"I guess we went pretty overboard last night didn't we?" Jordan laughed.

"You think? Get me some advil or something please."

"I will I will." Jordan came up to me and gave me a kiss. "It's a good thing you're cute because your mouth tastes like puke." He scrunched his nose.

"Sorry." I pouted and stood up to brush my teeth.

"You want me to order breakfast?"

"No that's alright I'm having breakfast with Mena at—Oh shit! Jordy, what time is it?"

"It's eleven why—"

"Shit shit, I'm late! Hand me my jeans!" Jordan threw me my jeans as I slipped my favorite hoodie on. "I swear those birthcontrol pills make my ass so fat, I can barely fit these on anymore."

"I think your ass looks great."

"Ha ha, very funny." I rolled my eyes as I dabbed a bit of makeup on. "So how do I look?"

"Hung over but you're still cute."


"I'm just kidding, you look great now go before the poor guy turns into a corpse for waiting."

"I'll be back later, I love you."

"Love you too babe." I rapidly slipped on a pair of sun glasses, took the elevator and ran outside. As I turned on the car, I pulled out my phone to text Mena.

"On my way, got held up, be there in 5."


The ride to the Joe's was pretty short. As I got out of my car I took a glance at the window, there sat Mena at the same table we sat when we first met. Walking in I smiled at him.

"You made it." He got up to give me a hug.

"Yup, almost didn't." I let out a small laugh. "Damn this place hasn't changed a bit."

"Nope, still same old same old." Mena chuckled. "So what can I get you, coffee, tea?"

"You know I think I'd rather go for like a big big bottle of water if it's possible."

"You sure? I mean I know we haven't seen each other in a while but I'm sure you still like your tea."

"Yeah no, I'm fine, just kinda thirsty." I said looking to the side avoiding the sunlight.

"Are you okay?" Mena asked confused.

"Yeah, no I'm fine. Why?"

"You just seem weird...are you sure you're okay?"


"So why don't you take your glasses off in doors?"

"Oh my glasses, right, well I've got a bit of a headache." I scrunched my nose.

"Wait, no way. Are you hung over?" Mena laughed at me.

"A little, is it that obvious."

"A little.  I mean, damn, you really have changed. Drinking and everything wow. You surprise me more and more." Mena raised an eyebrow at me.

"We were celebrating, I don't drink like ever I swear. But enough about me and my drinking habits! How are you? I mean you and Emily, how'd that happen?"

"Well I'm good, I'm going to school currently, and Em well, she happened around first year. I mean when you left it hit me pretty hard...she was just there for me, and so we reconnected eventually so it just happened I guess."

"That's sweet, you guys seem very happy." I smiled nervously at him. "You know Mena, I'm really sorry."

"You don't have too—"

"No, I do, I really really do. I owed it to you to tell you and I just...I couldn't, I'm sorry."

Mena sighed and turned to the side. "Can I just ask...why'd you do it? I mean was it me, or something I did, or what we talked about, why'd you just vanish like that?"

"It was a lot of things. I'm not gonna lie and say you weren't part of the reason, I really just couldn't handle being here and not, being with you I guess...and school was just complicated and I missed being back home and my family. It just felt right."

"I get that but why not come back? You didn't even come for graduation, Nay. Why'd it take you three years?"

"I guess it just hurt too much to come back and see it all and not being able to stay. I mean, I created a life back in London for a reason..." I bit my lip.

"And that was?" I sighed and looked up trying to find the words but Mena didn't let me speak. "Wait! You weren't planning to come back were you?"

"I don't—No, I mean I—"

"I waited for you Naomi...I waited until I couldn't wait any longer. You left without telling me, you kissed me and told me you loved me and then you just left. How do you—I just don't understand how you do that and just disappear."

"I'm so sorry Mena, if could change what happened," I took a pause. "I'm happy, Jordan he makes me happy, but if I could change what I did about not coming back and explaining things beforehand I would. But you've got to understand, I really couldn't come back."

"And that's another thing when did that happen? And why couldn't you just call to tell me, hey I'm like not going back home so forget about me?"

"I mean its not like I just forgot about you either. I cried everyday for months Mena, regretting what I'd done, wondering if I'd made the right choice. And as for Jordan and I...one day it just happened I guess." I let out a frustrated sigh as I reached for his hand. "I know you're probably mad right now, but I just really hope you can find it in you to forgive me."

Mena turned to look up at me. "Of course I can forgive you Nay."

"Thank you," I reached over hug him. "This means a lot more than you think." Mena hesitated for a second but then hugged me tightly. It brought back so many memories, his scent, the way he held my head with his hand, how he caressed my back in a comforting matter, I'd forgotten how safe I felt in his arms.
Softly we let go and for a split second we got lost in each others eyes, no too close, but definitely close enough. "Sorry, I just— sorry." I said nervously as I pulled back.

Mena cleared his throat. "Um I should go, Emily's probably waiting for me."

"Oh yeah same, Jordy probably wants to go out or something." I quickly grabbed my things.

"So, I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, for sure." I smiled at him gently. "Bye Mena."

"Bye Naomi." I heard him respond, as I felt a strange sensation. Rushing to my car I called Nasim.

"Morning sis!"

"Hey are you home?"

"Yeah why?"

"We need to talk."

"Alright, is every okay?"

"I don't know, I guess we'll find out. I'll be there in 15."

"Okay, see you then."

Okay you guys are SOOOOOO not ready for whats coming!!!

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