sixty-three ☆ the best three months of my life

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narrator's pov:

the following morning, mrs. turner gave lillian her phone back.

"thank you," lillian acknowledged.

she opened her phone, and saw tons of notifications and messages. she immediately called waverly to see what was going on. fortunately, waverly picked up right away.

"what happened last night?" lillian questioned, "i was about to leave the house for the party, but my mom took my phone and didn't let me go to corbyn's."

"come to the orlando international airport. we're all there right now," waverly told her, "corbyn's flight leaves soon."

"flight? what are you talking about?" lillian asked, holding her phone closer to her ear.

"we all found out corbyn's going to stanford last night," waverly stated, "he's leaving today."

"what?!" lillian shrieked.

"i know," waverly sighed, "he really wanted you to come last night because he needed to talk to you."

"do you think i can still make it before his flight leaves?" lillian questioned.

"if you hurry," waverly replied, "please come, lillian."

"i will, and i'm already getting ready," lillian responded, "i'll see you in a few."


"how much longer until you board?" daniel asked, facing the blonde seated in front of him.

"supposed to be fifteen minutes," corbyn replied, "is lillian coming?"

"she told me she was," waverly joined in, "she should've been here by now."

meanwhile, lillian was thirteen minutes away from the airport.

"stupid traffic!" lillian shouted, banging her head on the car seat in front of her.

she was in an uber, staring outside of the immobile vehicle. her phone began to ring, and she saw that mackenzie was calling her, "lily, where are you? corbyn's flight leaves soon."

lillian sighed, "i know, i know. there's traffic, but i hope it clears soon."

"okay, hope to see you soon. corbyn's waiting," mackenzie replied, hanging up the phone.

seventeen minutes later...

"attention to all passengers attending the flight to san francisco, california. we apologize for the small delay, but your flight will be boarding shortly," the stewardess remarked.

"lily is still not here," corbyn sighed, "i'm boarding soon."

chloe instantly dialed lillian, "where are you?"

"two minutes away," lillian replied, "did his flight leave yet?"

"no, there was a short delay, but they're going to start boarding," chloe explained, "corbyn is desperate to talk to you."

"i-i know," lillian stuttered, "the car isn't moving, and we're so close."

out of nowhere, an idea came to her head, "um, sir, here's a twenty. keep the change."

[✓] 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐒, 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚗Where stories live. Discover now