thirty-nine ☆ jonah and waverly

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narrator's pov:

waverly hummed to herself as she walked down the hallways to her home economics class. jonah and waverly were recently paired as partners, but luckily, the two weren't on bad terms anymore.

"good morning, class, so today we will be discussing life after college," mrs. rivera began, "you know, pursuing careers, budgeting, marriage, things like that."

the class nodded their heads.

"so, i want you and your partner to budget for a major life event," mrs. rivera declared, pointing at the list of events on the whiteboard.

the students began to read the list, and mentally planned out what to do.

"there are events such as retirement, a baby shower, bar mitzvah, buying a house, and a wedding," mrs. rivera reminded, "also, i will be picking what major event each pair gets."

after acquiring many eye-rolls and groans, mrs. rivera began to assign events for the pairs.

"hallie and zack will be budgeting a bar mitzvah, kim and owen have a baby shower, jonah and waverly are assigned a wedding..." mrs. rivera started, passing out the papers with budgeting plans.

waverly's head shot up, and immediately looked at jonah.

"so, i guess we have to plan a fake wedding," jonah lightly chuckled, "do you have any ideas?"

"well, mrs. rivera gave us a budget plan, so we just need to figure out how much fake money we can spend for things like flowers, catering, and a venue," waverly suggested.

"i've always wanted a beach wedding, what do you think?" jonah asked.

"oh my gosh, me too!" waverly agreed, "a beach wedding would be adorable."

"when we present, we can set up a beach scenery," jonah recommended.

"ooh, and we can also dress up like a bride and groom," waverly added.

"that would be fun, and we should also get a small white cake for our presentation so hopefully we'll get extra credit," jonah brought up.

waverly smiled, "this should be fun."


the following day, waverly went out to go wedding dress shopping with lillian.

"wait, so how are you and jonah doing this presentation?" lillian inquired, looking for long white dresses.

"well, mrs. rivera gave us a budget to plan a fake wedding, and jonah and i already agreed on a beach-style wedding. we're going to set up a beach scenery and have a white floral wedding arch. we're still talking about catering, decorations, and a lot more," waverly explained.

"what about flowers?" lillian asked, "what type of flowers would you want in your bouquet?"

waverly thought about lillian's question for a minute, "i think a peony wedding bouquet would be beautiful. the rose gold, different shades of pink, and white combination is absolutely gorgeous."

the two continued to walk around the dress store, and their eyes immediately were drawn to a dress placed on a mannequin. it was a white satin dress with a thigh-high slit.

"that's the one," waverly remarked.

lillian and waverly headed to the dressing room, and the moment she walked out with the dress on, the two fell in love with how it looked on the redhead.

"you look amazing, wave, i better be a bridesmaid at your actual wedding," lillian teased.

"as if," waverly scoffed, "this presentation means nothing to my feelings."

"are you sure you don't have any feelings left for jonah?" lillian quizzed.

"jack and i are in a great place, and i'm finally on good terms again with jonah," waverly answered, "have you ever considered the idea of marrying corbyn?"

"maybe," lillian mumbled, "i'm kidding, of course i have. i love him, and if we're really destined for each other, i wouldn't mind that at all."


waverly woke up from her bed, and took a deep breath. today was the day of their presentation, and she was fairly nervous. the redhead put on her dress, styled her hair into a simple half up-half down, and slipped on her heels. she picked up the white cake from her fridge, and headed to school.

"the bride has arrived," mackenzie remarked, waiting near waverly's locker with lillian, zach, corbyn, and charlotte.

"hey, can you hold this?" waverly inquired, dropping the cake box in zach's hands, "thanks."

"um, i never agreed," zach scoffed.

"why are you in such a rush?" corbyn asked.

"i took so long getting ready, so now i'm late to my own wedding," waverly sighed.

meanwhile, jonah was pacing back and forth in front of the home economics class.

"jonah, we're waiting," mrs. rivera reminded.

"she'll be here," jonah declared, staring outside the door.

all of a sudden, waverly sprinted inside the classroom, "i'm here!"

jonah's smile grew wider once he laid eyes on his fake fiancé, and he couldn't believe how beautiful she looked, "waverly, you look stunning."

"so do you," waverly replied, "alright, let's get started with our presentation."

after explaining how they successfully budgeted their fake wedding, they moved onto their fake vows for extra credit. waverly's was short, sweet, and exaggerated since she has no romantic feelings, but jonah took his in a different approach.

"waverly anne matts, you are the first person who ever swept me off my feet. i've loved you for years, and will never stop loving you. your positivity radiates everywhere, and whenever i'm around you, i can't help but smile. i know this makes no sense to ask you this at our fake wedding, but i can't help it," jonah declared, pulling out a box from his pocket, "i know this is all for a school project, but i can't picture the rest of my real life without you. i don't care if you're seventeen and i'm eighteen, but i can definitely picture the rest of our lives together. waverly, will you marry me?"

the entire class gasped as jonah went down on one knee.

"j-jonah, are you serious? do you actually want to marry me?" waverly inquired.

jonah nodded his head, "what do you say?"

waverly smiled, "i've been so confused with my feelings, but i finally realized something. i've always loved you, jonah, and i will marry you."

those in the audience cheered, and jonah and waverly shared a sweet kiss in front of everybody.

out of nowhere, a blaring sound began to ring.

"oh my, whose phone is going off?" waverly asked, covering her ears.

all of a sudden, her vision began to become foggy, and her ability to hear started to fade. she closed her eyes, but once she opened them, she was back in her bed.

waverly looked around her room, and saw her white dress hanging from her closet, shoes placed on the floor, and her jaw dropped once she saw the date on her calendar.

it was all a dream, and the two hadn't shared their presentation yet.


a / n :

sorry for the ending, but did you guys really think that i wouldn't cause a little bit of drama? also, this chapter was inspired by an austin & ally episode (:

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