Chapter 20 (Edited)

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G2 jumped into my hand just as we made it to a closed door. He didn't say anything but pulled himself into what looked like a credit card, taking the glasses with him.

I shoved him into my pocket before taking out a gun. A small click sounded through the hallway, but it was covered by a smack causing me to hiss. How dare they hit my sister. I looked at my father before raising an eyebrow, wondering if it was time to go in.

My father nodded before backing up. There was a small tick in his jaw because he knew just as I did that one of my baby sisters had been hit. 'Be careful,' he signaled, causing me to snort softly and roll my eyes.

I turned back around and counted to ten before pushing open the door and strolling into the room, my gun pointed at the leader. "You know, security sucks around here," I said, causing three people to stop what they were doing and point their guns at me.

The leader, the one standing over my sisters stood, with a chuckle. He stood at around 6'4 with a bald head. He turned around, facing me, and I could see a scratch on the left side of his face that looked like it was from nails. There was, however, a huge scar on his right face, going from the top of his forehead to the bottom of his chin, but I was more interested in the scratch. He touched the left side of his face, seeing that I was looking at it, and grimaced. "Your sestra (sister) did it. I was merely being khoroshiy (nice) to them."

"My oba znayem , chto eto ne tak (We both know that that's not true)," I all but hissed. I saw Van cupping her cheek while Bailey was crouching over her. "If it was, then you wouldn't have kidnapped them."

The male smirked, narrowing his brown eyes while he looked me up and down. "Gde vash otets? YA dumal, chto on budet zdes', chtoby spasti svoikh docherey. (Where is your father? I thought that he would be here to save his daughters)."

I shrugged, blinking back "tears." "Mertv (dead)." My voice cracked, and I had to applaud myself for being such a good actress. My breath did hitch but it was to stop a "sob."

"What if I told that he is alive?" the man asked, moving closer to me. He smirked and held his hands up as if saying that he wasn't going to hurt me when I lifted my gun higher and closer to my face.

"What?" Bailey screeched. "How do you know our dad is alive?"

I hissed, causing her to mumble a small "sorry." "Now, how do you know that he is alive? There was a body in the casket."

The man snorted. "How about you put your gun down, and I tell you," he said.

"Tell your posse to drop their guns and I will do as well," I replied. I eyed one of them that was closer to my siblings before turning my attention to the male in front.

The male nodded and gestured for his members to drop down their guns. "Do you know my name?"

I pushed the safety back in before putting the gun on the ground. I kept my eyes on him, my whole body tense and vibrating with energy. "I think it's Albinia, but I'm not sure," I replied, shrugging my shoulder, smirking when he narrowed his eyes more by being called a female's name.

The male gestured to my belt. "Take that off and your gloves, shpion (spy), and then we'll talk." He smirked. "Take the gloves off with your mouth. I do not want you to grab something."

I hid back an eye roll and took off the belt. I dropped it with my gun before holding my hands out. I started to undo my gloves, taking two small round balls from one of the compartments on them. A smirk appeared on my face when I watched as the men took a deep breath as I placed the seductress act that I had used so many times before.

"Enough, hurry up," the male gruffed, probably thinking wicked thoughts of what I could do with my tongue. "My name is Artyom," he added.

I finished taking off of the gloves and tossed them to the ground, using my teeth. "Then who is the leader?" I asked. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and watched as the members mill around, getting prepared for any indication that my father was alive and going to show up.

Artyom smirked. "So you know your names," he said.

I took one hand out of my pocket and studied my nails. "Da (yes)," I replied. "And I know how to light up the world if need be." I kept my eyes on my sisters, hoping that they would know what I mean. "I mean a star does give off light."

The twins didn't need any other words before looking as if they were discussing something. I was thankful for the fact that they had noticed how I usually talked about giving them hints, letting them figure it out for themselves afterward.

Artyom chuckled. "Of course," he said, "but even a star needs guidance."

I smirked. "That they do," I replied. I looked to see that my sisters were ready and my father was in place. "But sometimes they don't need guidance so... Now!" I jumped for a gun just as my sister's placed their necklaces together, creating a bright light.

Shots rang out through the brightness, and all I could hope was all of us were alive and not harmed.  

A Spy's Tale (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें