Chapter 11 (Edited)

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"So, how was your workout?" Mom asked as Ken and I walked back up the stairs and into the kitchen. She gave a warning glance to Marcus, when he snorted, but continued working on whatever she was preparing for dinner.

"It was good," I replied, sitting next to my brother. I nudged my brother and gave him a warning look as well. I didn't need for them to be fighting, because I was sure that Ken would be being around here for quite a while. "And Ken is staying for dinner, tonight." I grabbed the water bottle that Mare gave me and started to drink from it eagerly. I didn't care that I was being loud, or the fact that Mom was shooting daggers at me.

"Good, because the Peters are coming over for dinner. A Poppy is in your class. I thought it would be time for you and the girls had friends." She said it, as if she was talking about the water and not trying to jeopardize my and their lives.

I spat out my water, surprised. I started to cough as well, since some of the water went down the wrong pipe. I clutched my stomach while coughed, trying to get some air into my lungs.

She wanted me to have friends? Wait, hold that thought. She wanted me to be friends with a female that I couldn't even stand to be in the same room with?! What did my mother drink to make her think like this? It was bad enough that there are still death threats, but she wanted to be the mother that allowed her children to have friends?!

"Addy, are you all right? You look a little pale," Mom asked, stopping to see that I was choking. She cocked her head, as if she couldn't put a finger on why I was choking.

I waved Mark and Kent off, kind of annoyed that they were acting like a group of hens. "What do you mean about me getting to know Poppy and become friends with her?" I spat out, after I had finally calmed down from my spasm.

Mom shrugged. "Well, I thought that it was high time that you have made some friends," she said. "You've been only at home and school."

"What happened to 'no friends'?" I countered, placing the drink down. I placed my arms on the counter and leaned forward, watching my mother's movements. I was trying to see if there was any motive to her odd behavior. However, I wasn't seeing anything just yet.

Mom shrugged her shoulder and glanced down. "Rener thought it was time," she replied, tucking a loose strand of brown hair back behind her ear. "And, Poppy seems like a nice girl. So, why not her?"

I snorted and shook my head, knowing full well that Poppy was only kind when adults around. I didn't need to be at the school for a long while to know that. "No," I said, flatly. "I will not be friends with her."

"And why not? I thought you would be jumping over the moon, because you will finally be able to have a friend."

"Then take me back to Ohio," I bit out, gritting my teeth together. I was pissed at her, furious even. How dare she bring this up. "Take me back to where I was Carly, and I didn't have to worry about any of this." I gestured around before moving my hand through my hair. "You can't, can you?" I asked, my voice stiff. I felt slightly guilty when I saw Mom wince, however I was pissed and didn't really stop and care.

"Well, she is coming to dinner, so I want you to be on your best behavior." She said this in an even tone, and I knew that it meant that I had to drop the subject.

I gritted my teeth together and looked at Ken. "Are you staying for dinner?" I asked, my voice hard.

Ken grimaced and shook his head. "Sorry, but she's still into me and makes me seem that we are the "it" couple. She'll probably do something to you, and I don't want anything to happen."

I sighed and moved a hand through my hair, again. "Fine, I'm going to take a shower. Do not expect me to play nice if she rats me out or something." With that, I walked away and went upstairs.

My whole body was tense, and I knew that I was going to lose it. I just hoped that my emotions could hold on until after they had left for both mine and my family's sake.

I didn't need any blood on my hands just yet.  

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