Chapter 5 (Edited)

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I walked into the library, taking a deep breath of the room that I was in. My whole body started to relax as I smelt the musty odor of the books that were in the library. I felt at home here, more than I did at my new house, which still looked as if we were still moving in. The only reason why it smelt like home was because at my first house, we had a lot of books, because my father loved reading, and like him, I loved reading, also. Sometimes, Dad had to take the book away from me so I would do my lessons. At night, he would curl up with me and read me a book, if I was good.

I walked over to a shelf and touched it, my eyes grazing against the spines to see what I wanted to read, first. I wanted to go to a far off place, so that I wouldn't have to deal with whatever I had to deal with for a little while. Finally, I came to a book that caught my interest and pulled it off the shelf. I chewed my lip and looked at the back, skimming over the words.

"To what do my eyes see?" a male asked behind me. His voice was soft and there was a bit of teasing in it. "A beautiful flower, with no name to speak of? Speak the name that they call you, so I can die in peace."

I bit back a sigh, feeling annoyed that I was being talked to, and it was someone that I could live with out. "The name that you seek, is just a name," I replied not looking at him. "The name in which I will not say." I turned around to see that it was Ken, or well, Kent in front of me. I raised an eyebrow, wondering why he was talking to me. "Don't you have a Barbie to go to?"

The male smirked at me, having full lips. He had that surfer look about him, with his blonde hair bushy. He had blue eyes that seemed to bounce with mischievousness. He stood at 6'3 with muscle that showed underneath his tight shirt. He, also, had skin that looked as if it was kissed by the sun, basically tan. "She thinks we are to be dating," he replied. "However..." He reached behind my ear before pulling it back towards him, showing a rose that was in his hand. "I find a flower more beautiful than her and not as fake." He handed the rose to me, raising both eyebrows and giving me a coy smile.

I rolled my eyes at his attempt to try to make me fall for him. "You are going to have to try harder than that to make me swoon," I replied. I turned around and started to look at the other books. Since I was new, I didn't have a library card, so the librarian was just going to have to write it down for me.

"Awww, come on. I know that you like that trick," he replied. "And I should've taken off the thorns," he muttered to himself. There was a sucking sound, and I knew that he had placed his finger into his mouth.

I snorted and turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow. I saw a grimace on his face, because he had stuck himself with one of the thorns on the rose. The rose was on the ground, forgotten by him.  "Sucking your thumb, I see," I said, smirking a little. "Have I made you want to go to your mother?"

Ken snorted and rolled his eyes. He took his thumb out of his mouth and wagged a finger at me. "You wish, Sweetheart," he replied, coyly.

I shook my head, mockingly. I made a small tsking sound, because that wasn't what I was going to wish for. "Oh, my poor dear," I said with a sigh. "You wish that I would wish something like that. Now, I would not wish for anything for me. Why? Wishes don't come true for me. Now, if you excuse me, I want to see if I can't get a temporary library card, so I can get this book." With that I turned away from him again and walked away.

"We'll see each other again. Just you wait."

I turned to look at him and smirked. I could tell that he thought I would come back towards him, but I stayed where I was. I clutched the book in my hand, while I watched him, waiting for him to make a move towards me. "I highly doubt that."

He folded his arms across his chest and chewed on his lip. He thought of something before a smirk appeared on his face. "We will become good friends, and we will hang out at your house every day."

Oh my gosh, that sounded as if he wanted to get into my pants, which would not happen because I didn't deal with people that tried to be something that they were not. For example, the walking and talking Barbie, who kindly showed me how a public school could make a person feel like shit. "And, I again, highly doubt that. I don't do fakes or people who deal with fakes." I turned towards the front and went to check out my book.

"I didn't catch your name."

I turned around to see that he was still where I had left him. His face had this look of shock, as if he was surprised that I didn't fall for him. "The name in which I won't speak. You'll have to figure it out yourself." I turned back around and left him there with an opened mouth. "Loser," I muttered under my breath while I rolled my eyes. I bit my lip and sighed, again, wishing that my twin brother was here with me. Then he would be the one that made sure to keep me in line.

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