Chapter 7 (Edited)

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I hopped out of the truck, laughing. My whole body was relaxed, and I was glad that I had my brother to thank for that. I shook out my head and fries fell from my hair, creating my brother to laugh. "Hey, it's not my fault. You were the one that took a fry from me."

Marcus walked over to me and grabbed my bag, even though I was going to get it. He smirked when I huffed, however, he didn't let me have it. "Well, you were the one that threw the first fry," he replied. He stuck his tongue out at me and walked to the front door. "Now, isn't that right?"

"Isn't that right?" I mocked him, rolling my eyes. I followed him to the front door and punched his arm, not so lightly. "You are looney, do you know that?"

"I'm as looney as you make me to be, Sis," he replied. He glanced at me and smirked, challenge filled his eyes, since I did hit him in the arm. "And, we'll take the punch to the mats. Shall we?"

"Ooh, we shall." I grimaced, remembering that I had to go talk to Rener first. "But, I have to meet up with someone first. I need my schedule." I rolled my eyes and sighed, annoyed. I hoped that he was going to set me up with someone new to train with. I have been training with a girl, and well... let's just say that she quit when I had "accidentally" broken her nose, even though we were on a "break". Break meant that she was going to take a 30 minute phone call, while she was supposed to be training me.

Marcus nodded his head before he reached over and took a fry from my hair. "All right then, Sis." He tossed it into the trashcan that was by the door before he opened it. "Now, go to him and then we can fight," he said, smirking.

I rolled my eyes. "Ya, ya, ya." I walked into the house and was followed by him. "Meet me down at the mats in 15. That means you can get prepped up with your weights." I shook my head and sighed. "It's not working for you, dear brother. You are too flabby."

Marcus's face fell while I said those words. "Am not," he replied. He frowned when he saw me smirk. "I'll show it to you on the mat."

I couldn't help but laugh. "You do that." With that, I walked into the living room and went towards the room where I would be talking with Rener. I couldn't help but frown, because I have never seen his face. However, not a lot of people have.

He said that it was for his and our protections that we haven't seen him. However, there might've been another reason on why he wasn't seen by anyone, except for a few people, but there was no proof on what the reason was.


I walked into the room and sat at the seat where I usually sat, when I was meeting. I propped one leg underneath me and waited for Rener to make an appearance. My whole body was on guard mood, because I didn't know how soon he would appear.

A screen blocked the seeing distance between me and him. That meant that we would only see shadows and even then, it was hard to see what he looked like. I didn't even think he knew what I actually looked like, even though I was sure that he had seen the pictures of my "transformation".

A pulling of a seat brought me out of my thoughts, and I knew that he was there. Silence filled the other side as the person got settled in his seat.

I nodded my head in greeting, since he was my elder. "Rener," I said, speaking first. "It is nice to talk to you again."

There was a chuckle, and I knew that he was smiling a bit. "It is nice to talk to you, again, also. Now, what is your name this time?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Don't you know, Sir?" I asked. "I mean, I thought you were the one that picked it out."

"Actually, the computer picked out this one." There was a grimace in his voice that I picked up on.

I grunted and nodded my head, knowing that some names were picked by a computer. The top bosses weren't told the name if it was picked. However, some people did know what the name was. "My name is Addison Baylor. My nicknames are either Adds or Addy. It doesn't matter which one."

"Your brother's name?"

"Marcus Baylor. Mark is a nickname for him."

"And the twins?"

"The eldest twin's name is Bailey. Her nickname is either Bay or Ley. The other twin's name is Vanessa. Her nickname is either Vanny or Van." I shrugged my shoulder. "Mom doesn't really have nicknames, and it doesn't really matter for her."

Rener chuckled. "I know that," he said. "Now, how was school?"

I grimaced, hating the fact that he brought up school. "Horrible," I replied. "I have found my archenemy."

"Oh?" There was amusement in his voice. "Do we need to step in?"

I snorted and shook my head. "Nah, I got this." I smirked. "The card did say that I can be a 'bad ass bitch if need be'. I don't have to be the shy, quiet one like the last one." I rolled my eyes. I was still annoyed about that, because I did have a loud mouth sometimes.

Rener laughed and nodded his head. "I guess that you can have her to yourself, then." He cleared his throat and sighed. "Now, did Rylan tell you that we are wanting to finish the hiding now? It has been over 5 years, and I think you all are ready to quit."

I nodded my head, knowing what he meant. I shifted in my seat and leaned back. I was ready to get everything done and over with. They needed to be going down. "I gave my answer of yes. I am ready to stop hiding from them. We just need to set up everything." I sighed and turned to look at the screen, vaguely seeing the shadowy figure of a male. "Have ya'll caught the double-crosser yet?"

Rener sighed, also. "No, we did not," he replied. There was a sense of defeat in his voice, letting me know that he was tired of dealing with the person. "However, we have set up a couple of traps. We will see if we can't just flush him out."

"You should just let me into the database, and then I can track the person down."

"And it will lead directly to you. No, we will wait."

I huffed and folded my arms across. "I don't think that ya'll had made any progress at all. I'm gonna give you all a month until I hack into the database and do it myself."

"You'll be stopped."

I smirked. "Trust me, I can figure out whatever you have set up as traps and shit like that. Remember, I am smart and one of the smartest students that you have met, or well talk to at least."

Rener chuckled, and I knew that he had nodded his head, agreeing with me. "Now, getting onto business, I have set you up with a new partner. He should be here around 6pm. Kick his ass and show him what you can do."

I smiled evilly and it turned into a sneer on it's own accord. My whole body vibrated with adrenaline, and I was ready to face whomever I was to be set up with. I was glad that I wouldn't have to deal with a girl this time, because I didn't need someone that will just take breaks every hour. "Will do, Sir," I replied. "Now, does that mean we are done?"

"Yes," he replied. "Good luck." With that a door opened and closed, and I was left in the room by myself.

I snorted and shook my head. I was used to that by now, and I didn't even think anything of it. "Like the dust in the wind," I muttered. "Silent." With that, I stood and walked out of the room, ready to take on my brother.

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