The Story of a Reaper- Interrogation

Start from the beginning

"Death stop!" Life argued. Reaper looked at Death Blue, glowing eyes. Death growled and threw Reaper back onto his bed, "Don't think your superior Reaper...cause your not...the only powerful one here is me...I'm the strongest out of all the gods..." Death said walking back to Life.

He turned to look at Reaper, his eyes the most visible, "And trust me...that's a truth...not a lie..." Death said, "Life...let's go, there's no point like they said..." Death said holding her hand.

Life whined a bit in sorrow as she took his hand, as they left him in his room. Reaper headache got worst as he hissed in pain. He laid down in the bed to relax for a few seconds.

Soon Dust came barraging in, "Hey, Reap, I got you some breakfast" Reaper sat up and growled at Dust. "Whoa! Sorry dude, just giving you some food..." Dust said, handing Reaper a plate of eggs, sausages and a donut.

Reaper ate his food aggressively, in a bad mood. "Anyways, I think you'll be alright on your own for now. I'll check on you in a few hours..." Dust said before leaving.

Reaper sat in his bed rubbing his head, hoping the headache would go away. Unsuccessful in making it go away, he decided to see Geno and how he's doing.

He saw Geno fighting Frisk, but they stopped once Reaper appeared, "Oh...hey Reaper!" Geno said. Geno just grumbled under his breath, "Hey, you okay? You look horrible..." Geno said, "...Dust said that I'm hungover...not sure what that means..." Reaper said, "I also have a horrible headache..." Reaper said.

"Well, could be worst, you could have a migraine, and that's worst than a headache" Geno said, "...Not helping" Reaper said, "Right...sorry, anyways, let me help you" Geno said walking up to Reaper, taking him to the middle of the room.

"Alright! Lay down!" Geno ordered. Reaper raised a brow, but did as ordered. He laid on the floor as Geno got down on his knees.

Geno took his jacket off and covered Reaper face with it. "Is it dark enough under there?" Geno asked. I nodded, "Good..." Geno said as he took off his scarf.

"I need you to lift your head" Geno said. I lifted my head as he placed the soft scarf under my head. I laid my head on the warm, soft scarf.

"Alright, now sleep, I'll leave you alone" Geno said. I smiled under the jacket and tried to sleep, but I was wide awake, so I just laid there in silence.

I could hear Frisk footsteps go towards Geno, who was sitting next to me. Frisk sat down next to Geno, "...What's a migraine like?" Frisk asked, Geno growled then shushed Frisk.

Soon we were all in our thoughts. Geno and Frisk thought I was asleep, when I was too wide awake to sleep.

I got bored of laying on the floor as my headache went away. I sat up, Geno jacket on my face. Geno looked at me, so did Frisk. I took Geno jacket off my face and gave it to Geno.

Geno took it and put his jacket back on and put his scarf back on. "...Your welcome" Geno said, "Thanks" I replied.

"...Did you quit yet?" Geno asked, I nodded, he smiled at me, "That's good..." Geno said. I smiled back at him.

"Quit what?" Frisk asked, "Don't worry about it..." Geno said.

For most the time we talked, played around a little, and I'd go back to Outertale.

This would happen frequently. I did notice that Nightmare was spamming me though, but I never answered. It seemed like everyone was spamming me, but I ignored there text.

one day I gave Frisk some paper and a pencil as they drew a bunch of things, and even made a stroy, but they haven't showed me what it's about.

Geno has grown fond of me, and I've grown fond of him, though Geno hates it when I flirt with him, but his reactions are funny to me.

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