Chapter 14 (Edited)

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I ran an arm across my forehead, finally finished with the stalls and dumping the manure in the compost pile that we had. "I am glad that is done," I groaned, putting my hands on my back and popping it.

"Well, what do we have here? A beautiful princess hurting?" a male voice teased, causing me to roll my eyes and groan. "Come on, is that a way to treat your best friend?"

I huffed. "My best friend is somewhere else, Kennie," I said, sarcastically, turning to look at him. I raised an eyebrow when he saw that he was glaring at me. "What?" I asked.

"Kennie?" he asked. "What possessed you to call me that?"

I smirked. "I wanted to," I replied. I turned around and grabbed the wheelbarrow handle and started to roll it towards the barn. "Now, why are you here so early?" I looked at my watch and looked at him.

"To see you," Kent mumbled, looking at his feet.

"Aww, is the spy Kennie blushing?" I teased, putting the wheelbarrow in its spot and turned around to look at him.

Kent's face was a bit red and grinned. "You are a kind girl and a good person."

A small blush appeared on my face, and I couldn't help but look down. "Wow..." I said, moving a hand across the back of my neck, sheepishly. I looked up when I heard laughing to see Poppy and Mark coming towards us, holding each other's hands.

I couldn't help but bite my lip and snickered when I saw that she was covered in mud. "Well, I see that she has been thrown off by Reno."

Poppy looked at us and saw that Kent was there. Her face paled, and she took her hand out of my brother's. "Kent, it's not what it looks like!" she exclaimed, shocked.

"Oh, I think that it was definitely what it looked like," Kent said, narrowing his eyes and folding his arms across his chest. He glared at her and scowled. "Telling people that we are together and then going out with someone behind my back."

"And what about you and her?" she spat, glaring at me in disgust. "I know that you both talk and are seeing each other."

"If you must know," I said. "Kent sometimes comes over and helps babysit the twins so I can work with Reno." I smirked and glanced her up and down. "The reason for it is because of..." I gestured her up and down. "... Exhibit A."

Poppy glared at me, causing my smirk to deepen. "Well, if you had trained him better then I wouldn't have been thrown in the mud."

"Or you just are not as a good of a rider as you thought you were."  

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