Chapter 19 (Edited)

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"Are you sure this is going to work?" my father asked, looking at my belt and then at the hole where we were supposed to enter to get into the building. Nervousness and fear filled his eyes, and I couldn't help but wonder why he was afraid of using the grappling hook that was on my belt. "What if-"

"Dad, I already checked. There are not any people in that room. My gloves will work out fine, and yes, the belt works and you won't hurt yourself, again." I bit back a snort and rolled my eyes. "And you say you are the Alpha," I muttered, teasing him just a bit.

"Well, why don't you go in there first then," he said. He gestured towards the hole, looking at me with a slight amused and afraid look.

I turned to look at him, pushing my sunglasses down my nose. I gave him a 'really' look before pushing them back up. He was supposed to be leading cases that were rescued, so I was sure that something had scared him really bad. "Ya, whatever. Move back." I stood up from my position and backed up a few steps. "See you inside." I didn't give him the chance to answer while I ran at the hole and did a front handspring into the hole.

My gloves and the tips of my boots had this squishy texture that made it possible for me to stick to the walls or ceiling so I didn't have to drop on the floor and probably turn into a blob. I could be Spider-Man and move the way he does.

I moved across the ceiling before going onto the wall. "G2?" I asked. I spotted my little robot on the wall across from the one that I was on. "Make sure that there aren't any booby traps on the floor. You're small enough."

G2 was chirped and saluted before crawling down to the floor. G2 was my robot that looked like a mix between Walle, the robot from Spy Kids 2 and a credit card. My father had helped me make him when I was younger but as I grew older, I made sure that he had been updated. That was why he now looked like a card, and I could see what he sees through the glasses that I had on my face.

G2 squeaked a couple of times, letting me know that it was safe to go down the wall. He stayed on the floor, knowing that I was going to send him to scout out the place. He was going to make sure that no one was in the hall while I came down.

"Ok, you can come down now," I called out to my father before crawling down the wall. "G2 scout." I watched as my robot scurry out the door while my father went down the hole at a slow speed. I shook my head and hopped down when I was close to the floor and watched his slow snail pace. "Having fun?" I asked.

"You know, I really don't like these," he said, not looking down at how much farther he had to go. A bit of British accent came out, causing me to raise an eyebrow. "Don't give me that look that I know you are doing," he said. "The big base is in Great Britain."

I hummed and started to walk towards the door. "Well, hurry up and get down here. Time is rushing by us, and we have to make sure that the twins are still alive, so we can get them." I bit my lip, worried that the twins wouldn't be.

I knew that the Russians were just using my sisters as bait and could probably kill them without us even knowing it. If they did that, then this would be a bust mission, there would be more deaths than not.

My dad sighed and walked behind me, finally free from my belt and the grappling hook. He placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it, trying to reassure me that everything was alright. "They'll be fine. They'll want me, or you." He nudged me with the belt. "Here, you'll need this more than me."

I didn't say a word while I took it and again placed it around my waist. I took one of the guns out and made sure that I had bullets in it before putting it back. "All right, let's get my sisters back." I started to walk out the door before pausing and turning to look at my father who was watching me. I couldn't help but smirk and cock my head to the side. "Stay behind me, Alpha," I teased. "We don't need you getting killed."

With, I moved forward to the soft chuckles of my father, ready to finish this once and for all.  

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