Chapter 17 (Edited)

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My brother had been adamant about me to change my mind on the fact that I was going to do this alone. He had said that there was another way to do things, that made sure that both of us would be able to make it alive.

I had refused, stating that it would take too much time to come up with another way or a plan. I had told him that it might cost them their lives if we did wait. I had already found their location, and I knew that I didn't have time to sit around and wait for people to show up.

Marcus knew what I meant, so with a disgruntled huff and a huge hug, he let me go. However, it didn't come out with a warning of if I died, he'd resurrect me and then kill me himself.

I just pointed out that I was too sexy to die, which lead to Kent agree with me.

Speaking of Kent, before he had taken off with my family, he pulled me aside to say that he wanted to speak to me. When I was about to ask him what he wanted, he just swooped in and kissed me on the lips.

I shook my head on what had played out in the past thirty minutes, still feeling the kiss on my lips. I looked myself in the mirror, and instead of seeing the black hair and gray eyes I was trying to get used to and my real blonde hair and brown eyes.

It was weird, looking in the mirror with a face that was mine but wasn't mine at the same time.

Sure, my face was the same heart-shaped that I had been born with, but I saw the imperfections that had I had to cover up with makeup.

Small scars crisscrossed my face, the most noticeable one was the one underneath my left eye. Freckles crisscrossed my nose and underneath my chin. A beauty mark was on my jaw that some people like to look at, even though it had faded with age.

"Enough studying," I scowled myself, going into my closet. "I need to get ready and get going. I don't think they have a lot of time left."

I, quickly, pulled on my clothes which consisted of black jeans and a black shirt that I tucked into the shirt. Over the shirt, I placed a safety vest and then a leather jacket over that. On my feet, I placed a pair of knee-length boots that had places for my knives.

I strapped a belt onto my waist and placed some gloves on my hands.

After that, I made sure that I had a couple of weapons hidden around my body before pulling my hair into a ponytail.

A screeching sound broke me from making sure that I had everything and made me rush towards the laptop on my desk. I checked my screen and my mouth dropped open. "What the hell?" I muttered, seeing a sleek black car in my drive.

A familiar figure was getting out of it, and I couldn't help but feel anger towards this said person. Two brown eyes, looking exactly like mine, took a deep look around as if he was studying the place that I had called my home for a couple of weeks, maybe even a month.

Anger filled my body while I silenced the alarm before making my way towards the front of the house. He better had a fucking good reason as to why he was back now and not when I needed him the most.


I opened the door to the house, just as the male was about to knock. I shoved him back and slammed the door shut before starting to walk towards the place where I hid my motorbike.

"Ca-" the male started before I turned around and glared at him, silencing him with a glare.

"It's Delta Lamar to you, Beta," I hissed, narrowing my eyes. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth, trying to make sure that I didn't punch the male. "Why the hell are you showing up now and not when I needed you the most?"

My father looked down and sighed. "It's Alpha now," he said. He looked up to see that I just quirked my eyebrow and didn't say anything else. "You remember how in The Princess Bride the name Dread Pirate Roberts was pass from person to person?"

I frowned and nodded. I knew what he meant, but that didn't mean that my father was...

Dad nodded his head, a smile appearing on his face. "Yes," he said, confirming my suspicion. "I'm Rener, and I have been keeping an eye on you, my wife, your sisters, and your brother." He moved a hand through his hair and grimaced, reminding me of my younger brother. "Someone told people that I was to be the next Alpha. That is why I had to fake my death. I-I just didn't realize that they would try to attack you four, you especially."

"Well, they did," I replied, sarcastically. "And now, your two youngest daughters are kidnapped by them, and I have to go and clean up your mess."

"And I'm comi-"

"No," I interrupted him. I ignored the glare that he sent me, not bothered by it. "You are the Alpha now. Your jobs are to give out the orders and everything like that."

"And since you are still a Delta, you have to listen to me."

I shook my head. "Ya, not going to happen," I said, folding arm arms across my chest. "My sisters are taken, and I am going to kick some Russian ass who had thought that they could get away with it."

"And, I am going to take you there and help. Like you said, this is my mess that has caused to be in danger." He glanced on his watch. "And your bike won't be fast enough to get there."

I huffed and moved towards the car. I didn't say a word, knowing that he was right. "Fine, you are driving." With that, I climbed into the car and sat down in the passenger seat, frowning.

Man, that was one way to change my life.  

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