thirteen ☆ i really can't

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narrator's pov:

it was a chilly monday morning, and lillian walked to school. she wasn't expecting anything to go on, just because it was another boring monday in november.

everything was regular, until she saw a huge crowd in the quad. she squeezed through everyone, and saw corbyn holding a poster.


it would make me so
GLAD to go to the winter
dance with my LILY PAD !


majority of the school was watching lillian and her reaction to corbyn's way of asking her to the dance.

"so, lills, what do you say?" corbyn asked.

"come on, say yes!" mackenzie whispered.

"i-i, um," lillian stammered, "i really can't, corbyn, i'm sorry."

she ran out of the quad, and corbyn's face fell seeing her leave. his poster dropped from his hands, but his eyes couldn't stop watching the brunette run away from him.

her friends who were standing by the boys were in complete shock. waverly said, "we're going to talk to her."

mackenzie, charlotte, and waverly followed lillian, and the others stayed behind.

"what just happened?" jonah asked.

"well, corbyn made a dope poster to ask lillian to the winter dance, and she declined him and stormed off," zach answered.

"i just lived that, zach, i didn't need a summary about what happened," corbyn groaned, putting his hands on top of his head.

"sorry, jonah asked," zach mumbled.

"um, not literally," jonah scoffed.

"do you want me to talk to her with the other girls?" chloe questioned.

"no, it's okay," corbyn denied.


the rest of the day was filled with awkward conversations, and dead silence. lillian's group and corbyn's tried their best not to talk about what happened, but everybody was curious. corbyn and lillian barely spoke, and only communicated when they had to.

coincidentally, daniel and mackenzie both wound up in the lunch line together, and both reached for the same sugar cookie.

"oh, um, you can have the last cookie," daniel told mackenzie.

"thanks, daniel," mackenzie replied, "i kind of hate this, you know? all of the awkwardness between the groups because of what happened in the quad today."

"right!" daniel agreed, "i'm so confused about what really happened."

"we kind of talked to lillian, but we didn't get a lot of answers. it's definitely about something that happened a few months ago," mackenzie explained.

"wait, what happened?" daniel inquired.

"i'm sorry, but i can't tell you. if you do want to know what happened, then it will come from lillian," mackenzie answered.

"oh, okay," daniel responded, "well, i'll see you in physics, mack."

mackenzie gave him a small smile, and they parted their ways to their own lunch tables.

"um, daniel, where are the cookies?" jonah asked, pointing at daniel's empty hands.

"there was only one left, and i gave it to mack," daniel admitted.

"but, the cookies!" corbyn whined.


"alright, check over your do-now answers with your partner," mr. frank declared.

the physics pairs faced each other, and began to go over their do-now with their partner.

lillian sighed, and turned to face corbyn, "for number one i got a, number two is d, and number three is c."

"i got the same thing," corbyn replied, turning away from lillian and facing the front of the physics room.

little did they know, the pair seated in front of them was listening to all of their conversations.

"i hate that they're acting like this," waverly groaned, banging her head on her shared desk with jonah.

"i know, i think corbyn has genuinely grew feelings for her," jonah added, not realizing what he just told waverly.

"wait, what do you mean?" waverly asked, turning to face jonah, "are you saying that corbyn is just now catching feelings, and that he didn't when he first asked her out?"

"oh, um, n-no," jonah lied, stuttering, "i meant that he's growing more feelings, like, maybe he's falling in love."

"huh, okay," waverly replied.


corbs 🌙
would like to facetime...

decline or accept


the ringtone coming from lillian's macbook startled her, and she was hesitant to pick up corbyn's call. she decided to, only because she felt obligated to talk to him.

"hi," corbyn greeted.

"h-hi," lillian replied, playing with her fingers.

"hey, please look at me," corbyn remarked, watching the brunette avoid eye contact.

lillian glared at him, "happy?"

"sure," corbyn laughed, "can we talk about what happened today?"

"actually, yes, i've been wanting to explain everything," lillian agreed, sitting up from her bed, "look, it's nothing personal. i was just not ready for that to happen, and i didn't mean to turn you down in front of the whole school."

"it's okay, lily pad," corbyn acknowledged, "but, can i ask why you didn't say yes this morning?"

"i'm sorry, i don't really want to talk about that," lillian apologized.

"it's alright," corbyn replied.

"if i'm not too late, can we still go to the dance together? i got my dress the other day," lillian remarked, smiling.

"oh, thank god, i was hoping there was still a chance for us to go together," corbyn stated, making a sigh of relief, "i like you, a lot."

i think i'm starting to like you as well, corbyn besson, lillian thought.


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