The Story of a Reaper- A Fun Time, with a little Worry

Start from the beginning

Geno and Frisk ran around, sniffed, and enjoyed at the colors and smells. Reaper looked all over for a galaxy rose, floating over the flowers like a ghost, and once he found on, he called Geno over.

Geno ran over as fast as he could as he looked over at the beautiful rose. He gasped in awe, "Sooo, pretty!" Geno said, "You can pick it if you want, If I did it, it'd would just die so...take it" Reaper said.

Geno hummed in happiness and picked the flower. The flower looked to have glowed in the sun. The feeling of it being glass. The stem was hard, and the petals were hard, but soft and smooth at the same time.

"Thank you for this!" Geno said, Reaper chuckled and put his hand behind his neck, "O-Oh, it's nothing" Reaper said smirking.

Geno couldn't help but smile at Reaper with a small hint of lust in his eyes. Geno just couldn't help but think Reaper so cute when he act shy.

Frisk ran over to ruin the moment though. "OOO!!!!!~~~ BLUE FLOWERSSSSS!!" Frisk yelled as they started making a bouquet. Geno and Reaper chuckled at Frisk as they joined them.

Once they were done, Reaper had one last place to take them, which was Oceantale to relax on the beach.

Once they got to the beach, the sun starting to set, making the water shine brightly, the water looked orange as the ripples in the water reflected the falling sun. Frisk gasped and started running on the sand.

Geno chuckled, I smiled at how Geno was enjoying themselves, "Would you care take a walk?" I asked with a smirk and lustful eyes on Geno, holding out my hand. They smirked and rolled there eyes as they took my hand.

I stepped on the sand, and Geno follow, me still holding his hand. Soon we let go of each other once we started walking...sadly

Frisk ran a far from us, but we were still able to see them. Geno still hand the galaxy flower they picked, they looked at it as the petals reflected the sunset. "Are you enjoying yourself?" I asked. Geno was snapped into reality and looked at me. "O-Oh, umh I...I am" Geno said before using his other hand to hold onto his scarf.

I chuckled, "This doesn't mean shit though...I don't forgive you yet buddy, so don't think sweetening your look will make me forgive you!" Geno said.

Its cute when they act like a tsundere

"So you think I'm sweet?" I asked, winking, sticking out my tongue and pointing at myself like an anime pose.

Geno growled, "Quit twisting my words!" Geno huffed. I giggled. Geno looked back at me with a hum and a small smile. Geno look then was averted to the orange ocean.

"Why don't we swim?" Geno asked. I tilted my head in confusion. "In the ocean, why don't we go in the water?" Geno asked. We stopped walking.

Geno looked at me with an intrigued, interested anime look, with bright eyes. "How 'bout it?" Geno asked.

I felt a bit...uncomfortable to the idea, but today is supposed to be fun! So...I guess.

"Sure" I said with a smirk. "Heh!" Geno laughed, "How brave of you!" Geno said teasingly, taking off there jacket, tying it around there waist.

I looked at his black, tore shirt, curious to both the cut, and if he was gonna take his own shirt off.

"I'm fine with my shirt on, thank you very much pervert!" Geno said, glaring at me. Did they read my mind or something? I thought as I jumped and looked away in panic. "I WASN'T HOPING YOU'D TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF! YOU HAVE THE WRONG IDEA!" I yelled in argument, "Oh really? It was obvious you were looking at my chest, even if I can't see your eyelights your still readable Reaper!" Geno growled. I huffed my chest and crossed my arms.

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