Chapter 6 (Edited)

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The bell rung for the end of school, and it couldn't have rung any sooner. It was as if the bell hated me, because I had willed it to move faster. It ticked slower and slower, as if time was about to stop, and it would keep me in this prison for forever.

I sighed in relief and got up from where I was lounging around on the benches, glad that I had gym for last period. I walked towards my locker, wanting to get my books for homework and such. The good thing was, I just had to do a couple of assignments and then read, so I could get "caught up" with the class.

A small smirk appeared on my lips, glad that I had all ready known what I would have to be studying for some of my classes, since I had all ready learned all of the stuff. That meant that I didn't have to do that much work to keep my grades up, and I would have an easy Senior year.

My stomach growled, making me groan annoyed. It was funny that one day at school could make me feel so hungry, even though I had spent three days without eating, getting it so that my body was used to it.

"Hey, Adds," a voice called behind me. "How do you like your new nickname?" The male appeared in front of me, and I saw that it was Ken. There was a grin on his face, probably thinking that he had came up with a new nickname for me, even if he didn't.

I raised an eyebrow. "I see that you were listening to the teacher," I replied. I walked to my locker and grabbed my items for home. I stuffed them in my bag, glad that I had more pockets in it to keep my stuff organized.

"Well, since we have Spanish and Gym together, I thought it would be best to listen in." There was a creaking sound, while he leaned against my locker door.

"Well, at least you listened to something the teacher told you." I glanced at him and raised an eyebrow. "Now, don't you have another girl to flirt with?"

Ken snorted and shook his head. "Can't," he replied. "She got out of Gym with Lavender, 'cause she broke a nail."

I snorted and a ghost of a smirk appeared on my face. "Lavender?" I asked, pushing him away from my locker, since he was leaning on it and closed the locker door. I made sure that no one could get into the locker and turned towards the school entrance. "That is an... interesting name for a person."

Ken shrugged his shoulder while he followed me out of the school building. "Her family loves flowers. They have three girls. The other girl is 10, and her name is Rose."

"Better than Poppy," I muttered, making him snort in laughter. I spotted an old F-150 and knew that my brother was at the school, there to pick me up. Hopefully he brought food like I had asked him to do. "Well, I got to get going. See ya." I walked to the old truck, glad that he wasn't following me. My brother wasn't "that" over protective of me, but he didn't like it when people tried to follow me.

"Bye, Flower," Ken replied. There was a smile in his voice that I could pick up on. "I'll see you tomorrow."

I just rolled my eyes and didn't look back. I gritted my teeth together, upset about what he kept calling me. I hated being called a flower. My father used to call me his little flower, but he wasn't at home and was dead, so everyone stopped using it for me. It was his nickname for me, after all.


"So, how was school?" my brother asked while I got in. A smirk appeared on his face while I grimaced. "Didn't like it?"

I shook my head no, closing the door behind me. "Did you bring food?" I asked, automatically.

Marcus laughed and nodded to the McDonald's bag that was in the seat between us. "Right there." He started the truck and got it so that we were moving, going home. "Now, who were you talking to? You know you are not allowed to have friends."

I grabbed the bag and took out some fries. I stuffed them in my mouth and chewed, loving the fact that my brother had gotten me food. "His name's Kent," I replied after my mouth was cleared. "And, he is not a friend. He is just some guy that probably loves to woo people into his bed." I reached in and grabbed the McChicken and got it out of the wrapper. "It's not like he is free or anything," I replied taking a bite out of it.

"What do you mean by that?" He glanced at me before looking at the road.

"Well, he has a girl hanging off of his arm," I replied, talking with my mouth full.

"And you don't like her."

I shook my head no, while swallowing my food. "She is a bitch and a fake. Her name is Poppy, but I call her Barbie."

"Lemme guess, she became your arch-enemy?"

I nodded my head. "At least she is someone that I can handle by myself." I took another bite of my sandwich and leaned back. I huffed, slightly annoyed with the fact that I had to be "protected".

"It's not just about you, Adds," my brother said, glancing at me with his brown eyes. His black hair fell into his eyes, and I couldn't help but like that look on him. His normal eye color was gray, and he rocked the brown eyes unlike me.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "I know that," I replied, moving a hand through my hair. "If I didn't know that, then I would've found a way to get to them and then kill their assess for trying to find us."

"Even though you were only 13 years old?"

"Well, ya."

"They were older men than you. You would've been killed."

I glanced at my brother and grabbed a fry. "And, that is why we are sometimes not considered twins." I popped the fry into my mouth. "You are a softie."

Marcus snorted and rolled his eyes. "No, I just think before I do something. It is something that you need to work on." He glanced at me, smirking. "'Sides, I did save your ass a couple of times."

I grabbed another fry out of the bag and wagged it at him. "Just 'cause you were thinking more clearly than me. You were quicker to speak and calm them down before I drew my gun." I was about to pop the fry in my mouth when Marcus grabbed it from me and placed it into his mouth. "Hey, take it from the bag." I tossed another fry at him, making him laugh.

"You shouldn't have wagged it at me," he replied. He grabbed a fry and then threw it at me. And that started the fry war that we had while we were going the rest of the way home.

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