Chapter 10 (Edited)

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A few minutes later, I walked back to the training room. I had changed my clothing, so I was in a tank-top and sweat pants. My hair was back into its bun so that I would be able to see what was happening. I still had bare feet, because I still loved having bare feet.

My body still ached from where I had been punched and kicked by my brother, but I knew that I would still be able to fight Ken. I had fought multiple people before, not at the same time, but I had gotten injuries from almost all of them. It was to get me used to it, and I was used to having to fight even when I was hurt.

Mark looked up and nodded his head in approval, probably liking the way that I had dressed. "That would work," he said.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I was annoyed that he did want to protect me, even though he knew that I didn't need to be protected. I was the male of the house, after all. "Come off of it already, Mark," I said. "I know how to handle myself and win my fights." I nodded my head towards Ken. "He isn't the first male that I had faced. Remember?" I raised an eyebrow.

Marcus huffed and folded his arms across his chest. "I just don't like seeing my sister hurt, though."

"Even though you hurt me, also, when we are fighting?"

"That's not the p-"

"It doesn't matter. I know how to take care of myself. Besides, he is your best friend for Pete's Sake."

"Was my best friend," he replied. "He was my best friend."

"And he can still be your best friend. Now, go help Mom with food. I have everything controlled down here."

"And if you don't?"

I smirked. "And that is where training comes in."

Marcus grunted. "You have 30 minutes. Then I am coming down here and killing you both myself." With that, he walked away, his body stiff.

Ken looked after him before looking at me. "Overprotective much?" he asked.

I snorted and rolled my eyes. "You have no idea."

Ken snorted. "Well, let's get this over with. We have 30 minutes left before we are to be killed."

I snorted and popped my neck and then back. "Then let's do this."


We circled around each other and watched for a sign of weakness. Our whole bodies were tensed, while we were waiting for the first attack or a sign of an opening.

"Since you are a girl, and you already fought with your brother, I am going to go easy on you."

"That's funny," I replied. "I wasn't going to say the same thing for you." With that I went at him, ready to knock him out.

Ken had moved to the left away from my right hook, however, he walked into the path of my left leg, where I had done a roundhouse kick, hitting him in the gut. "Oof," he wheezed while I backed up a few steps. "You sure as hell can kick."

"And hit," I replied. I kept my fists up and close to my face while I watched him. My whole body was still, and I wasn't bouncing on my feet as some people did.

"Oh, I want to see you get a hit on me," he replied.

I raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Is that a challenge?"

Ken chuckled. "Yes, yes it is."

My smirk deepened. "I thought so." With that, we both attacked each other at once.

I grabbed his leg and then used my free hand to palm his nose, almost breaking it. After that, I ducked underneath his punch and grabbed his other leg, which he kicked out at me.

"Oof," he went when he landed on his back. "That hurt." He reached up and pulled at my legs, trying to make me lose balance.

With a yelp, I fell on my back, letting go of his legs.

Before Ken had the chance to jump on me, I curled my body into a ball with my feet flat out. As he went to jump on me, I used my feet and pushed at his stomach, creating him to fall over me and hit the wall behind me.

I quickly stood and turned around, my whole body tensed. I was breathing a little hard but not enough to make me stop fighting. Sweat beads started to dribble down my face, but it didn't go into my eyes.

Ken stood up and faced me. He had a red spot on his head from where he had hit the wall. "A worthy opponent," he said, nodding his head in approval. "However, can you handle a series of punches and kicks with no break?"

"We shall see," I replied, getting ready.

Ken nodded his head and went at me. He kicked with his left leg and punched with his right, making me duck and roll under both. He used his right leg to try and meet me, while I was still trying to fight. However, I pushed his leg away from me, while I attacked his left leg, making him fall.

"Oof," Ken said, falling on his back. He grimaced, while I got him into a headlock, making it so that he couldn't get out. Ken tried to squirm from underneath my grip, but I wasn't letting him out. He even tried to buck me off, which I had just gripped on, using the sides of my knees.

Finally, he gave up and laid his head on the mat. "All right, we are done," he said. "Can you please let me up?"

"Not until you say something," I said.

"And what would that be?"


Ken snorted and rolled his eyes. "I ain't-"

I cut him off by squeezing his arms to the side of his head and tightening my grip on his sides. "You were saying?" I asked when he cried out in pain.

"Mercy," he cried out. "For fuck's sake, Mercy!"

I smirked and let him up. "And that is just what you had to say."

Ken got up and rubbed his jaw. "Ouch. You do know how to punch." He popped his jaw and looked at me, seeing that I had a smile on my face. "And you look beautiful with a smile on your face."

I snorted and rolled my eyes. "Ya, whatever. Come on, I think that dinner is done, and you are staying." With that, I walked up the steps followed by Ken.

"Good, I am hungry," he said, making me laugh.

I couldn't help but smile, letting my whole body relax. I knew that we were still in danger soon, but I wasn't going to let that ruin my good mood. It had been a long time that I had been this good of a mood, and I was glad that I was at ease, even if it was for just a little while.

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