Chapter 58- Sound Familiar

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Screams rang out and the distant sound of shattering glass was accompanied with the on going gun shots. I knew this situation all to well. Yet I wasn't over come with fear when this happened. Most would be at least somewhat scared as they were exposed to open gun fire, but I was calm.

But even though I wasn't scared, I reacted quickly. Lillian gave me a look to confirm that we were thinking the same thing; get to the corner and duck down.

"What do we do?" She said as we huddled in the corner. Before I could answer her question, although the answer was I don't know, the gun shots stopped. I wasn't sure why they had stopped but I had an idea and I didn't like that idea one bit.

Something inside me said that I should stay down but I could find it in my self to just sit there and wait. I grasped Lilly's hand and stood up slowly. Cautiously walking around the terrified nurses, patients, and even orderlies, Lillian and I made our way to the center of the room.

I stood still, my best friend beside me terrified beyond reason, and I waited. I waited for it because I knew it was coming. And when it came, I counted it off in my head.







The beeps stopped but knew it was coming. That last solid blare. The beep that would end it all. And I finally came after the few seconds that felt like an eternity.

Then the low deep rumble came and the crackling and shaking of the building. I looked down and saw exactly what the dream had said. I watched as the ground cracked beneath my feet. Lillian looked up at me in terror.

If I had had the time, I would have read her mind. I think she knew what was happening. I knew. I knew that the building....

I knew Damian had just set off a bomb, and was blowing up the building.

The moments that I was sent down tumbling with the rubble are hazy and I sadly don't
remember exactly what it was like to be going down in the cascade of the walls and floors of the hospital. But I do, however, remember opening my eyes, blinking out the dust and dirt but becoming fully alert when I heard a cracking noise fill me ears.


I felt something on my arm and looked over to see my shirt sleeve in flames. I tried to pat it out but I had already received an oh so convenient burn on my forearm. How pleasant. I began to stand up quickly and search for Lillian.

My legs hurt and my head was pounding and the smoke and dusty debris didn't help. As soon as got to my knees, I felt something against my head.

Sound familiar?

"Do it Damian. You finally got the nerve to reduce this place to rubble, and I am the last thing standing in your way. I am the only thing that can stop you so just do it; pull the trigger." I said. I hadn't seen his face but I knew it was him. He had the gun to my forehead.

Sound familiar?

I felt the gun shaking. He was nervous.

I wanted to read his mind but the more I wanted to, the more my whole body said, don't do it.

"You can't sit there and threaten him." I heard a familiar voice say. "And you can't threaten Katrina. She isn't afraid of you but you are afraid of her because she is the only thing that can stop you. So you can either pull that trigger or you can wait and pull it later. We all know you will do it eventually. She means to much to you for you to keep her alive."

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