Chapter 13 (Edited)

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There was a knock on my door before it opened to reveal a shirtless brother. His eyes were filled with mischievous as he saw me, Van, and Bay in the same bed. "Ooh," he squealed, sounding like a girl. "Are we like having a sleepover?!" He kept the same voice while clapping his hands together, causing the twins to giggle. He yelped when Van threw a pillow at him, dodging it. "Ho- oof."

I busted out laughing because I had hit him with a pillow when he was talking, hitting him directly in the face. "No boys allowed," I said, grabbing another pillow to throw it at him. "So leave."

Mark held his hands up in defeat. "All right, I will not spend the night," he said. "However, I do want to hear your plans, Adds. Something tells me that you will be trying to do this by yourself." He looked me up and down, and I could see the worry in his eyes because I knew that he thought I would die. "Oof."

I raised an eyebrow after I threw the pillow and him glaring at me. "I don't know yet," I replied, honestly. "All I know is that I want to get our "normal" lives back." I caught the pillow that he threw at me, causing him to scoff and roll his eyes.

Van moved closer to me and wrapped her arms around me. "I don't think it'll be normal," she whispered. "We are who we are, and it's not going to change."

I grabbed hold of her and pulled her into a hug. "I know," I whispered. "It doesn't help that I want it to." I kissed her forehead, causing her to smile. I laid down causing her to giggle and pulled the twins closer to me.

Mark closed the door and clambered into the bed and all four of us laid there. His arm was around Bay, and I used his shoulder as my pillow. "We'll still be together," he said. "We are a family."

I nodded my head, glad that my brother was there. "I know," I said. I smiled when he kissed my forehead, closing my eyes.

"Hey, Add?" Van asked, poking my side. "Can you tell me some stores about Daddy?" she asked after I had hummed.

I sighed and squeezed her shoulder, pulling her close to me. A smile appeared on my lips when I thought about the male that I had called my father. "Mom and Dad were so in love with each other..." I began. And that was how I spent the first real night in the new house and new life, talking about the man that brought me so much love and pain during my young life.


For the next three weeks of this new life, I slipped into one that was fairly scheduled. This meant that in the morning, I took care of the four horses that we kept before going to school. At school, I did my classes and ate my lunch in the library. After school, I would practice with Kent doing some random stuff that he wanted me to do.

Sometimes, I would be talking to Rener, and I was getting annoyed with all the half-answers that he had given me. I knew that something was happening, but he wouldn't tell me what, and I didn't know if it would cause the life of my siblings or mother.

Unfortunately, Poppy and Lavender visit about every day, with Poppy flirting with my brother. My brother flirts right back, and it makes me gag almost every time.

Rose does visit sometime, and I liked her more than her older sisters. She was a good influence on my sisters, even though I had to make sure that my sisters would keep the secret. If they even made a small slip up, I would just interrupt them, getting confused looks from Rose and annoyed looks from the twins.

And between Kent and I, I don't know what happened... but I couldn't get him off of my mind. I mean, I did have a small crush on him when we were younger, and I think it was coming back full force the more that I spent time with him.

I shook my head and sighed, moving a hand through my hair. "Stop it, Adds," I scold myself while I shoveled horse poop. "You don't need to think like that." I leaned the pitchfork against the stall wall, hearing my brother laughing. "And speaking of the Devil," I grumbled, spying Poppy's hand on my brother's arm. I leaned against the stall door and raised an eyebrow when I saw Poppy dressed up in "cowgirl" clothes.

Mark grinned when he spotted me. A look of love passed through his eyes, and I knew that he cared about me even with the female on his arms. "How are the stalls today?" he asked, placing his hand over hers.

I made a disgruntled sound in the back of my throat, not happy that he seemed happy with the She-Witch. "All right," I replied. "What are ya'll going to do?"

"I'm taking Poppy out for a ride," Mark replied.

"We would ask if you would like to join, but you are kind of..." Poppy looked me up and down, sneering. "...busy."

I gritted my teeth and thought about different ways that I could take out her tongue if she didn't hold it. "Let her have Bartie," I said, talking about the sluggish old mare that had been my father's.

Poppy scoffed. "I have ridden before," she said. "Thank you very much."

I smirked, knowing that she would say that. "All right, Mark can have Bartie..." I gave him a pointed look when he opened his mouth to interject. "...and you can have Reno."

Reno was my seven-year-old fiery, hard-headed, piece of work, gelding. He was as stubborn as he came, and the only person that he really listened to was me.

My brother used to joke that the only reason why Reno can only stand me was that I had saved his life. If I hadn't then Reno wouldn't even listen to me and would probably be hurting someone else.

Poppy gulped, probably remembering the time when I rode him and he kept bucking, trying to get me off. "Uh... sure ya. I'll ride him." She looked scared, and I almost pitied the girl. "I'm sure that I'll be better at riding him than you," she added, stopping my pity.

"Ride near the creek," I told Mark before turning around and grabbing the pitchfork. I started working again, this time ignoring the complaints coming from Poppy.

I really hoped that Reno will dump her into the creek and kick some mud at her. She really deserves it.  

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