyes widened and he shook his head vigorously.

"No, don't be sorry! There's nothing to be sorry. I'd feel the same if I were you. I can only imagine your pain, so please take your time, you don't have to force yourself." I smiled a little, thankful for him and we continued to walk in silence.

"What happened?" I asked, breaking our silence. The museum only showed the details of the artifacts left but nothing about what happened or I just didn't see it. He was confused at first but then understood my question. He closed his eyes momentarily and took a deep breath. It's hard for him to relive it even though he was not born yet. I doubt his parents are too. He is having a hard time in telling me just as I'm having a hard time to take in the information but I want to know.

"It's something I'm not proud of. I never wish for anyone to experience such." He started and my heart clenched. Is it so bad?

"After what happened, the Japanese men were able to conquer Korea."

"They have forced the King to sign a treaty that gives them authority." I gasped

"My father did not die then? During the attack?" Yoshinori shook his head

"The Queen did though. And the prince was held captive and used as hostage to make the King agree with their terms." I had to stop from walking as my legs shook. Yoshinori helped me to a bench on the side as he looked at me with hesitation.

"Continue." I probed.

"It took some time for it to take effect as it will be a big change after all. It became effective on 1910 but the prince and King had been assassinated by then." Tears pooled my eyes

"And the people?" My voice cracked

"They took the women to be...." he faltered.

"To?" He gulped before answering

"They used the women to... be comfort women." I took a sharp intake of breath.

"Without their consent?" He nodded. I closed my eyes and felt the pain of the people I left. The people I abandoned.

"Can I have time alone please." He contemplated.

"Please, I don't want to hate you." Pain flickered his eyes before nodding.

"I understand." I sobbed as soon as he was out of earshot. I held a hand to my chest and clutched to it. I punched it to remove the ache I'm feeling.


We waited for Yoshinori and chaeyoung to arrive before we all leave. "You think they're talking to each other now?" Doyoung asked.

"Dude, we're all waiting here. We don't know." Junkyu rolled his eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I ask that aloud? It was meant to myself only. Oh, wait, it's called a rhetorical question!" Doyoung scowled.

"Why don't we ask yoshinori." Jihoon pointed with his lips.

"Where's the princess?" I looked back but she's not with him.

"She wanted to be left alone." Yeri comforted Yoshinori and asked him what happened.

"She asked what happened.. I had to tell her. I wanted it to come from me." He sniffed.

"It's ok yoshi, the princess doesn't blame you." Lisa assured him.

"You guys go on ahead. I'll go get the princess." I hurried to where she might be and I saw her on a bench, clutching her heart as she sobbed. I took a deep breath before going near her.

"It's my fault. It's my fault."

"It's not your fault." I quietly said as I sat down and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"I just let them suffer like that. Those innocent women." She sobbed, my clothes starting to get drenched with her tears.

"Shhh... it's not your fault. Stop blaming yourself for something you have no control over. If the Queen didn't do what she did, you might be held captive and used to torture the King more. Would you rather have that?" She bawled and I rocked her body gently.

"There are still Koreans who won't forget about it, but there are also Japanese that are regretful about it even if they didn't partake in it. But you shouldn't be held accountable for something you didn't do." She continued to cry and I rubbed her back.

"What's important is you're alive and well and you're here. A time where people with differences coexist and gender-equality is ensued." I don't know how long I've given her speech and words of wisdom but her shoulders have stopped shaking, and her arms limped, her face buried on the nook of my neck. She had fallen asleep.

"It's a better day now, let go of your past and don't let it bind you." I whispered in her ear, carrying her. The guards made a move to carry her for me but I stopped them

"Take us back to the palace." The guard nodded and opened the car door for me. I rest her head on my chest, my arms still around hers. I glanced at her tear-stained cheeks and wiped them slowly with my thumb.

"I hope this is the last time tears are in your eyes. May you be filled with happiness." I sighed and looked out the window to see the clouds starting to cover the sun as it went deeper in the afternoon.

"Is she ok?" Lisa worriedly asked.

"She'll be fine. Yoshinori?"

"Yeri is still comforting him. You know even with his naturally big built, he's a crybaby."

"I know." That's why I was worried about my younger brother too. We may have different mothers, I don't treat them any different.

"They'll be ok yeol. Watch them be best friends." Lisa grinned.

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