Chapter 40- Dreams Make Nothing Better

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Authors note-

Hey you all sorry for the huge cliff hanger.... I wanted to say thank you to each person who reads my book. I put a lot of time into it and hope you all enjoy! Please vote and comment!!!! Also I wanted to ask you guys to go read the books written by one of my greatest friend Brinleigh Bailey (ShesWithout) and I also wanted to say that you should check out my friend GodsGirlsbb! She is writing a really good book currently and you should check her out! Okay here comes what you have been waiting for!!! Enjoy.

"Oh my..." My jaw was dropped and I wanted to scream but couldn't. Instead I did the stupidest thing anyone could do. I said nothing and closed Rickey's door then ran to him. His gaze was glued to the wall and I turned to see what he was looking at.

You can't save her, was written on the wall in blood. I looked back to Rickey and blocked his view of the wall with my faze. I could see him slipping out of consciousness from blood loss. I took of my shirt, leaving me in a tank and tore it in half. How, I don't know but I did and then tied them around the cuts that were oozing dark red blood from his wrists.

"Rickey," I said. He seemed to recognize that I said something and looked me in the eyes. "Rickey, say something. Anything," I asked desperately. He choked on the words that came out of his mouth but I could make to out.

This was an intense site for me. I had seen my best friend deep in a creek but it was different to see my new best friend bleeding out in a room on the top floor of an asylum. I was almost crying in pain, scared for him.

"I... Couldn't... I... Couldn't save... Her.." He snapped out of his daze and gazed directly into my eyes," I just couldn't... I couldn't save her... I tired so hard." He was crying now and saying," I tried but I couldn't... I couldn't..." Over and over.

I put my hands on his shoulders and sat in front of him on the ground, not caring that I was sitting in a puddle of blood. "It is okay. Don't worry, just tell me what happened."

Rickey let out a few sobs and then began speaking," She and I were running and it was dark. I let go of her hand for barely three seconds and he grabbed her. I tried to get her but he had a gun to her head and said he'd shoot. Then he said that her fate was inevitable and that I couldn't do anything to help her. And then..." He spit out a few sobs again.

"Then she tried to squirm and he cut her. She was bleeding and then people came so he dropped her and ran and she laid there and I tried to help her but I couldn't and I tried I really did but I just watched her... I just watched her... It was aweful." Now he looked in my eyes, tears pouring and lip quivering.

I felt this need to put my hands over his cuts and could resist the urge I felt so I looked my fingers around Rickey's bleeding wrists and took a deep breath. I felt something inside me drain, like I was having the life sucked out of me but I watched what happened.

I saw blood on the ground and on me slowly move back into Rickey's cuts and once that happened, I saw one small cut that wasn't covered close up.

I released his arms and slumped down, limp and tired. Rocked got his color back but I could sense that mine was gone. It became a burden to keep breathing, like the tiredness I felt was crushing my lungs.

Rickey grabbed me before I collapsed backward and laid me down gently. "Breath, Kay. Just keep breathing, you used all of your energy to keep me alive. Keep breathing and it will wear off. I promise." My eyes closed and my legs went numb.

It dint feel like it would wear off. I felt like dying. But while I was still being trapped by this pain, I heard Rickey whisper something that I probably shouldn't have heard.

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