Chapter 8 (Edited)

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I walked to the training room, wearing a sports bra and a pair of short shorts. My feet were bare, since I didn't really like wearing shoes around the house. I, also, had a gun that I had placed in the back of my shorts. I had my hair in a high ponytail, ready for whatever my brother was prepared to do.

Marcus looked up and frowned when he saw me dressed the way that I was. He looked over my body before looking at me. "You aren't fighting like that."

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm fighting you."

"Ya, but don't you have to fight someone else, also?"

I snorted and rolled my eyes. "Oh, puh-lease. I will be able to handle him, also. You will be right there seated like you always do, if there is a guy around." I nodded towards the benches where water was set out for whoever needed it. "Besides, I can probably kick whoever's ass that comes through that door. I have defeated older people."

"But not in that." He gestured to my clothing.

I rolled my eyes and started to stretch. "Well, you are going to have to deal with it, because I do want a break after fighting you, so I can finish up my homework." I rolled my eyes, annoyed. I folded my arms across my chest and glared at the ground. "Even though I know all of the stuff."

He snorted and sighed. "Fine, but can you at least please change clothing after you finish fighting me?"

I pulled the gun out of my shorts and placed it on it's post that unknown to others, except for me and my brother. "Fine," I said, sighing. I, sometimes, hated the way that he treated me as if I was younger than him. "However, you owe me." I smirked, challenge filling my eyes. "You have to admit that I look sexy." I gestured towards my muscular body, where a few scars were seen.

My brother snorted and shook his head. He shuddered and there was a grimace on his face. "Nah, I'm not going to say it. You are my sister, after all."

I raised an eyebrow. "Then you are going to say it, instead of uncle."

"And what will you say for me?"

I pretended to throw up in my mouth and placed my hand on my stomach, pretending to feel sick. "That you are the awesomest and coolest brother ever?" I asked, seeing if that would work for him. I shuddered and made a face. "Oh that does not taste so good."

Marcus smirked and nodded his head. "Well, you got yourself a deal. Are you ready?"

I pulled my hair into a bun, using the other bow that I had on my wrist. "As ever," I replied. With that, both of us started to circle each other, watching the other person. My whole body was tense, while I waited for my brother to make a move.


"Aren't you going to attack, Sis?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Or are you going to stand there?"

"Stand here and look pretty," I replied, giving him a movie star smile. "Am I doing well?"

Marcus shook his head, grimacing. That meant no. "Fine then, I guess I am starting." He ran at me, keeping his body parts close together. He knew that I could grab one and bring him down, quickly.

I rolled my eyes and ducked under him and shoved my shoulder into his gut. I grabbed hold of his legs and used his momentum against him, bringing him down.

Marcus gasped for breath before he got up and took a swipe at my legs, trying to get me on my back.

I did a back handspring, making it so that he didn't get my legs. "Come on, Brother. You know tha-" I took a deep breath of air, surprised and stunned that he brought me down, while I was talking to him.

My brother looked at me a smirk on his face. He had my hands in his grasp and above my head, and his full body weight was on me. "Now, what is it that you had to say to me?"

"You are stupid?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I head butted him in the chin before using my strength to push him off of me. I got up and smirked, watching him stand.

"How?" he asked, looking at me shocked. He rubbed his chin, grimacing.

I shrugged my shoulder. "It was easy," I replied. I got into a fighting stance. "Now, are you ready to actually fight?"

Marcus popped his knuckles and smirked. "Ready," he replied. With that, he attacked again, and this time I met him in the middle.

And so, we were nothing but blurry movements while we started to attack each other. We blocked most of the other's punches, however he did get a few good hits on me, but I got more on him.

After a few minutes, we backed up from each other, letting us take a breather. I was sweating and took a deep breath, wincing at my bruised ribs. I was watching him like a cat would a mouse, waiting for his next attack. I knew I had to finish this soon, since the person that I was supposed to fight might be coming soon.

      Marcus took a deep breath and nodded his head. "You are a worthy opponent, young  Padawan. However, you have much to learn."

I barked out laughing and shooked my head. "Padawan?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Try Jedi Knight."

My brother smirked. "Oh, we shall see." With that he ran to attack me, again. The smirk was still on his face, and I had this urge to smack it off of him.

I saw that he was going to punch at the right, but he was going to swipe at me with his left leg. I waited for the last possible minute and went to the left. I grabbed his leg and twisted it, causing him cry out in pain. I still had hold of his leg and pushed it towards him, creating him to lose balance. Just as he was about to fall, I let go of his leg and grabbed hold of his shirt, pulling him towards me. He fell to the ground face first, and I grabbed hold of his arm, pulling it behind him, while I used a leg to hold him down and one around his neck. "Now what is it that you were supposed to say?" I asked, choking him a little.

"You look sexy like that," he choked up. "Now, can you please let go of me?" He winced. "You are hurting me."

I grinned and let him go. I stretched, while he took a deep breath of air, before he stood.

There was a clapping sound, startling both of us from out fight. It, also, made us turn around to look at the person who had clapped. A figure appeared of the shadows and that was all that I saw before I saw my brother's broad back. "Well done," he said.

A Spy's Tale (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon