Chapter 4 (Edited)

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The end of school couldn't get here soon enough could it? I slammed my locker shut, fully annoyed with having to be here. It was time for lunch, and I only had a snack bar to keep me filled for the rest of the day. Who knew that walking around classes could make a person so hungry?

Why couldn't Mom just give me money for food? I thought, grumpily going towards the cafeteria. I pulled at my bag straps and looked around, trying to see if I couldn't find a table that wasn't taken. I didn't want to sit by anyone else, because I was sure that I would try and hit someone.

Barbie was in two more of my classes, and I had learned that her name was Poppy. When I heard her name, I almost died laughing. Why? Well, she wasn't a flower nor she was a pretty one at that. Besides, she didn't look like a Poppy. She looked more like a Barbie in my opinion. Well, for her name at least, even though she fit like a Barbie Doll.

I shook my head and snorted, finding a table that was empty and didn't have anybody going towards it. I walked over and sat down, feeling people staring at me. The hairs on the back of my neck started to prick, since I wasn't used to all this staring and attention that I seemed to be getting, since I was sitting at that table. I gritted my teeth together and opened up my snack bar. I took a bite of it and looked around, chewing with my mouth close.

People were staring at me, as if they didn't know why I was seated right there. No one tried to move me or anything, since they probably knew that I was going to be a hard to move person. There was no sound, as if it was the calm before the storm. A pin could be heard, if it was dropped.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes and turn back towards the table part. My whole body was stiff, and I was ready for whatever would happen. I just hoped that I-

"Ummm, you are seated at our table, Bitch," a female said, interrupting me my thoughts. "Get out from over there, or are you too stupid to know of any languages that you should?"

Figures, I thought, rolling my eyes. I took another bite out of my snack bar and didn't pay attention to her. I knew that it was Barbie, and well, I was just going to make her life miserable. She'll learn that I was not just some bitch, but I was the queen bitch. She should fear me and not the other way around.

There was this tapping sound, and I knew that she was probably waiting for me to get up. "Uh, hello. Aren't you going to even move out of our way?" another girl asked.

I took another bite out of my snack bar, not even saying anything. My stomach grumbled, and I couldn't help but groan, annoyed that I didn't pack anything else. I couldn't believe that I would be this hungry. Well, I didn't have that much for breakfast either, since I was almost late.

The tapping sound got louder and more impatient, but I paid no heed to it. "Would you just move all ready?" Barbie asked, annoyed. "Kent, make her move."

I finished my snack bar and turned around to look at them. I raised my eyebrow to see three people with Barbie and the one called Kent was looking at me amused. "Barbie and Ken," I said, finally speaking for the first time. I saw that her hand was on his arm, while he was carrying two trays, one which belonged to her. I looked her in the eye, not even blinking. "Well, I hoped that you two had a wonderful ceremony. I am sorry that I wasn't able to make it." With that, I grabbed my bag and walked away, ignoring the calls for me to go back there so that my face could be a place where they could hit, even though it would be their faces that caved in.


"You shouldn't have done that," a soft voice said, stopping me from storming off to the library, which I had found out was open when lunches were going on. "You probably shouldn't have just left like that, either."

I turned my head towards the voice to see a female was watching me over thick rimmed glasses. She had the most weirdest eyes, since they were different colors. One was dark brown and the other was blue. She had pale skin and full lips. Her hair was black, and it was pulled back into a braid. She looked like a Porcelain Doll with the way her whole body looked, and she looked fragile.

I raised an eyebrow, my whole body tensing. I wasn't used to people to talk to me without reason. "And why shouldn't I had left like that?" I asked, raising it further. "I mean, she did want me to leave. I did just like she asked."

"Well, you left while saying something."

I shrugged my shoulder and tossed the wrapper into the trashcan that I knew was behind me. I glanced to see that Ken aka Kent was looking at me, and by the way his jaw dropped, I knew that I had made it in. "Well, she is just a bitch, and I can deal with bitches." I turned to look at her. "Besides, she is a fake." With that, I walked away, not wanting to deal with her either. I wasn't a fan of people, nor was I a fan on the concept of talking much.

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