Extra #1- Addison Baylor- (Addy's (Carly's) POV) (Edited)

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(Before the whole story)

I leaned my head against the tinted window between the Alpha and I and waited for him to say something. I could hear paper being turned from the other side and huffed, moving a hand through my hair. I had been here for over an hour or so, and I was ready to just get out and fall asleep.

The Alpha, Rener, let out a small chuckle. "Are you getting annoyed?" he asked, sounding slightly amused.

I bit back a huff and nodded, moving a hand through my hair. "Yes, Alpha," I said.

"Well, it looks like that the Romanian spy's figured out that you were at that high school because you were in a fight. Correct? Weren't you supposed to be shy and quiet?"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes before leaning against the back of my seat. I hated that I had to act weak at that school. I couldn't let someone get beaten up, so that was the reason as to why I had acted out in the first place. "We both knew that I wouldn't be able to do it."

Rener chuckled, and for a minute, he sounded like my dad. For some reason, they had the same chuckle that sounded like it was a mix between a raging river and a soft purr. I know that it's a weird analogy, but I couldn't explain it. "As a spy, you should be able to act meek and shy when need be," he said. "You shouldn't fight."

I shrugged my shoulder. "If you didn't want me to fight, then you shouldn't have placed me in school as that disguise," I replied. "That kid had it coming by being an asshole and picking on someone that didn't do anything to him."

"And, now you have to move, again."

I pursed my lips. I did not like moving around all the times, but I had orders that said for me not to pursue the people that were after my father and I. I hated not being able to do anything, because I knew that I might be able to do something to cause them to stop and give my siblings a better life. "When can I-"

"Never if possible," Rener interrupted me. "We have people that will get him."

"And, there are Birds around that could tell them of our locations. Just because we move, doesn't mean we are safe."


"It isn't a life that I want my siblings to live in." I was getting annoyed and pissed. I've had this argument with Rener more than once, and I was sick and tired of it. I knew that he was trying to do us well, because we had lost our father to these people, but... I wanted to find out why. "Just... let me have the information, so I can get ready to go." My voice cracked, showing just how tired I was. I hated showing emotion, but I knew that I sometimes had to. My little sisters were the only people that I showed emotion to most of the time.

Rener sighed, and I saw his shadowy head nod. The small door in front of me opened to show five manilla folders. "There are the new identities. You may take them and leave. You are dismissed."

I nodded my head. "Yes, Alpha," I said. I took the folders and stood, waiting for him to exit. After he exited, I sighed and walked out of the room before looking at the first folder.

The name read 'Addison Baylor', and that would be my new identity from now on.

Hopefully, it would be my last.  

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