Chapter 1 (Edited)

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I glanced around the room, looking at the faces that I would be seeing for a day, a week, a month, or a year. They stared at me, blankly. Some even snickered as I stood there, tall and erect, not caring what was said about me. I mean, I've heard this multiple times in the past 5 years, and I stood in the same spot, standing in front of the white board, with a bored expression plastered on my face.

"Miss Baylor," someone called out for my attention. "Miss Baylor," the person called out again sounding a bit impatient this time.

I blinked, remembering that was the name I was supposed to answer to. "Yes, Sir?" I asked glancing at my English teacher. "Sorry, was thinking of some things," I added.

My English teacher, Mr. Baker, I think that was his name, looked at me over his glasses. He had raised an eyebrow, as if he was waiting for me to continue with my excuse or something, there for I kept quiet and spoke no more. "I was wondering if you would like to introduce yourself to the class," he stated almost  as if it was a mere question.

I shook my head, not wanting to go into my personal life. A spy had to stay undercover. They had to be under the radar, so being called up like this was annoying for me, so I had to make this as painless as possible for me. "I'm Addison Baylor, that is all you need to know," I replied. With that, I took an empty seat, ignoring the disappointed "tsk" that came from the teacher.

"Alright, Class, we'll be studying the effects of radiation. Who can tell me what radiation is?" he asked the class in retrospect.

I placed my head on my arm and listened to everything. Although, my thoughts often wandered off to what had happened back then about how my family and I ended up in the Secret Services. I also thought about my twin brother, what was he doing, if he was okay, and all the other things a twin sister should be concerned about. Although, I am disliking the fact that he wasn't in school with me, suffering the 8 horrible hours of  gruesome torture.

Like him, I had already learned all of this stuff. The only difference between me and him was that somebody was looking for me. I couldn't tell you who it was, but they had been close to getting me on many occasions. So, we moved from town to town and changed identities while we at it.

I was guessing people were searching for me because first of all, I was just like my father it's bad enough I almost nearly looked like him  and then there was the fact that I was a spy. I've had a few long and stressful cases, but they were not enough to get my name out there. However, that didn't mean anything if they, whoever they were, caught wind of my whereabouts.

Moving means new schools, new clothes, and new friends. However, I wasn't really great at making friends, so I just stayed at home, taking care of the horses we were allowed to keep. I bit back a sigh as I thought about my only friend, a girl from back when I didn't have to move as much as I've been lately. Her name was, Kimberly.

I didn't remember which state we were in, how I met her, and when, but she was my only friend. Kimberly Wilks was her name. She was my age, around probably 18 now. She had the most beautiful gray eyes, that I was jealous of. Mine were just brown, plain stinking poop brown. She had blonde hair that was curly at the ends, that did not look like my straight brown hair. Now, my hair was black, curly, and I wore gray contacts, keeping hidden my identity.

Although, I did wish I was there now and not somewhere in South Georgia. However, my family and I were placed in different states, so that we could get those people, that were after me, off our scent. This meant, no contact with people from past lives, and no making friends.

A frown slowly grew on my face, at the "no making friends" rule. My two younger siblings, Alina and Josey, have not had any friends since forever, and in my opinion they need a little bit of socializing 'cause they are pretty young and all, for being at the age of seven. They both tend to get so confused with their names, that Mom usually keeps them at the house with my twin brother, Justin. And like me, they weren't allowed to use their names, so their new names were, Bailey, whose real name was Alina, Vanessa, whose real name was Josey, and Marcus, whose real name was Justin.

Suddenly, there was a hard poke on my back, making me jolt up in surprise, disrupting my thoughts. I clenched my fist tightly ready to throw a punch, butbefore I did release that punch, I remembered that I was in highschool, so someone was just trying to make sure that I was awake. I looked up from my desk, to see that the teacher was watching me, making me feel a little bit uncomfortable because, I felt everyone's eyes on me. "Yes?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Mr. Baker gave a light sigh, seeming slightly frustrated about me not really paying much attention in his class, as he then pinched the bridge of his nose. "Do you know the definition of radiation, Miss Baylor?" he asked slightly waiting impatiently for an answer out of me.

I shrugged my shoulder and leaned back against my seat, crossing my arms across my chest. "Why would you like to know?" I countered. "Don't you know the definition of radiation?" I retorted.

The class chuckled a little at the last comeback to Mr. Baker.

"Yes, I do know it. However, I'm not the one taking this class. Now am I?" He responded in an annoying smart-ass-like tone.

I huffed a little and tapped on the side of my arm, clearly annoyed by Mr. Baker's tone. "Radiation is the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles, especially high-energy particles that cause ionization. It comes from the Latin Origin of radiare which means it emit rays." I paused, smirking slyly. "Now, I could say more stuff about radiation, but I'm not going to. It'd take up the whole class time, and you have the class to teach, Teacher,"I added sarcastically still with my sly smirk.

Mr. Baker gritted his teeth a little at me, fully annoyed with me. He glared at me for a while but then looked at the other students. "Who can add to what, Miss Baylor had said? Please, don't be shy." He nearly pleaded to the rest of the students.

I smirked a little and leaned back in my seat, listening to whatever else Mr. Baker had to say about the topic of radiation.


The bell rang for class to finally end, making me sigh in relief as I was already getting sick of hearing Mr. Baker's voice. I had started to pack up my stuff. I couldn't wait til the school's end bell, but I figured that wasn't until somewhere around 3pm, and it was still only about around 8am right now. I hated school, and I have always wanted it to end early.

"Miss Baylor, a word," my teacher called, making me groan inwardly.

I turned towards him, after I had lifted my bag up onto my back. "Yes?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Mr. Baker stayed silent and looked behind me. "Leave, Miss Peters," he warned, looking at a nosy student from behind me.

I turned around to see a Barbie Doll. I'm truly serious that the girl behind me looked like a Barbie Doll. She had platinum blonde hair, blue eyes, and then a body that actually looked like one. You know, the skinny with the curves. She had big boobs plus a "perfect" sized butt. She was dressed how a Barbie Doll should dress, with her "fancy" clothes that would seem to have cost a fortune.

"But, Mr. Baker, we have an agreement. I stay Tuesdays and Fridays, so that you can help me with my homework. You will also give me other assignments on pages that I do extra-" Barbie tried explaining before getting cut off by Mr. Baker.

"It's a Monday, Miss Peters, so please leave." he interrupted, correcting her.

"Bu-" she attempted to speak again only to be cut off by me.

"You heard the teacher, Barbie," I interrupted, annoyed. "Get out." I added, coldly.

The female glared at me before stalking away, annoyed. She didn't say anything else, and that was when I knew I had found my arch nemesis.

And to think, I already had a couple of people that wanted me dead, outside of high school. But this time, at least a bitchy girl, I could handle on my own.

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