Chapter 12 (Edited)

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"Ah, Mrs. Peters, how nice of you to stop by," I heard my mother say, causing me to groan. "Addy, Dear, come down and say hello," she yelled, knowing that I was sitting on the stairs.

I bit back a groan and got up from my seat. I walked down, dressed in jeans and a one off shoulder shirt. I forced a smile on my face, even though I really wanted to scowl at Poppy and her sister. "Hi, my name is Addison, but you can call me Addy," I said, sweetly to the two adults. I held out my hand, waiting for them to shake my hand. "It is nice to meet you both."

The mother looked at my hand as if it was some disease and sneered. She glanced at her husband, who hadn't shaken my hand as well. Their youngest daughter just stared up at me, an awe look on her face. "I'm Tracey," she said, turning back to look at me. "And I don't know where that has been."

I gritted my teeth and placed my hand down, trying to make sure that I didn't make it into a fist. "Pardon me," I said, my voice coming out stiff. I didn't wince when Mom nudged me in the gut. "I had taken a shower before meeting you. My hand has been a part of me during the shower."

"And, she did clean behind her ears," my brother said from behind me. He slung his arm over my shoulders and smirk. "Isn't that right, Lil Sis?" he teased, pinching my cheek.

I groaned and swatted at his hand, again hating the fact that he was taller than me. "Yes, Lil Bro," I said. "I did clean behind my ears. Though, I am sure that you are needing to clean behind yours." I scrunched my nose. "As well as brushing your teeth."

Mark gave me a face before looking at the three children before them. He smiled, giving them that fancy smile. "Hello, ladies," he said, smoothly. "I'm Marcus, but I, mainly, go by Mark. How are you three today?"

Poopy fixed her hair and popped some gum before she grabbed hold of Mark's hand. "It's nice to meet you," she said, her voice grating my nerves. "I'm Poppy, and I think we will be great friends." She gestured behind her to the other two young female. "Oh, and that is Lavender and Rose."

I bit back a laugh when she batted her eyelids together, looking like something was stuck in her eyelid. "Mom, I'm going into the kitchen," I said. "Where are the twins?"

"They should be in their room. Go and bring them down," Mom replied.

I nodded my head and walked back up the stairs, glad that I was able to leave them alone. I couldn't help but shake my head, hoping that Poppy wouldn't try to go out with my brother.

I scoffed, knowing that she would try. I just hoped that my brother wouldn't fall for it.


"That was a good meal," Tracey said, placing her napkin on the table. "Thank you, Mrs. Baylor."

"Oh, it's Ms., Mrs. Peters," Mom said. "But, call me Laura."

"But I thought your name w-"

I knocked a glass down, causing Van and Bailey to squeal and causing Van to stop from what she was going to say. "Oops, sorry about that," I said, not really sorry at all. I bit back a laugh because some of it had landed in Poppy's lap. "Girls, can you help me with this?" I asked, grabbing hold of the glass that I had knocked over.

They nodded and rushed to the kitchen. I could hear their harsh whispers, trying to decide who was Vanessa and who was Bailey.

"You imbecile," Poppy screeched, causing me to wince. Dang, she has a good set of lungs. "Get this cleaned up!"

"I'm sorry, Poppy," I said, dabbing at the water. "Just be glad that it was water."

This caused Van and Bailey to snicker while they came back. "Here, Ca- Addy," Bailey said, switching to my new name when she saw the look that I had given her. "Are you alright, Miss Peters?" she asked, nicely.

"No, because of this whore!" Poppy yelled, grabbing the paper towels out of my hand. "You are just making a big mess, and you will hear from my lawyer!"

"Was it really that bad?" Mom asked, shooting me an icy glare. "I mean did you have to dump water on her?"

I shrugged my shoulder, molding my features until it came up with a blank face. "Ya," I said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going up to my room." With that, I grabbed my stuff, took it to the kitchen before going upstairs. "What is her problem?" I grumbled, closing the door. I plopped myself onto my bed, groaning.


"Addy?" someone asked, knocking on my door. "Can we come in?"

I lifted my head and looked at the door. "Sure, I guess," I said, laying it back down. I closed my eyes and wondered how long it would take me to fall asleep. I was tired and just ready for bed.

The door opened and two sets of feet pittered towards my bed. "Is she asleep?" one twin whisper-yelled.

"Shhhhh. She might be," the other twin said, loudly. "Oooow what was that for?"

"You told me to be quiet, yet you are talking loudly, Bailey."

"Wait, I thought I was Bailey."

"Eldest is Bailey," I grumbled reaching out and grabbing both of them. I pulled them onto the bed, causing them to laugh. I opened my eyes to look at my beautiful twin sisters. I couldn't help but smile, glad that they both looked beautiful with their dirty blonde hair and baby blue eyes.

"Why aren't I Bailey though?" Vanessa asked. She pouted. "I like that name."

I shook my head. "I like the name Vanessa," I said, smiling at her. "But, do you want your real names back?"

Vanessa nodded her head. "Yes," she said. "I hate remembering these names."

I nodded my head in agreement. "I hate them as well."

Bailey sighed and leaned her head on my shoulder. "When will we be able to go back to our real names?" she asked. "When can we move back home?"

I sighed and closed my eyes. "Soon," I replied. "Hopefully, soon."

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