Chapter 15 (Edited)

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Barbie huffed and walked, well stalked away, tossing the reins to my brother. She didn't say another word until she turned around and pointed a finger at me. "You will die," she warned. "I will kill you myself if I have to." After that, she stalked away.

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow amused. Did she think that I would be scared of the threat of her killing me? Ha! I had bigger fish to worry about, and they did not entitle to a seventeen-year-old girl that hates my guts.

"Well... that was interesting," Kent said. "So, do you want to go practice now?"

"I'll take care of the horses, Adds," Mark said. "I was the one that had gotten us to ride."

I nodded my head, grateful that my brother would take care of them. "Let me get the horse stench off, and I'll meet you at the training room."

Kent smirked. "How about no," he said. "You have to come like that and no shower."

"And I'm guessing no change of clothes?" I asked, huffing. I hated wearing jeans with a passion when I was training.

Kent smiled innocently. "Yes," he said. "You will have to wear those jeans. Now, come on, let's get this show on the road."

I groaned and followed him. "Do I have to?" I asked, acting like a child.

My brother just laughed while we walked away, causing me to flick him the bird. "I love you too, Lil Sis," he teased.

"I am older than you," I said. "Don't give me anything about this 'Lil' business."

"Well, you are," Kent said, rubbing his hand across the top of my head. "Oof," he groaned when I slugged him in the gut. "You do have power for a lit- Ok, I get it. Don't slug me in the gut, please." He held up his hand in defense. "I won't call you little."

I scoffed and smirked. "Good," I replied. "Now prepare to get your ass whooped by a female."

Kent groaned before joining me in the laughter that I had started.


The next morning, I couldn't help but feel restless. I didn't know what was going to happen, but I knew that it was something bad. I had to go through my collection of knives and guns before I went to school to control the restlessness that I had been feeling.

And sure, when I got to school, it got worse, and I mean really worse.

People stared at me and started to whisper stuff like 'person killer' and 'jail bait'.

Finally, I came across Poppy, looking smug as ever and handed me her phone. "What is this about?" she asked, tersely. "I mean, I just wanted to see if I can't get to the bottom of it."

I blinked and stared at the screen in front of me. It showed me fencing with Kent and kicking his butt. The title read 'Girl Kills Guy Over Girl', and it looked to have over a million views and comments.

One comment struck out to me, and that was the one that said 'found you' in Russian language.

My face paled and I looked up at her. "What have you done?"  

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