Chapter 2 (Edited)

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A/N: Just to let ya'll know. I used google translate for the Romanian words, so I don't know if that's the right thing to say or not.

Thanks for reading.




I turned to look at Mr. Baker and raised an eyebrow, after the door had closed and Barbie had left, going to her next class. "You wanted to speak to me, Sir?" I asked, rather rudely. Sure, I knew that I was being rude to him, but I didn't like being called out in the middle of class or anything. It didn't matter if I was asked a question or not.

The teachers will learn not to call on me. I'll be a pain in the ass if I have to, so that they would not call on me. However, I will keep my grades up, 'cause if I didn't, then my mother would get a call from someone, and I wouldn't be able to ride any of the horses that we had kept. She would have grounded me from riding, since I didn't really do anything else.

Mr. Baker sighed, breaking me from my thoughts. He gestured to a seat in front of him and cocked his head, watching me with his blue eyes. "Please, take a seat. It won't take that long," he said, not saying anything about how rude I was to him. There was a small frown on his face, because he didn't like that I was rude to him.

I raised an eyebrow, frowning. I wasn't going to sit down in a seat. I had to be prepared for whatever he would do to me. The desk wouldn't give me any advantage if he decided to attack me or not. "I would rather stand," I replied, coldly. "Sir."

Mr. Baker shook his head and chuckled, slightly amused on how I was acting. "Exact ca tatălui tău (Just like your father)," he said, speaking Romanian. He looked at me and smirked, probably knowing that I understood him. "O astfel de Încăpățânarea (Such stubbornness)."

Cold sweat broke out onto my skin, as a small bit of fear entered my mind. No one had spoken about my father for what felt like ages. I was shocked that this male had spoken about him as if he had known my father.

My heart picked up a beat, but I quickly got it under control, hoping that he didn't notice, if he was a spy. I placed a mask over my fear, making it so that it wouldn't be noticed either. With a snort and a shake of my head, I played my card, making it seem like that I didn't know what he was saying. "I don't know what you are saying, Sir. I only speak English and a small bit of Spanish." That was a total lie. I knew multiple languages and could speak them fluently.

He smirked and chuckled, probably seeing through my mask of snark. "Știu că poți vorbi română (I know that you can speak Romanian)."

"What are you saying?" I asked, cocking my head. I frowned, trying to see if I knew what he meant. "I'm tellin' you. I don't speak whatever language you are speaking."

"Știi ce vreau să spun, Carly. (You do know what I am saying, Carly.)"

My face paled instantly at what he had called me. Carly was my name. It was the name that my parents had called me before all of this had happened. It had been a long time since I have heard anyone call me that. Even my mother stopped using my name, since she knew that it could put me in danger.

I shook my head, clearing me from my thoughts. "Cum? (How?)" I asked, finally, gaining my voice. My voice was void of any emotions, not letting that being an indication on how I was feeling. However, I was sure that he knew what I was feeling, because of how much my face had paled.

The smirk on his face deepened, when I had spoken Romanian. It was like he knew that I would say something to him, after he had said my real name. "Numele meu este, Rylan Reece, și eu sunt un prieten de-al părinților voștri. (My name is Rylan Reece, and I am a friend of your fathers.)"

I frowned, wondering if he knew where my father was at. I was sure that some people did know where he was, but they weren't saying. I had a feeling that he wasn't dead, even though, there was a possibility that he was. However, as a spy myself, I knew that sometimes it was better to stay undercover if someone was trying to get to one of us.

A scowl appeared on my face before I shook my head. I didn't need to think about that. Right now, I had to worry about me staying alive and being able to protect my family. I was the oldest child, so normally the male parts of taking care of the house came on me, and I was pretty good at it. I was even better than my brother, as my mother had told us, time and time again.

"De ce ești aici? (Why are you here?)" I asked after I had shaken my head a second time. I was trying to clear my thoughts, because I didn't want to go down memory lane over the past few years. Some of the memories were dark, and I didn't like to think about them.

"A vă ajuta și, desigur. (To help you, of course.)," he replied. "Nu ai obosit de ascuns? (Aren't you tired of hiding?)" He raised an eyebrow, probably knowing what I was going to say.

"Ascunderea de la ce? (Hiding from what?)" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I had a feeling that I knew what he was talking about. However, I wasn't going to say a word about what he was talking about. There were a lot of things that I was tired of hiding from. Hiding from the people that wanted to kill me was not the only thing that I was hiding from.

I wasn't gay, so I didn't have to "hide in the closet", like some people had to. However, I was tired of hiding my feelings about love and such. Deep down, I was kind of a romantic, but people didn't see it, since I was able to kickass better than some people. I was sick and tired of hiding the fact that I did want to have friends, even though I had the cold demeanor about me. I even hated the fact that we have been hiding my twin sisters, hoping that they would be safe.

All and all, there were a lot of stuff I had been hiding from people. It didn't matter if they could read my mind or anything like that, I wouldn't tell them even if it meant that I could be able to save my life.

Mr. Baker raised an eyebrow, breaking me from my thoughts. "Oamenii care încearcă să te omoare (The people trying to kill you)," he replied. "Te-ai saturat din ascunzătoare de la ei? (Are you tired from hiding from them?)"

I lifted my gaze and looked him in the eye. I could see that his blue eyes were not real. However, I wasn't going to say anything about it. My gray eyes weren't real either, but I did like them better than my brown eyes. I set my jaw, still looking him in the eye.

I knew my answer even before he had said something. I had been tired from hiding from them. I wanted to know who was after me, so I could end their lives. They had made my, well, my family and I lives miserable, since we had to move around so much. I took a deep breath and nodded my head before I looked into his eyes again. "Da. (Yes.)"

A Spy's Tale (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang